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Generating a visually convincing image especially for those irregular fuzzy objects is one of the most challenging and difficult problems in computer graphics. For generating and rendering the realism and the real-time image of irregular fuzzy object in the virtual battlefield ,which is needed in "Real-time Image Generation and Displaying Technology for Simulation", the theory and algorithms of modeling and simulating irregular fuzzy objects are researched in this paper.
    The exiting model of irregular objects such as procedural texture-based model, fractal-based model, cellular automata-based model and particle system-based model are discussed. After comparing their theories and algorithms, their application area are given.
    This paper goes deeply into the basic theory of particle system. Based on similar relation of particles, the concept of similar particle is proposed, and a approach for subdivision is presented ,which can automatically simplify the dynamics computation of particle systems and improve simulation speeds.
    A parameterized fire model considering wind effects and the multiformity of virtual battlefield based on structured particle systems and the corresponding realization algorithm is presented to give convincing model of fire to satisfy the need of virtual battlefield.
    For the need of real-time , quickly rendering algorithm is studied. By using lower level detail, fewer particle number and simple particle for far scene and small scene, the rendering speed is improved. On the other hand ,using higher level detail, larger particle number and complicated particle to generate more clear near scene and large scene.
    hi order to satisfy the need of special effects for virtual battlefield, fractal theory is discussed in detail. After analyzing explosion phenomena and its changing procedure, a new model of isentropic explosive gas based on fractal method is proposed. In this model, iterated function system(IFS) and the isentropic expansion rule were introduced to describe its characteristics. Also the definition of explosive gas and the corresponding realization algorithm is given to show explosive gas.
    At last, a new fractal particle method of modeling for irregular fuzzy moving objets is presented, also its realization algorithm and corresponding results of real-time rendering are given. Specially, fractal particle based on iteration function system is introduced. By this approach, we can reduced the number of particles greatly. Moreover, we can achieve realistic dynamic images such as cloud, flame and explosion which have naturally fractal appearances.
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