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本文研究了根域限制栽培情况下宝满(Houman)(康拜尔早生×亚历山大)葡萄的光合特性,根域限制处理对宝满葡萄果实发育过程中果实、叶片的糖代谢及其相关酶活性的影响;同时研究了GA3、TDZ、CPPU等植物生长调节剂对夏黑、魏可葡萄果实生长发育的影响,分析了脱落酸处理对早熟葡萄品种矢富罗莎、Benibalade (旦生红秀)着色相关指标的变化影响,主要结果如下:
     1.根域限制栽培下,宝满葡萄叶片叶绿素含量低于对照,两者的Pn日变化趋势一致,一天中根域限制处理植株的Pn, Gs, Tr明显低于对照;在果实发育过程中,限根处理的叶片蔗糖含量低于对照,糖代谢相关酶活性高于对照,葡萄叶片中糖积累受蔗糖代谢相关酶的综合调控;在果实发育中后期,根域限制果实的可溶性总糖含量、糖代谢相关酶明显高于对照,根域限制可能主要是通过影响果实发育后期糖代谢相关酶活性来影响宝满葡萄的糖代谢和积累,提高果实品质。
     2.以魏可葡萄为试材,于开花前22d、19d、16d、13d,使用不同浓度(3mg/L, 5mg/L,7.5mg/L)赤霉素处理花穗,结合盛花期25mg/LGA3和花后两周25mg/LGA3+5mg/LCPPU处理,研究了使用不同浓度赤霉素处理对魏可果实生长的影响。结果表明,开试验的12组处理中,花前16d使用7.5mg/LGA3的处理果穗拉长效果最为显著,其果实小穗节间长度增长为对照的128.81%;以夏黑葡萄为试材,于开花前18d、15d、12d、9d,使用不同浓度(3mg/L,5mg/L,7.5mg/L)赤霉素处理花穗,结合盛花期50mg/LGA3和花后两周50mg/LGA3+5mg/LCPPU处理,研究了使用不同浓度赤霉素处理对夏黑葡萄果实生长发育的影响。结果表明,在试验12组处理中,花前15d7.5mg/LGA3的处理果穗拉长效果最为显著,其果实小穗节间长度增长为对照的151.02%;使用不同赤霉素处理均降低了果实可溶性固形物含量,增加了可滴定酸含量。
The objective of this paper was to study the effects of root restriction on photosynthetic characteristics and the sucrose metabolism of leaf and grape berry during the 'Houman' berry development. At the same time, some experiments were conducted with 'Wink' and 'Summer Black' to study the effects of different plant growth regulators on the development of berry. The effects of ABA on coloring rules of 'Yatomi Rosa' and Benibalade were analyzed.The results were as follows:
     1.Compared with control, the leaves of 'Houman' grapevines under root restriction had lower level of total chrolophyll contents. The diurnal variation of Pn in root restriction was accordance with that in control. Compared with control,the RR had higher net photosynthetic rate (Pn),stomata conductance (Gs) and transpiration ratio (Tr).During the grape berry development, the leaves of 'Houman' grapevines under root restriction have lower content of sucrose. Higher enzyme activity and their comprehensive action could explain the mechanism by which root restriction affected sugar accumulation in leaves.Total sugar content and the enzyme activities related with sucrose metabolism in berries from the root restriction was higher than that of control in the later stages of berry development. Higher enzyme activity and their comprehensive action in the later stages of berry development could explain the mechanism by which root restriction affected sugar accumulation, ultimately improved berry qualities.
     2.Experiment was conducted with Wink. The treatments were 3,5,7.5mg/L GA3 before flowering with 25mg/L GA3 on blossom and 25mg/LGA3+5mg/LCPPU 2weeks after blossom. The results showed that the best treatment is 7.5mg/L GA316d before flowering, which less fruit cluster was 28.81% more than the control. Experiment was conducted with Summer Black. The treatments were 3,5,7.5mg/L GA3 before flowering with 50mg/L GA3 on blossom and 25mg/LGA3+5mg/LCPPU 2weeks after blossom. The results showed that the best treatment is 7.5 mg/L GA315d before flowering, which less fruit cluster was 51.02% more than the CK. Different GA3 treatment significantly increased tratable acid content, while total soluble solids content reduced.
     3.Experiment was conducted with Summer Black. The treatments were 50mg/L GA3 on blossom and 50mg/LGA3 with 1、3、5mg/LTDZ 2weeks after blossom. The control were without the plant growth regulators of cytokinin type and with 3mg/LCPPU 2weeks after blossom.The results showed that with different concentration TDZ 2weeks after blossom significantly increased the length and diameter of the berry. The best significant treatment is with 5mg/LTDZ 2weeks after blossom, which average berry weight was 6.65g. Diffenent contments had not significant difference on the effects of length/diameter ratio and titratable acid content,whereas had less total soluble solids content. Diffenent contments significant increased the content of anthocyanin, the date was 67.55%,99.87%,73.18% respectively more than the control without the plant growth regulators of cytokinin type.
     4.'Yatomi Rosa' and 'Benibalade' were used to study the effects of ABA on coloring.The results showed that berry coloration is the comprehensive result of chlorophyll content decreasing and anthocyanin content increasing during the grape berry development. Exogenous ABA accelerated the degradation of chlorophyll and advanced coloring.The 100mg/L ABA advanced. The content of anthocyanin under 100mg/L ABA was more advanced than that of the control(9d and 12d in advance in 'Yatomi Rosa' and 'Benibalade').
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