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In recent years in the Western countries, there has been in the psychological circle a cultural turn which is credited as a Cultural Revolution paralleling with the Cognitive Psychology. Some psychologists speak highly of this culture-oriented development of psychology which provides a new angle to explain human being’s behaviors different from the traditional schools such as Psychoanalysis and Humanism as well as Behaviorism. More and more attention is now being paid to the psychological research from the cultural point of view.
     Based on the understanding of culture-oriented development of the nature of human being, an indigenous psychological effort has shown the trend of being localized in China and characterized with the traditional China culture in order to know more about the behavior of Chinese people. The main purpose of this dissertation is to establish the independent academic research and to explain the traditional Chinese culture in order to develop the mode of introducing the thoughts of the indigenous psychology in China.
     The first thing that should be explained is that the Chinese expression“文化”has been translated from English counterpart culture. The original thought of the translated version can be traced back to the ancient times and borrowed the idea from the thought of humanization. As the cultural views held by the Chinese people for a long history, humanization has its rich and deep meanings. The original meaning of this thought is to observe by saints the mode of social behaviors in the natural environment, in order to enlighten as well as cultivate the masses. Along with the time passing on, the original meaning has been changed into this one of enlightening and educating the masses by rules and music system to promote the society more peaceful and stable. According to the traditional Chinese culture, we have actually been regarding cultivating as a process of how to promote the development of an individual culturally. The more important thing is not how to interact culturally but how to transform gradually behaviors and ideas along with interacting social relation.
     An investigation of the Chinese“Hua(化,the generalized concept)”is the key point of departure to this paper. This idea has long been held by Confucianism and Taoism as well as Buddhism. What’s more, this idea has its rich meanings in China. This paper focuses on the demonstration of how“Hua”works as“Tao”as displaying the meanings of“Tao”, and makes difference between the process of“hua”and the result of“hua”as well as the way of“hua”. Based on demonstration, I will conclude that“Hua”means the progressive, potential, developing, time-being and natural growing.“Hua”and“man”are closely related to understand human being. In the Chinese people’s opinion, as one of creations by earth and heaven, man can be influenced culturally and become“being”in the process of“hua”. So, the Chinese people attach more importance to the ways of how to enlighten and cultivate the masses.
     Based on the new exploration and analysis of humanization, the psychological meaning of this expression has been loomed so large. Included in such understanding of this expression is that humanities, as the essence of human being, demonstrate that human beings can be taught and become“being”only by receiving education. Enlightening and cultivating means“to be an educated man”. The idea is the clue to follow to develop this paper. Before exploring this idea, I should explain the traditional thoughts of being a man culturally and the practical ways by pointing that the ideal practice to cultivate is to resorts to rules and music, and perfect oneself in moral and ethical, in contrast to the realistic ways of conducting human relations and self-transformation.
     As far as the traditional thought is concerned, to be an educated man is mainly by improving and perfecting oneself in moral and ethical but lacking of analyzing the complicated nature of human being, such as neglecting paying more attention to“being”, to the realistic surrounding of living. We also have had no psychological theories to specifically explain the Chinese people’s behaviors. To understand deeply the culturally shaped nature of human being requires analyzing the complication of the cultivating of a man in order to view this process from the psychological angle.
     There is a necessity to take into consideration“sui(随,genetically)”when analyzing this complication.“Self”, as a psychological term, can be utilized as a starting point to reveal the process of being a cultivated man. By transforming the traditional idea“egocentrism”and giving its modern meaning, I point out the relation between“narrow-minded and stubborn man nature”and man’s being shaped by culture, in order to make a distinction between understandings of the process in which a man has been cultivated.
     “Sui”also falls into the scope of explaining as a potential factor to exert significant influence in the humanization.“Sui”here means some commons and similarities shared by the old generation and the young one physiologically and psychologically in a family.“Sui”shows some tendencies inherited to promote the development of the next generation, at the same time to exert disadvantaged influence in the advancement of an individual. Shaped by culture and growing up along with being cultivated, this process is conducted and going on based on man’s condition physically and physiologically. Therefore, this process matches with a man’s natural conditions.
     In this paper, I select the self as a departure from the psychological point of view to demonstrate the process, and point out that the contradictions, the progressive process and correlations are necessary to better understand what self is. The key point will be located to find that how the common nature shared by He and I, and the differences between He and I have been having impacts on the development of self from the cultural point of view to examine this growth process.
     Analyzing the contradiction between“man’s transformation”and“egocentrism”in the process of development is also a point in this paper to be discussed by explaining the concept“ego-removal”approached by Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism respectively. To better understand“egocentrism”by combing the realistic situation makes it known that self is a result of ego-centered thinking characterized with narrow-minded and stubborn nature.“Egocentrism”thinking is unhealthy to the harmonious advancement of an individual. What’s worse, it may cause a man to go to an extreme to stay in his own isolated life to hold back his development. The perfect self-improvement is the gradual process in which egocentrism has been removed. Analyzing the ways of“Hua”will be included in this paper. According to the tradition,“Hua”means man’s growing up by receiving education and self-transformation. On the contrary, we now understand“Hua”as the way of combination of learning from the nature and learning from others. Comprehensively, man’s growing up is a result of interaction of man’s own life experience, man-made education and self-transformation. In this gradual process, two means are used to help individual to improve oneself. One is to direct the development of an individual by giving some suggestion and education, while the other is to guide his advancement by removing his unfavorable behavior and narrow-minded ideas.
     The nature of human being is shaped by culture. This view has no discussion about whether the nature of human being is good or evil. However, the idea that the nature of man can be transformed and improved by culture has been emphasized and the practical ways have been stressed. Such the nature of human being as shaped by culture should have been combined with the real life to understand that the nature of human being can be shaped. This view hold that there is goodness in the nature of human being and can be promoted. Their own life experiences, self-transformation, and being influenced culturally from the whole society are more important facts to shape the nature of a man. This view realizes that Nature has a power to transform the nature of human being, at the same time to promote the development of one’s potential abilities inherited from their parents while removing the disadvantaged character.
     Indigenous psychology based on the traditional Chinese culture not only demonstrates the rich psychological thoughts included in our culture, but also highlights how to understand the traditional Chinese culture along with revealing the concept connotation of culture. Indigenous psychological research pays more attention to the fact that there is the cultural legend being followed in the modern life, trying to transform the traditional culture by giving it modernized meaning in order to demonstrate the independent research carried out in psychological study in line with the traditional Chinese culture, with the hope to make a little contribution to the development of indigenous psychology in China.
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