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     (2)单纯高血压组(A组):来自2003年5月~2003年12月中国医科大学附属第一临床医院内科的病人,43例,平均年龄61.06±9.20岁。入选标准为符合1999年10月颁布的《中国高血压防治指南》的高血压诊断标准,并且空腹血糖(FPG)<6.0 mmol/L,口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)的服糖后2小时血糖(2HPG)<7.8 mmol/L的病人。
    OGTT证实FPG〕7 .0~。FL,或OGTT的ZHPG〕11 .1~。FL。
     5.计算体重指数( BMI),腰臀比(WHR):BMI二体重(kg)/身高
    IR=FINs x FPG/22.5。
     用SPSS ro.o软件进行统计学分析,所有数值以均数,标准差(又士s)
    腰臀比(WHR)和腰围有显著性差别(P<0 .05)。
    ng/L)最大,其次为B组(143 .21,11·30n扩L),再次为A组(97·97士9·13
Essential hypertension ( EH) is one of the commonest cardiovascular diseases. Because endothelin (ET) plays a vital role in the mechanism of EH, meas-ureing ET is paid more attention. ET that was firstly found by Japanese scholar Yanagisawa in 1988 is a vascular contractor. ET has strong vasocontriction and promotes the proliferation of vasocular smooth muscles. In the past there were many ET studies about hypertensive patients and diabetes mellitus, but there were few ET studies of hypertensive patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). This study will observe ET, insulin, blood glucose(BG) , body mass index(BMI) , waist circumference, hip circumference of hypertensive patients with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) , IGT , diabetes mellitus (DM) or heathy person. The study will inquired into the correlating relationship of ET, BG, insulin resistance(IR) , BMI, blood pressure(BP)and their clinical significances in hypertensive patients with IGT.
    1. Sample:
    (1) control group: 42 healthy persons(22 men and 20 women, mean 59.31 ± 10. 24 years old ) were taken as control.
    (2) Group A : 43 hypertensive patients (24 men and 19 women, mean 61. 06 ±9.20years old) who were admitted to the first affiliated hospital of china medical university between May 2003 and December 2003 were taken as group A. They conformed to the diagnosis of hypertension, which was issued in October 1999. They also had 2HPG < 7. 8mmol/L
    (3) group B: 77 hypertensive patients(47 men and 30 women, mean 59.
    36 ± 11.66 years old ) admitted to first affiliated hospital of china medical university were taken as group B, which had 2HPG 7. 8mmol/L - 11.2mmol/L. (4) group C : 38 hypertensive patients (22 men and 16 women, mean 61.26 ±9.39 years) were taken as group C, which had FPG > 7.0mmol/L or 2HPG>11.lmmol/L.
    1. All subjects were recorded their names, age and measured their BP, body weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference, respectively. A sample of venous blood were drawn at early morning before breakfast to measure the ET, FINS and FPG.
    2. Determination of ET ; Blood samples were drawn in plastic syringes that contained EDTA 30ul and inhibitive peptidase 400IU and centrifuged at 3000 rpm/min for 10 minutes to obtain the plasma of subjects. The supernates were then frozen at -70C
    3. Determination of BG; measuring FPG and 2HPG. 2HPG means the BG level after taking 75g glucose for 2 hours.
    4. Calculating BMI and waist to hip (WHR) : BMI = body weight (kg)/ height (m2) ; WHR = waist circumference / hip circumference.
    5. Calculating IR : IR = FINS x FPG/22. 5
    6. Statistical analysis : quantitative data expressed in mean ± SEM . Excell 2000 and SPSS 10. 0 software were used to analyse the data . T test was used and the value of P <0. 05 was considered to be statistically significant.
    1. There were no statistical differences in age between hypertensive subjects ( n = 158) and healthy subjects (n =42). There are statitistical significances in SBP, DBP, BMI and WHR between them (P <0. 05). In group C, BMI (25.81 ±372 kg/m2) was the largest, second to group B(25. 06 ±0. 34 kg/ m2) , and group A was the smallest (24.21 ±0.41 kg/m2). Compairing group
    A, group B, group C to control group(23. 15 ±0. 04kg/m2) had dramatically statistical signifIcance(P<0.01). Group A and group B had statistical significance (p <0.05) between them. Group B and Group C had statistical significance (p <0.05).
    2. There was statistical significance in ET between the hypertesive group and control group, ET (190. 44 ± 34. 76 ng/L) of Group C was the highest, second to group B ( 143. 21 ±11. 30ng/L) , and was also high in group A (97.97 ±9. 13ng/L). The value of these three groups comparing to control group had significant difference ( p < 0. 01). There was a difference between group B and group C(p<0.01). HOMA - IR was the highest in group C (10. 65 ±2. 81mu/L) and also high in group B (5.50 ±0.63 mu/L) and group A (3. 52 ±0. 44 mu/L). These groups comparin
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