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Economics, finance and culture that are interwoven and integrated together have a great influence on the development of world economics. Cultural economics is a remarkable feather of today's world.
     Although the culture management and its model research and practice have a long history, all of this research and practice only focused on cultural management or management mode itself most of the time. To this day, the economics, finance, culture and strategic management have not been integrated together well and did not explore the new mode of commercial bank culture management to enhance the strategic competitiveness. The2008international financial crisis fully exposed the narrow individualism values, neoliberalism, and the absence of honesty culture and consumer culture overdraft. And it also fully exposed serious drawbacks of advocating radical, risky and greedy Wall Street culture. The crisis has also shown that we must pay more attention to financial culture's advantage status and role, effectively strengthen the culture management of commercial bank and explore the mode of commercial bank culture management based on the strategic competitiveness. This is also the practical demand of promoting strategic competitiveness of commercial bank.
     The research explored the connotation, dimensions and essential feature of strategic competitiveness of commercial bank, based on the interpretation of strategic management, cultural management theory, enterprise culture and strategy and competitiveness peculiar of commercial bank. It proposed that strategic competitiveness of commercial bank is composed of system, technology, management and cultural dimensions. The culture and system is the driving force of technical and management dimensions. Cultural innovation led to the innovation of system, technology and management. From this it built the model of strategic competitiveness of commercial bank and the model of cultural management of commercial bank based on the strategic competitiveness. The combination of theoretical analysis and model builds exposed the internal connection and interactional mechanism of enterprise culture, cultural management, bank strategy, strategic competitiveness and strategic performance of commercial bank. That is, the valid match of enterprise culture of commercial bank and bank strategy worked together on the impact mechanism of strategic competitiveness of commercial bank. It is the root of forming and promoting the strategic competitiveness of commercial bank. Strengthen the cultural management of commercial bank, build excellent enterprise culture and promote the impact mechanism of strategic performance effectively. Strengthen strategic human resource management, push the formulation, implement and control of excellent bank strategy and continue promoting the impact mechanism of strategic performance.
     Based on that, the research proposed the management mode of the trinity of culture, human and strategy called CHS management mode and resolved the features, fundamental goals and practical implication of this mode. It has used structural equation model and data analysis through the state-owned commercial banks, stock commercial banks, city commercial banks, postal saving banks and rural commercial banks of Beijing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hebei, Jiangsu, Qingdao, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shanxi, Shanghai,Sichuan, Tianjin, Zhejiang and ChongqingTibet about17provinces and cities questionnaires which could further verify the feasibility and performance of CHS management mode.
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