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Compared with traditional GIS, three dimension visualization of
    geographical information based on WebGIS are cbaracterized by: l. Data
    share and varianty of resources; 2. The development, publish and execution
    of visual application on the distribution computing environment,using
    VRML and 3D Webpage Designing; 3. Browse of 3D Visaul GIS
    InfOrmation by common browser with 3D plug-in; 4. WebGIS 3D
    visualhation being important component parts of digital earth.
    In WebGIS system design, netWork data share and visualization scene
    design on thcoretical research and practicc, The author has:
    1. Put forward a WebGIS arcbitecture using Java/CORBA technoIogy and
    GIS metadata integration,after analysis several WebGIS implement
    2. Compared three main technologies of Distributed Component Model,
    concIuded that the Ja"a IDL is a flt method to dcveloping t1'ebGIS 3D
    ' visualhation appIication, and presented designing process.
    3. By analysing FGDC, lSOiTC21l etc famous metadata
    standard,pointed out than establishing GIS metadata system is a good
    approach to implementing WebGIS data share, and thus worbog out a
    water project metadata standard.
    4. Presented functional component and work principle of WcbGIS 3D
    5. Studied principle,method and development process of using rmL
    pIug-in standard to design WebGIS 3D visualization application and
    achieved ideaI resuIts in designing 3D landscape of water prOjecL
    6. Presented necessity, design process and functional 8nalysis of developing
    special browser pIug-iD fOr WebGIS 3D Visualisation.
    7. Presented an aIgorithm on the markS of geographical elementS on the
    grid DEM.
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    [URL5]资源与环境信息系统 国家重点 实验室http://www.lreis.ac.cn/index_c.html
    [URL10] 中国科学院 香港中文大学 地球信息科学联合实验室http://www.jlgis.cuhk.edu.hk/
    [URL11] 富融科技有限公司,http://www.superfull.com/
    [URL12] Intergraph中国公司,http://www.intergraph.com/china/
    [URL13] MapInfo中国公司,http://www.mapinfo.com.cn
    [URL14] VRML的常见8问题,http://www.oki.com/vrml/VRML_FAQ.html
    [URL15] VRML协会的网址,http://www.vrml.org
    [URL16] SGI公司有关VRML的专业站点,http://vrml.sgi.com/
    [URL17] 原始的VRML论坛,http://vag.vrml.org/www-vrml/
    [URL18] 下载Cosmo Player 2.0,它支持IE和Netscape,是应用最广泛的浏览器,http://cosmosoftware.com,
    [URL19] VRML 2.0的浏览器,http://www.microsoft.com/vrml
    [URL20] 下载Live3D, http://www.netscape.com
    [URL21] 下载WIRL2.0,http://www.vream.com/3dll.html
    [URL22] VRML的模型仓库,http://www.tcp.ca/gsb/VRML/vrml-modelshop.html
    [URL23] 虚拟境界,http://www.geometrie.tuwien.ac.at/virtual.gallery/vrml
    [URL24] VRML应用和范例,http://ovrt.nist.gov
    [URL25] Tiger Mapping Service:http://tiger.census.gov/
    [URL26] Virtual Tourist:http://www.vtourist.com/
    [URL27] MapInfo ProServer,http://www.mapinfo.com/
    [URL28] GeoMedia Web Map,http://www.intergraph.com/
    [URL29] ESRI Internet Map Server(IMS) for ArcView & MapObjects,http://www.esri.com/
    [URL30] MapGuide,http://www.autodesk.com/
    [URL31] ModelServer/Discovery,http://www.bently.com/
    [URL32] MapX Site,http://www.mapxsite.com/
    [URL33] NSDI MetaData and WWW Mapping Sites.htm,http://www, blm.gov/gis/nsdi.html
    [URL34] USGS National Clearing House,http://nsdi.usgs.gov/nsdi
    [URL35] FGDC METADATA Standard,http://www.fgdc.gov/fgdc.html
    [URL36] BLM's FGDC Metadata Standard Informix Relational Schema,
