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栓孔菌属(Trametes)是一类广泛分布的木生真菌;该属建立于19世纪初,是多孔菌科中分类最为混乱的一个属。革孔菌(Coriolopsis)、俄氏孔菌(Earliella)、小层孔菌(Fomitella)、粗盖孔菌(Funalia)、蜂窝孔菌(Hexagonia)、褶孔菌(Lenzites)、红密孔菌(Pycnoporus)和口惠氏栓孔菌(Whitfordia)的种类在形态上和栓孔菌属真菌相似;系统发育研究表明褶孔菌和红密孔菌属真菌以及革孔菌属(Coriolopsis)的模式种-多带革孔菌(Coriolopsis polyzona)与栓孔菌形成一个大的分枝,因此被认定为栓孔菌的同物异名;革孔菌属的其他种类、俄氏孔菌、小层孔菌、粗盖孔菌、蜂窝孔菌属真菌种类在系统发育上明显与栓孔菌在不同的分枝。
     通过对中国栓孔菌及相关类群的研究发现,目前革孔菌(Coriolopsis)共有9个种,其中褐白革孔菌(Coriolopsis brunneoleuca)和软盖革孔菌(Coriolopsis byrsina)为中国新记录种,另有两个种未定名;俄氏孔菌(Earliella)仅有一个种;小层孔菌(Fomitella)除了中国新记录种Fomitella fumosipora外还发现一待定种;粗盖孔菌(Funalia)共有2个种及2个未知种;蜂窝孔菌(Hexagonia)中国有3个种,惠氏栓孔菌(Whitfordia)只有一个种,褶孔菌(Lenzites)和红密孔菌(Pycnoporus)均有3个种,然而系统发育研究表明这两个属应为栓孔菌(Trametes)的异名,因此都归为Trametes的勺种类。此外,研究还发现谦逊栓孔菌(Trametes modestα)实际为谦逊迷孔菌(Daedalea modesta)的异名,因此该种从栓孔菌属(Trametes)转到迷孔菌属(Daedalea)中。目前中国共发现栓孔菌31种和三个未定种。
     系统发育学研究结果发现栓孔菌及相关属种类在系统发育中聚类在core polyproid clade中,形成11个分枝。革孔菌(Coriolopsis)不是单系起源,形成了7个主要的分枝。分别为:模式种C. polyzona聚类到Trametes Clade中; Coriolopsis glabro-regens, C. sanguinaria, Trametes africanα形成一个分支,与Funalia关系较近;Coriolopsis aspera与Hfexagonia apiaria, H. hirta聚类在一起;Coriolopsis byrsina和C. strumosa形成2个独立分支;C. brunneoleuca, C. retropicta, C. cf caperata和(?)一个未知种形成一个分枝;C. hostmannii, C. taylorii, Trametes olivaceopora聚到同一分枝上。Funalia和(?)形成一个低支持率的分枝。Lenzites(?)(?)Pyconoporus聚类到Trametes Clade中,Pyconoporus形成一个独立的分枝,而Lenzites(?)勺种类则不聚类到同一个分支上。Earliella和Whitfodia形成2个独立分枝,与Fomes, Coriolopsis aspera, Hexagonia apiaria, H. hirta亲缘关系较近。Fomitella与Coriolosis hostmannii, C. taylorii, Trametes olivaceopora关系较近。
     栓孔菌属内各种共形成11个分枝。它们分别是:Clade I:包含模式种T. suaveolens,以及T. velutina, T. versicolor, T. subsuaveolens, T. ectypa, T. ochracea, T. thujae, T. junipericola, T. conchifer, T. hirsuta, T. pubescens, T. tephroleuca, T. villosa以及一个种未定种;Clade II:Trametes maxima; Clade III (Cyclomycetella):T. ellipsospora, T. pocas, T. pavonia, Lenzites vespacea以及一个种未定种;Clade IV (Lenzites):T. gibbosa, T. betulina, T. drummondii, T. membranacea; Clade V (Coriolopsis):T. polyzona, T. scocotrnana; Clade VI (Artolenzites):T. elegans; Clade VII:Trametes sp2; Clade VIII (Leiotrametes):T. lactinea, T. manilaensis, T. orientalis, T. cubescens, T. menziesii; Clade IX:(Pycnoporus):T. cinnabarinea, T. sanguinea, T. coccinea, T. punicea; Clade X:T. ljubarskyi, T. cingulata, T. mariana; Clade XI:Lenzites acuta, T. warnieri。
     综合形态学及系统发育学结果,栓孔菌及近缘属的分类研究的结论如下:迷孔菌(Daedalea)和拟层孔菌属(Fomitopsis)与栓孔菌(Trametes)及近缘属的区别是,前2个属造成造成木材褐色腐朽,而栓孔菌(Trametes)及近缘属造成木材白色腐朽;菌丝三体系可以区分栓孔菌及近缘属与菌丝二体系的异薄孔菌(Datronia)。子实体褐色可以作为区分Trametes与其他属种类的主要特征,但不能作为其他几个属种类之间的划分特征;骨架菌丝和缠绕菌丝是否有拟糊精反应可以作一个重要的种间特征;子实体(菌肉)红色不能作为Pyconoporus与Trametes的区别,因此前者被认为是Trametes的异名;孔口褶状不能作为Lenzites与Trametes的区别,因止(?)Lenzites属被认为是后者的异名;子实体的形态,比如子实体颜色、大小、厚薄、是否被绒毛、担孢子的形状等以及寄主、分布等特征在不同Trametes Clade(?)间有一定的一致性。
Trametes is a cosmopolitan genus of wood-inhabiting fungi. It was set up in the early19th century, and was considered as one of the most complicated genera in the Polyporaceae. Morphologically, species of Coriolopsis, Earliella, Fomitella, Funalia, Hexagonia, Lenzites, Pycnoporus and Whitfordia are similar to Trametes. Phylogenetically, species of Lenzites, Pycnoporus and the type species of Coriolopsis (C. polyzona) nested in the Trametes clade, and C. polyzona was considered a synonym of Trametes; while all other species of Coriolopsis grouped outside the Trametes clade.
