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Justice is very important in business administration, for promoting the fairness of business administration can create a harmonious environment of an enterprise, strengthen employee's sense, excite the employee's working enthusiasm, as well as heighten working satisfaction. Employee’s justice value is a conception system that can influence and dicide employees to recognize and evaluate and behavior towards justice. Employee’s justice value exert an influence on employee's understanding and appraisal of enterprise's fairness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to employee’s justice value and do further investigation to improve enterprise's human resources management.
     With the main research purpose of eliciting the contents and characteristics of employee’s justice value as well as its management measures, this thesis took an empirical investigation in enterprises through approaches as the analysis of documents, questionnaire investigation, individual interviews, etc., on the basis of domestic and international relevant research documents. The research objects were mainly on-the-job employees in state-owned enterprises and the enterprises run by the local people, and the contents were divided into six main part, including employee's justice cognition, justice attribution, justice value sense , justice needs , frustration reaction of justice , and the measures of justice. The investigation results show that in general, employees considered business administration was relatively unfair, and the main reason of unfairness lied in enterprise's system factors. The employee generally thought a lot of justice, but would not consider the fair question in the first place at work. What the employees valued most were the result justice, and then the procedure justice. They rifely hold a distribution justice value with reasonable income gaps. The employee relatively agreed to take the positive measure to regain the justice while meeting unfairness, and had higher expectations on the measures taken by organization to improve the justice state. Besides, this research carried on categorized comparative analysis to the employee's justice value, which put forward the different justice value of different sex, ages, academic credentials, enterprise's nature and different working natures. The results had offered basis to organizations to take further pertinent control measures.
     Based on the reasons of employee’s justice value difference, and management
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