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    ① 电子商务转型的外部环境评价。转型策略形成的理论基础其实就是传统零售企业的外部环境评价,从市场机会出发,从基于模糊聚类的外部环境分析Ⅰ——影响速度评价和基于扩散理论的外部环境分析Ⅱ——影响程度评价,这两个维度来评价传统零售企业电子商务转型的外部环境,从而形成电子商务转型策略集合。
    ② 电子商务转型的内部资源分析。将电子商务转型策略选择的内部资源分析界定在企业知识观上;基于知识观,采用基于模糊一致性的层次分析法评价零售企业知识存量;同时,结合现有的研究成果,考察零售企业的信息化程度,采用主成分因素分析法确定信息化评价指标体系的权重,最后完成基于知识观的零售企业层次。
    ③ 策略选择模型。采用Hotelling空间差异模型,结合博弈论分析,阐述了并定义电子商务转型的两阶段——顾客导向型电子商务转型和协同式电子商务转型,分析了两者的本质差异,形成两阶段各自的电子商务转型策略选择模型。
    ④ 策略选择模型的实现方法。采用前向人工神经网络(BPANN)实现策略选择模型,主要分析BPANN原始数据处理问题——指标体系可靠性,在Matlab6.0环境下分析BPANN的算法和泛化能力。
E-commence has been impacting on the traditional retail enterprise. With our country joined in WTO, it is more and more important for our traditional retail enterprise to implement E-commence transformation with different extent. However, the process of E-commerce transformation goes with high risk. Fist of all, one of key problem is the choice of time and mode. So, study on E-commence transformation static has great meaning in theory research and practice.
    In fact, the EC theory is based on kinds of management theory, such as, integrating information from market by EC is the research field of marketing, integrating information from supply chain is the research field of supply chain management, and this paper so on. The cases in this paper are analyzed through Matlab6.0 and SPSS. The field of study is listed as follows:
    ① External environmental analysis of traditional retail enterprise; Based on the opportunity of market, this paper put forward the muster of EC-transform tactic that is made up of the influence velocity based on applying the fuzzy analysis of kind gathering of object selection in compatibility of online selling products and the influence depth based on forecasting model of new product market diffusion.
    ② Internal resource analysis of traditional retail enterprise; Retail enterprises are divided into three hierarchies from the knowledge theory, which are distinguished by the indexes of deposited knowledge with applying AHP and the indexes of the extent of information with applying the principal components analysis.
    ③ The model of tactic selection; With applying the Hotelling model and game theory, this paper puts forward the two steps model in the process of EC-transform and the model of tactic selection in each step.
    ④ With applying BPANN, the model of tactic selection can be put in practice. The key problem of applying BPANN is efficiency of arithmetic, which is solved by comparing efficiency of arithmetic in different arithmetic.
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