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A mega project is an extremely large-scale project which has significant impact on the regional economy, national economy, and global economy. Also, a mega project is of decisive significance on national defense, major scientific and technological exploration, social stability and ecological environment protection. Currently, the development of mega projects is not only of remarkably practical significance for the coordinated development of national economy, but also has become a major driving force of national industrial upgrading and economic growth. Given that the construction management of mega projects involves large numbers and wide variety of investors, management groups, and stakeholders, the organization structure of mega projects and the coordinated relationship between different benefit groups become very complex, and the key part of organization management in mega projects is cooperation and coordination. As a result, the organization, coordination, cooperation and management in mega projects are of crucial importance.
     This paper aims to design the integrated structure and the pattern of cooperation and coordination for organization coalition of the mega project based on virtual organization, to set up a organization coalition partner selection model of the mega project, to analyze the nature of cooperation and coordination of the mega project organization coalition, to design the mechanism of promoting cooperation and coordination of the mega project organization coalition. To sum up, it aims to provide theoretical basis and method reference for the organization, coordination and management of the mega project. Based on the systematic analysis concept and adhere to the systematic integration and optimization, a comprehensive integrated research method is used to develop the research of the mechanism of cooperation and coordination of the mega project organization coalition by the use of systematic engineering, economics, management, project management, organization theory, mechanism design theory, cooperative game theory, dynamic alliance theory, behavioral science, management decision-making theory, control theory and other theories,and adopting qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, specification analysis and empirical analysis, the systematic science and behavioral science. Then it is sought to achieve innovation on concepts, theories and methods. The main research results and innovations are mainly the following aspects:
     ①Base on the idea of Pareto Principle, this paper analyzes the connotation of the mega project critical organization and critical organization chain, discusses the valid criteria for classifying the critical organization, proposes the logic mode of expression for the mega project critical organizational chain based on the Gantt chart; demonstrates the theory of the mega project organization bonding, analyzes the method of the mega project organization bonding (the plane bonding law and the interspace bonding law); furtherly elaborates the basic idea of the mega project Ren’s organizational structure design, builds the spatial organization form of the mega project based on the multi-level critical organization (the mega project Ren’s organizational structure), and respectively conducts the validity analysis from the theoretical and practical aspects ,in order to provide organizational support for cooperation and coordination of organization coalition of the mega project.
     ②Given that the fuzziness and randomness feature in the evaluation of potential cooperative partners of the mega project organization coalition, in the basis of designing the evaluation index system of cooperative partners (including 3 first-level indicators, 12 second-level indicators). In accordance with‘combinative evaluation’research thinking, using cloud model theory and gray system theory, evaluation model of cooperative partners of the mega project organization coalition is constructed based on cloud model and the gray correlation analysis. Feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation model are verified though example analysis.
     ③The coalition between participating subjects in mega projects is a typical cooperative game relationship. Focus on the non-systemic cooperation and coordination problems happened between effective large system and independent elements, and between independent elements themselves, and based on cooperative game thinking, the cooperative game analysis model of mega project organization coalition is constructed using cooperative game theory, which explains three ways to solve the model: the core, Shapley value, nucleolus. After that, this research characterize the contributions and benefits of the independent subjects involved in the project from a quantitative point of view. And then the paper propose an original rational contribution allocation theory (TRABC Theory) of mega project and its cooperation mechanism. The results of the cooperative game model show that: Firstly, in organization coalition of the mega project, the improved efficiency for organization partners at least equal to the loss of direct benefit caused by the participation of cooperation. Secondly, the core of the cooperative game of mega project organization coalition is not empty, and the benefit distribution scheme of the cooperation is located in the core of the game. Thirdly, cooperation partners who benefit more should give a certain amount of compensation to partners who benefit fewer. Becuase only in this way can the cooperation agreement be reached, while the partners who give the compensation to other partners can still make more benefit than before.The results show that the cooperative game analysis model of the mega project organization coalition not only provides a new thinking, new theories and new methods for the quantitative analysis of the problem, but also plays a useful reference role in the management and decision-making of mega projects.
     ④Due to the conflict and contradiction characteristics of the demand point of the participating subjects in mega projects, this research is exploring to puting forward the concept of equitable distribution of benefits (for the participating subject "to seize the greatest common divisor") and depicting the number of it (the function of the largest common benefit of the stakeholders). Besides, original concept--law of parallelogram vector synthetic of equitable distribution of benefits in the mega project organization coalition is proposed. Then, based on shapley value method and risking factor combination method, a benefit game modified model for the organization coalition are put forward. Example results show that: in the concept of equitable distribution of benefits and under the principle of fairness and efficiency, based on shapley value method and risking factor combination method, the modified model is fair and reasonable to the distribution of benefits. Example shows that the results of the model are objective, reliable, and with strong validity.
     ⑤Based on cooperative game analysis model, imputation mechanism and cooperation mechanism of mega project organization coalition are designed by employing mechanism design theory (mainly including the establishment of effective consultation mechanism for the partners and benefits distribution mechanism considering fairness and reasons, and the promotion of complement in the mega projects). Furthermore, benefit coordination mechanism is constructed considering benefit constraints, benefits distribution, incentive motivation, and expression of benefits. At last, the cooperation and coordination implementation mechanism of mega projects is discussed from five aspects, so as to playing a strong continued support role in promoting the operation of mega project organization coalition.
     In summary, this research is based on the combination of system and non-system thinking perspective, using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method, and adopting in-depth and multi-disciplinary theories, to discuss the nature and the mechanism of cooperation and coordination for the mega project organization coalition. As a result, it will not only help to dig the mechanism of cooperation and coordination of the coalition, but also provide a useful theoretical basis and fundamental methods of this issue. Thus, this paper is willing to achieve a qualitative leap of the organization and management of mega projects in both the level of epistemology and methodology.
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