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     篇章语言学运用诸如理论语言学、社会学、心理学、人类学、哲学研究中各种有关的原则,建立自己的理论与方法。它所汲取的诸理论原则都有一个共同点,即着眼于使用中的语言,研究人们如何运用真实的语言而不是人为杜撰的句子。正因为如此,篇章语言学理论一出现立即引起了语言教学界的兴趣,因为语言教学者在设计教学材料时,在培养学习者熟悉运用目的语进行操练和活动时,以及在决定某一现成材料是否适于教学时,首先考虑的就是人们如何运用实际语言的问题(McCarthy, 2002:1)。
     本篇论文的研究就是为了满足中国大学英语教学的实际需要,从大量的篇章语言学理论成果中选取对教学有所帮助的基本理论进行介绍并探讨其在教学中如何应用,启发教学者对一些理论观点做出批评性评价,从而加深理解理论与方法的结合方式与结合点,指导教学。因此,从操作性和系统性出发,本篇论文选取了与de Beaugrande和Dressler的《篇章语言学入门》(1981)中提到的篇章性的七个标准相关的理论作为理论基础。de Beaugrande和Dressler (1981)对篇章下了比较严格的定义并做了深入的研究。他们认为,“篇章应定义为满足七个组篇标准的交际事件。若其中任何一个标准没有得到满足,该‘篇章’就不具备交际性。”de Beaugrande和Dressler提出的篇章性的七个标准是:一是衔接,指篇章表层成分即我们看到的实际词汇在一个序列中互相连接的方式;二是连贯,指篇章事件的成分即支撑表层篇章的概念与关系结构互相影响互相关联的方式;三是意图性,指一连串事件应构成一个衔接、连贯的篇章以体现作者的意图;四是可接受性,指一连串事件应构成一个对篇章接受者有用或与接受者相关的衔接、连贯的篇章;五是信息性,指所呈现出的篇章中的事件在期望之中还是期望之外,是已知的还是未知的程度;六是情景性,指使篇章与事件情景相关的因素;七是互文性,指对一个篇章的理解要依赖与对先前遇到过的一些篇章的认知和认识(de Beaugrande and Dressler, 1981:3-10)。
In 2004, the Ministry of Education made a new Requirements for College English Teaching whose standards for learner’s competence are much higher than those in College English Teaching Syllabus. Its essence rests on the development of communicative competence. Under this situation, the importance of teacher-training is increasing.
     Compared with the characteristics of five teaching approaches related to college English teaching in Chinese context , namely, the Grammar-translation approach, the Direct approach, the Situational approach, the Audio-lingual approach, and the Communicative approach, the Text-based approach has clear advantages over the other approaches in achieving the teaching and learning goal of improving the college students’communicative competence of English use.
     The main characteristics of the Text-based approach include: the Text-based approach rises from the theory of text linguistics; it is believed that the functions of language are often best understood in a text environment; the relationship between grammatical form and communicative function is central to a text view of language; all the five skills of language, namely, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating are of the same importance; the teacher is the instructor and the learners are the center of classroom activities.
     Text linguistics focuses on language in use, in how real people use real language. Among many text linguistic theories, the thesis selects those related to the seven standards of textuality put forward by de Beaugrande and Dressler in their co-work Introduction to Text Linguistics in 1981. These theories are practical and systematic for college English teaching. The seven standards are cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality and intertextuality. For each standard, the theories related to it are introduced first and then come the implications of those theories for college English teaching with illustrations.
     It is firmly believed that further research in this field will be of theoretical and educational significance. We hope to stimulate thoughts on the Text-based approach and therefore to use the approach in teaching practice to help improve the learners’communicative competence and meet the Requirements for College English Teaching.
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