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Impulsive buying is a kind of popular consuming behavior in daily life. From1950s,thought various researches in this field, researchers set up theoretical frameworks ofimpulsive buying. When the21st century came, marketing environment and business modelhave been changed greatly, by internationalization and electronization, providing anexpansive chance for the study of impulsive buying.
     Confronting factors like customers, rivals, cooperators, politic and social economic, anenterprise, affected by the new business model, will also suffer challenges, even though infront of it there are potentialities and chances. So it turns out to be a question, concerned byboth companies and academia, that can we increase marketing performance thoughtmotivating customers`impulsive buying, with our understanding on how different culturalvalue affect our customers.However, seldom scholars have studied impulsive buying throughcustomers`mental factors and different cultural backgrounds, which mean we still have a longway to go.
     Basing on impulsive buyingtheory, mental account theory, self-control theory andcultural value Theory, this study reviewed previous researches and analyzed their theoreticalcontribution and faults. Furthermore, this study propose security requirement of mentalaccount, sense of relationship, as a complement to mental account theory and Hofstedecultural dimensions. Study models have been made and there are6scales in5languages,collecting data from26countries all around the world, to support this study of impulsivebuying under different cultures.
     The result shows that, first of all, cultural value can promote security requirement ofmental account obviously and restrain impulsive buying with self-controlling. Secondly,comparing with western culture, eastern people will be more impressionable to securityrequirement of mental account in their culture, but when it comes to self-controlling, botheastern and western cultures are almost the same. Thirdly, higher levels in securityrequirement of mental account presents lower levels in impulsive buying, and vice versa.Finally, while the new business mode—Internet is playing a more important role in botheastern and western cultures, cultural value also has impact on impulsive buying, especially ineastern culture. Meanwhile, this mode will be promoted more easily in western culture andoccur higher impulsive buying intention.
     Enriching and improving impulsive buyingtheory, mental account theory and culturalvalue theory, this theme made an explorative attempt, basing on international comparison research of management and electronic business theory, to provide ideas and directions for afurther study and references for enterprises.
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