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The organizational model of the team and the problems deriving from it are the main factors that influence the persistent development of high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university. They are also unfavorable to the improvement of athletics level of CUBA. In order to analyze the feasibility and necessity of a new organizational model, the author visited many administrators of sports, proficient in sports field, entrepreneurs and investigated 55 basketball teams in Chinese college and university and 11 professional basketball teams of young men using the methods of document, questionnaire investigation, visiting and comparison o The author also combined theories such as the pedagogy of athletics, the management of sports, the industry of sports, the sociology of sports, the management of corporation and the sports of school. The advantages and disadvantages of high level basketball teams organized by education and sports system are formulated definitely based on the status quo, existent proble
    m and development direction. The combination of corporation and CUBA was surveyed, analyzed and predicted. The results are shown below.
    1. The organizational model of combining the education, sports and corporation is necessary to build high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university.
    The similar disadvantages of college and sports system are the simplicity of organizational model and the insufficiency of fund. While the corporations are forward to rinding better methods to survive the competitive times, especially the times that China incorporated into WTO. As the new opportunity to accelerate the development of economy, the education and sports are labeled "Sunrise Estate". It is reciprocal for them all if the education, sports and corporation combine together.
    2. The organizational model of combination the education, sports and corporation is feasible to build high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university.
    There are long collaborative histories and good basis between education and sports, between education and corporation, between sports and corporation. The law and policy supports and encourages their cooperation Sports dubs will be an important part in the college sports with the reformation reinforcement in college sports. The basketball clubs organised by the three sections will overcome the disadvantages completely and come up to the development of CUBA. It is also in line with the development direction of the sports in college and university.
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