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     再次,对于X波声场的仿真计算,论文分别介绍了声场计算的线性理论和基于该理论的声场仿真软件Field II。Field II目前为医学超声领域应用最为广泛、影响最大的仿真软件,但是它并不能直接用来对圆环传感器进行声场仿真计算。传感器声场的分布主要由其激励信号和空间脉冲响应所决定,本论文对空间脉冲响应的理论进行分析和推导,提出一种专门针对圆环形传感器的空间脉冲响应计算的算法,并基于该算法计算的空间脉冲响应结果完成了整个探头声场分布的仿真计算。为了比较不同算法的拟合效果,本文从不同角度来设计声场仿真实验。实验结果表明无论是从轴向距离还是径向距离的角度进行考察,采用多个矩形波和三角波叠加拟合的激励信号所产生的声场结果与理论值是最接近的,证明了本文方案的优越性。
     最后,使用直接数字频率合成(Direct Digital Synthesizer,DDS)技术构造X波激励信号发生器,由多个三角波和矩形波叠加产生X波的激励信号,并从系统硬件和软件两个方面探讨了信号发生器的产生过程。信号发生器的系统硬件主要采用现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable GateArray,FPGA)芯片实现,可获得频率、幅值可调的函数波形输出,系统软件通过对每个输入的矩形波和三角波幅值、时间进行量化和采样等操作实现多个三角波和矩形波的叠加。在硬件系统中增加矩形波和三角波个数只需要增加D/A转换器的个数,因此所增加的成本不高,但能有效地提高了拟合结果精度。
     本文通过对X波为代表的非衍射波的深入研究,使用矩形波和三角波的组合拟合复杂的激励信号,并根据拟合激励信号得到的声场仿真结果证明该方法的正确性;通过构造X波的激励信号发生器,从硬件上讨论该算法在实际应用中的可行性,并证明该技术能有效降低实现非衍射波的硬件成本,为将非衍射波引入超声成像,为医学高帧率成像(High Frame Rate,HFR)系统的商业应用奠定了基础。
Medical ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical medical diagnosis because ofits advantages such as real-time imaging, non-invasive, no radiation and low cost etc. Thetraditional ultrasonic imaging utilizes dynamic-focusing to improve the quality of image;however both emitting-focusing and receiving-focusing can only be focused in a smallarea. Therefore, it requires multi-emitting and receiving focusing which greatly reducesthe frame rate of imaging. Limited diffracting waves are a kind of special ultrasonic wavewhich can curb energy in limited space and/or period time. Theoretically, it can propagateto an infinite distance in theory; experiment showed that they have a large depth of fieldeven produced with finite aperture and energy. The natural focus characteristic of Limiteddiffracting waves means they can avoid the multi-focusing of traditional ultrasound, whichgreatly increase the speed of imaging and frame rate. Theoretically, the high frame rateimaging system based on limited diffracting waves can be as high as3750frames persecond.
     The dissertation studies on the theory characteristics of X-wave which is consideredas the most typical kind of limited diffracting waves,in order to employ limited diffractingwaves theory into practice application. The generation of X-wave ultrasonic fields needs acomplex and expensive technology. In order to decrease the high cost, a new approach wasproposed by approximating the excitation driving pulse with rectangular or triangulardriving pulse and chose the pulses according to the optimization result from L2curvecriterion. The advantages of this method include simple, efficient and reducing thecomplexity of hardware implementation. The main challenge of the method is to increasethe accuracy of X-wave approximation.
     Secondly, in order to increase the accuracy of fitting driving signal,a new methodcalled multiple simple driving fitting (MSDF) is proposed, which is based on the approximation of emitting signal on a ring. It uses a combination of multiple rectangularand triangle to produce the original signal. The parameters of each simple driving waveare determined through genetic algorithm. Simulation results showed that our method cangreatly improve the precision of fitting and establishe a solid foundation for commercialapplication of the technology.
     Thirdly, acoustic field simulation is an important step to valid the feasibility of thealgorithm. The disseration introduced the theory of linear acoustic system and simulationsoftware-Field II. Field II is the most widely used field simulation software in ultrasonicsociety. However, it cannot be directly used in X-wave simulation for the complexity oftraducer combination. To solve this problem, an algorithm to calculate acoustic fieldaccording to the linear system theory is developped. The field pressure can be computedby the convolution between the driving velocity and spatial impulse response between thefield point and transducer. In the simulation, the MSDF method with others methods werecompared,simulation results showed that the MSDF is closest to theoretical values invarious aspects and suitable for its application.
     Finally, a signal generator of X-wave driving pulse based on the principle of DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer) technology were designed,and the signal generator produceprocesses from the aspect of hardware and software were discussed. Hardware systembased on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip mainly realizes the frequency,amplitude adjustable function waveform output. Software system combines themulti-signals by adjusting time and amplitude of different rectangular and triangle drivingpulse. Analysis shows that the increasing of numbers of simple driving waves caneffectively enhance the fitting precision of the results. That means the hardware systemonly need to increase the number of D/A converter which is not expensive to improve theperformance.
     In conclusion, in this work we focused on the theory, simulation, and implementationof X-wave which is considered as most prospective high frame imaging technology. The author proposes an algorithm to simply the implementation of X-wave by using simplewaves to fit the original complex excitation signal,and it can greatly reduce the cost ofgenerating limited diffracting waves. In order to verify the feasibility of the new algorithm,we designed a new the sound field calculation method based on spatial impulse response.The new simulation algorithm can be used to calculate the annular sensor array acousticfield simulation. Further, this dissertation studies the hardware implementation ofultrasonic system which be expected generate the real X-wave emitting signal by usingDDS technology. All above works lay a valuable theoretical and practical foundation forthe future application of limited diffracting waves used in high frame rate imagingultrasound system.
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