    [URL37] Compliant Metadata Examples, http://www.blm.gov/gis/meta/sample.html
    [URL38] ERIN spatial interface, http://www.erin.gov.au/cgi-bin/spatial_interface
    [URL39] NEONS Environmental Metadata Map Browser, http://helium.nrlmry.navy.mil/neons_home.html
    [URL40] Mapper, a new WWW prototype interface to geophysical data, http://sanger.med.virginia.edu/my-cgi-bin/mapper.py
    [URL41] Steve Putz' Xerox Map Viewer, http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/map
    [URL42] TIGER Map Browser, http://wings.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/mapbrowse
    [URL43] Interactive ARC-INFO, http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/pip/atlas.html
    [URL44] Arc Info .gra to .gif converter, ftp://ftp.blm.gOv/pub/gis/rtagif.tar.Z
    [URL45] EarthMap Map Server, http://www.earthmap.com/
    [URL46] GeoWEB Site, http://wings.buffalo.edu/geoweb
    [URL47] Build a Map Server, http://www.cs.usu.edu/students/GokulJanga/MapServer.html
    [URL48] BLM SQL FORMS for Metadata Searching, http://www.blm.gov/gis/search/dbsearch.html
    [URL49] USGS Digital Map Data and Indexes, ftp://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/
    [URL50] EPA Metadata, ftp://r8dglO.r08. epa.gov/home.html
    [URL51] National Wetlands Inventory, ftp://enterprise.nwi.fws.gov/metadata
    [URL52] NBS Metadata Standard Browser, http://www.its.nbs.gov/nbs/meta/meta.htm
    [URL53] US Bureau of Mines Metadata, http://sacing.mp.usbr.gov/
    [URL54] Arc Info Document.AML, ftp://redlands.esri.com/pub/atool/atool.tar.Z
    [URL55] FGDC Metadata Tool, http://geochange.er.usgs.gov/pub/tools/metadata/compiler/README.html
    [URL56] NOAA's FGDC Metadata Toolkit, http://www-orca.nos.noaa.gov/
    [URL57] Geolineus-metadata management system,
    [URL58] Penn State WEB-based GIS Information, http://www.gis.psu.edu/gisinfo.html
    [URL59] Geographic Search Engine, http://www.coresw.com/
    [URL60] National Virtual Realty SF Street Maps, http://www.homefmder.com/
    [URL61] web metadata search tool, http://www.geodesigns.com/gdi_sof.html
    [URL62] Capturing and using metadata, http://www.esri.com/resources/userconf/proc95/prochome.html
    [URL63] Geographic Resources Homepage, http://geog.hkbu.edu.hk/
    [URL64] Hot Java WWW Mapping, http://www.dis.anl.gov:8001/GIS/
    [URL65] Seeing the Earth in 3D Through Imaging Radar, http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/
    [URL66] LAUM WWW-GIS-Pages, http://www.bio-geo.uni-karlsruhe.de/
    [URL67] GIS WEB PAGES, http://www.io.com/-frank/gis.html
    [URL68] GEO Profile ready for review, ftp://h2o.er.usgs.gov/wais/docs/AppProfile_GEO.ps
    [URL69] Spatial Data Standard Templates, http://mr2. wes.army.mil/docs/sds.htm
    [URL70] GIS data browser using Shapefiles, http://www.gis.umn.edu/fornet/
    [URL71] How To Do WWW Mapping with Arcinfo, http://mnv.museum.state.il.us/l/exhibits/larson/loess_map.html
    [URL72] Metadata workshop and COVERAGE, http://www.oclc.org:5046/conferences/metadata/metadata.html
    [URL73] Java Mapping, http://storm.atmos.uiuc.edu/java/
    [URL74] Jshape, Java GIS, http://shuihlin.ml.org
    [URL75] PGS,Profession Geo System, http://www.pgs.nl/
    [URL76] GIS Online Paper , http://gis.igm.bo.cnr.it/paper.html
    [URL77] CIESIN, http://ciesin.org/
    [URL78] Global Land Info, http://sunl.cr.usgs.gov/glis/glis.html
    [URL79] A WORLD OF WORLDS VRML, http://cedar.cic.net/-rtilmann/mm/wow/index.htm

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