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    第一部分 玉米秸秆不同部位分析:将玉米秸秆叶片、茎髓和茎皮分离,对其概略养分进行分析及采用体外累计产气法测定其在体外发酵的产气量,研究不同部位分离利用的可行性。结果表明:
    第二部分:将玉米秸秆含量为85%的基础日粮喂给动物(1组),研究添喂秸秆专用添加剂(2组)和日粮制粒(3组)对多浪羊采食和消化代谢的影响(各组均n=6).结果表明:基础日粮组干物质、有机物、粗蛋白、纤维素、半纤维素、钙、磷和能量的采食量分别为1231.6±240.0、1083.4±212.3、90.57±16.34、423.4±73.4、296.7±61.0、7.22±1.41、3.24±0.65和4966.1±972.6。消化率分别为55.1%±3.6、55.6%±3.6、41.39% ±5.8、56.6%±5.2、54.2%±2.5、11.8%±8.68、18.64%±4.76和55.8%±31.5。粗蛋白、钙和磷的沉积量分别为21.46±6.3、0.71±0.61和0.53±0.22。添喂添加剂可分别提高采食量:8.9%(p>0.05)、8.3% (p>0.05)、23.11%(p>0.05)、10.97%(p>0.05)、8.08%(p>0.05)、14%(p>0.05)、30.97% (p<0.05)和7.95%(p>.05)。消化率:6.6%(p>.05)、6.95%(p>.05)、29.99% (p<0.05)、12.2%(p<0.05)、13.0%(p<0.05)、14% (p>.05)、30.97(p<0.05)和6%(p>.05)。粗蛋白、钙和磷的沉积量:50.76%(p<0.01)、76.03%(p<0.05)和84.27%(p<0.05)。绵羊日增重为173.4±37.5克。日粮制粒后又可分别提高采食量:23.4%(p<0.05)、24.7%(p<0.05)、21.92%(p<0.05)、19.11%(p<0.05)、8.08% (p>.05)、63.06%(p<0.01)、23.59%(p<0.05)和25.7%(p<0.05)。消化率:-19.1% (p<0.05)、-14.88%(p<0.05)、-16.8%(p<0.05)、-12.22%(p<0.05)、-12.16%(p<0.05)、
    -36.06%(p<0.05)、-37.19%(p>.05)和-14.14%(p>.05)。粗蛋白、钙和磷沉积量:13.82% (p<0.05)、4.69%(p>.05)和-34.3%(p>.05)。绵羊日增重达212.6±55.6克。
Two experiments were included in this study.
    Test 1: Nutritive components often distribute into the different parts of the corn straw, it is important to analysis chemical elements of different parts and identify degradation of each part by cumulative gas production method in vitro, which assess the practicability of utilization of the different parts. The result showed:
    1 In the whole straw, leaf blade, stem marrow and stem skin of the corn straw, the content of DM is 94.7%, 94.6%, 94.6% and 95.1%, respectively. OM is 91.2%, 92.7%, 90.8 % and 93.4%, respectively. CP is 5.9%, 7.2%, 4.2% and 3.0%, respectively. Cellulose is 39.5%, 35.6%, 42.9% and 46.2%, respectively. Hemicellulose is 27.7%, 30.7%, 28.9% and 24.3%, respectively. Lignin is 5.7%, 4.2%, 4.3% and 9.4%, respectively.
    2 Cumulative gas production in vitro after 36 hours(ml/g OM)of the whole strain, leaf blade, stem marrow and stem skin of the corn straw is 127.5, 150.7,110.0 and 95.7, respectively.
    The result showed the nutritive components distribute into the different parts of the corn straw, it is practicable to segregate and utilize it.
    Test 2: basal diet which 85% corn straw is feed animal (first group) to research the effects of the forage- additive (second group) and pellet(third group) on feed intake and digestion metabolism of Duo lang sheep(n=6 in every group ).The result showed: the feed intake of basal diet group in dry matter (DM) organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), cellulose(CEL),hemicellulose (HC) ,calcium, phosphorus and energy is 1231.6±240.0,1083.4±212.3,90.57±16.34,423.4±73.4,296.7±61.0,7.22±1.41,3.24±0.65 and 4966.1±972.6 respectively,and the digestibility is55.1%± 3.6,55.6%±3.6,41.39% ±5.8,56.6%±5.2,54.2%±2.5,11.8%±8.68,18.64%±4.76 and 55.8%±31.5 respectively. The deposition of CP, calcium, phosphorus is 21.46±6.3, 0.71±0.61 and 0.53±0.22 respectively. Forage-additive can increase the feed intake 8.9% (p>0.05), 8.3%(p>0.05), 23.11% (p>0.05), 10.97%(p>0.05),8.08% (p>0.05),14%(p>0.05),30.97% (p<0.05) and 7.95%
    (p>.05) respectively, the diet digestibility:6.6%(p>.05),6.95%(p>0.05), 29.99% (p<0.05),12.2% (p<0.05),13.0% (p<0.05,14% (p>.05),30.97(p<0.05) and 6%(p>.05) respectively, and the deposition of CP, calcium, phosphorus is 50.76%(p<0.01),76.03%(p<0.05) and 84.27% (p<0.05).The average daily gain weight of sheep is 173.4±37.5 gramme. Diet pellet can increase more 23.4% (p<0.05), 24.7% (p<0.05), 21.92% (p<0.05), 19.11% (p<0.05),8.08% (p>.05), 63.06% (p<0.01),23.59% (p<0.05) and 25.7% (p<0.05) than second group, respectively. The digestibility: -19.1% (p<0.05), -14.88% (p<0.05),-16.8%(p<0.05),-12.22%(p<0.05),-12.16%(p>.05),-36.06%(p>.05),-37.19%(p>.05) and -14.14%(p>0.05) respectively. The deposition of CP, calcium and phosphorus:13.82% (p<0.05),4.69% (p>.05) and -34.3% (p>.05), respectively. The average daily gain weight of sheep is 212.6 ±55.6 gramme.
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