     Based on the present study on the Chinese Trametes and related genera,9species of Coriolopsis were recognized, including two Chinese new records (C. brunneoleuca and C. byrsina) and two undescribed species; Earliella and Whitfordia are monotypic genera, and discovered from tropical to subtropical China; two species of Fomitella were found in China:one is Fomitella fumosipora and it is a new Chinese new record, another species is an undescribed species; four species in Funalia including two undescribed species; three species of Hexagonia, Lenzites and Pycnoporus were found from China, respectively; Lenzites, Pycnoporus and Coriolopsis polyzona were considered synonyms of Trametes. Trametes modesta turned out to be a synonym of Daedalea modesta. Thirty-one described species and three undescribed Trametes taxa have been found in China so far.
     Phylogenetic analyses showed that most Trametes speces nested within the core polyporoid clade. Coriolopsis also grouped within the core polyporoid clade and was distinctly polyphyletic. Its type species Coriolopsis polyzona clusted in Trametes clade, but other six species in the genus were outside the Trametes clade:Coriolopsis glabro-regens, C. sanguinaria and Trametes africana formed a moderately supported clade closely related to Funalia; Coriolopsis aspera clustered with Hexagonia apiaria and H. hirta and formed a strongly supported clade; Coriolopsis byrsina and C. strumosa formed two independent leneages; C. brunneoleuca, C. retropicta, C. cf. caperata and one undiscribed species fromed a clade clustered with Megasporia major. C. hostmannii, C. taylorii, Trametes olivaceopora nested together and showed a closer relationship with Fomitella. Species of Lenzites and Pyconoporus clustered in Trametes clade, all four species of Pyconoporus formed a monophyletic lineage, while Lenzites is polyphyletic. Earliella and Whitfodia formed two monophyletic lineages and closely related to Fomes, Coriolopsis aspera, Hexagonia apiaria and H. hirta.
     Eleven clades were identified for species in Trametes. Clade I includes the type species, T. suaveolens, T. velutina, T. versicolor. T. subsuaveolens, T. ectypa, T. ochracea, T. thujae, T. funipericola, T. eonchifer, T. hirsuta, T. pubescens, T. tephroleuca, T. villosa and one undescribed species. Clade Ⅱ includes T. maxima. Clade Ⅲ includes T. ellipsospora, T. pocas. T. pavonia, Lenzites vespacea and one undescribed species. Clade IV includes T. gibbosa, T. betulina, T. dntmmondii and T. membranacea. Clade V includes T polyzona and T. scocotrnana. Clade VI includes T. elegans. Clade VII includes one undescribed species, Trametes sp2. Clade VIII includes T. lactinea, T. manilaensis, T. orientalis, T. cubescens and T. menziesii. Clade IX (Pycnoporus) includes T. cinnabarinea, T. sanguined, T. coccinea and T. punicea. Clade X includes T. Ijubarskyi, T. cingulata and T. mariuna. Clade XI includes T. acuta and Trametes warnieri.
     Based on type of rot, morphological and phylogenetic studies, it is readily to seperate Trametes and its related genera from Daedalea and Fomitopsis. Datronia separates from Trametes by its dimitic hyphal system. Trametes differs from other related genera by its white to pale buff context, but the color of the context is not a good character for differentiaion among these related genera. The dextrinoid reaction of skeletal-binding hyphae is an important character for indetification at species level. Although Pyconoporus has orange-red to cinnabar basidiocarps, but it is very closely related to Trametes, and considered a synonym of the latter. Lenzites has lamellate to daedaleoid hymenophore, but the configuration of hymenophore can not seperate Lenzites from Trametes. Among Trametes clade, morphological characters, such as the color, size, thickness of fruitbody, hairy or smooth pileal surface, substrata and distribution showed some consistency in different clades.
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