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"Hunger breeds discontent,Land is a source of food",Farmland is the carrier of food production and the fundamental guarantee of food security." "The primary task of governing the country is food",this is the ancient experience of running the country and bringing peace.Prior to the major breakthrough in agricultural science and technology,we must have a stable number and quality of arable land for protection,in order to stabilize and increase food production to ensure national food security.On the other hand,Energy security has become an important area of national economic security and an important material foundation of a country's economic growth and social development.The increasingly tense situation in the world's energy to make ethanol and other biomass fuels become an important content of the world's energy policy.In China,it has a striking contradiction between energy supply and demand and the tremendous pressure on energy self-sufficiency and environmental,Diversification of energy structure,including biomass, is a fundamental strategic direction.However,in China,the development of biomass energy caused enormous controversy over the degree of importance between energy security and food security.Food issue affect the long-term stability of the whole country,it has important strategic significance.Food security and energy security is both major survival issues not only for China, but also for the world.
     Food security and energy security have certain inherent correlation.This relevance was mainly due to the situation of competition for land:Production of biomass energy,particularly energy crops,to take up land resources for food production,especially arable resources.This situation will put part of crop land is converted to energy crop land,as the Finiteness of land resources,such a conversion would affect the food security problem.The reason why this paper raises this issue is due to food security and energy security issues have become the key to affecting China's economic and social development issues,and between the two issues which have a conjugate areas,namely,it is related to land use(especially agricultural land use).
     The basic objective of this study is to try to answer the following important theoretical question:(1) in theory,whether the energy security issue will affect food security,how the unity of opposites of relationship between the two issue,whether they were relationship just as "Can not have both fish and bear's paw".In the case of food security,how much arable resources provide for the development of biomass liquid fuels,or,if we want to ensure energy security,how much biomass fuels shall we need? And how much arable resources will be occupied? And the occupation of arable resources will impact on food security?(2) In the position of agricultural land use,how to find an effective way to resolve or alleviate the two problems caused by the use of agricultural land.Theoretically,Whether to seek a "win-win" mechanism,in order to achieve food security and energy security be achieved simultaneously.(3) Driving mechanism of transformation between Food crops and energy crops,that is What caused food crops convert to energy crops? Simply,it is caused by comparing earnings of farmland.And what else? Such as System of agricultural land,agricultural technology,natural factors and so on.(4) Energy Conversion and energy balance of energy crops.Namely,the production of biomass energy in the whole life cycle, also need to spend a lot of energy,if energy input is greater than energy output,then this transformation will become meaningless.Or,this energy conversion is only to make some people in some areas,some businesses or some countries have made gains,while the overall useless.(5) Under the pattern of global economic integration,Food security and energy security is no longer just a country(or region) of an individual phenomenon,it should be incorporated into a larger international space considerations.Then,in a closed economy and open economy conditions,a country's biomass energy development will depend on comparative advantage which is depends on its resource endowments.Therefore,we need to be studied utilization of agricultural land under different conditions(closed or open) and blend of food security and energy security.
     The nature of this thesis located in theoretical research,but it is no shortage of empirical research.For example,the potential estimate about ethanol production on China's cultivated land resources,the correlation of food production and cultivated area,production cost comparison about Plants can produce ethanol,and so on.
     This theoretical study is mainly in Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, in which pure theoretical analysis is mainly concentrated on Chapter 6——the relationship between the comparing earnings and the conversion of agricultural land use structure,Chapter 7——under the conditions of closed-open economy,Agricultural land use analysis about food security and energy security,and Chapter 8——agricultural land compensation research based on the cost of food security.
     This article focuses on Innovations in Chapter 6,Chapter 7 and Chapter 8,which has done a more in-depth theoretical research on economic effect analysis about agricultural land use conversion under the condition of None(any) bound by a static(dynamic) conditions.Attempt to study Compensation for agricultural land under the cost of food security.The three built new research ideas for this paper.Although there are many problems continue to haunt the writer,but we hope to arrive at a preliminary research framework will lay the foundation for follow-up study.
     In this paper,empirical research on China's corn-based ethanol production concluded that the current stage of China's fuel ethanol industry did not affect food security in China,according to our findings,by 2020,even if not to restrictions on the fuel ethanol industry,it still will not substantive affect our food security.However,the development of fuel ethanol has a strong internal demand,if unchecked the blind development,the impact of China's negative impact on food security in the long run is inevitable.Because China's increasing demand for energy,which China's cultivated land protection and food security posed by the long-term and continuous pressure to not be ignored.
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