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The Junior and Senior vocational education are two different kinds and levels teaching form, they are Independent and splice. The medium and long term education reform and development plan(2010-2020) clearly claims that vocational education must adapt the requirement of the change of the economical development and the adjustment of the industry form by the2020. embodies the all life educational concept. coordinated development of the modern vocational education system in the Junior and Senior vocational education and satisfies the requirement of the social and economical to the higher quality workers and skilled talents. The guidance of the Ministry of Education on improving Junior and Senior vocational education synergy development further proposes that we must fasten to construct the modern industry system, eagerly fasten to construct the modern vocational education system. improve the synergy development of the Junior and Senior vocational education and structure variable vocational all life education system. Obviously, structuring the Gleichschaltung training system of the Junior and Senior vocational education, and carrying out the effective splice in Junior and Senior vocational education, structuring science modern vocational education system are the fundamental of the sustainable development of vocational education, the requirement of fully construct modern society and the key aim of the vocational education reform and development in modern time. Based on those, this research focuses on splice Gleichschaltung development in the Junior and Senior vocational education, specifically revolves around four questions:Firstly, what is the most important question and sticking point in the disseverance and disjoint of the Junior and Senior vocational education? Secondly, what effect does it bring to our country's vocational education when carrying out the splice Gleichschaltung in Junior and Senior vocational education? Thirdly, what is the key philosophy of the splice in Junior and Senior vocational education? What is the ligament? Fourthly, how to connect in Junior and Senior vocational education? Which aspects does the splice embody? What kind of system should the model be when carries out the splice in Junior and Senior vocational education.
     Firstly.The situation investigation and maladjustment token in our country's Junior and Senior vocational education.
     Nowadays, there lies disseverance and disorbition in the splice of the Junior and Senior vocational education. It is not perfect in enrolling system, personnel training program, major construction, course design, teaching carrying out, practice and training, study evaluation, the evaluation system of the enrolling condition. The specifical disorbition embodies:firstly, the malposition of the splice fundamental, that is, the ratio maladjustment in the development of Junior and Senior vocational education; secondly, splice management malposition, that is, the Junior and Senior vocational education runs the school by its own; thirdly, the limitation of the enrolling system; fourthly, the splice aim is not Gleichschaltung, that is the training plan disjoint; fifthly, the splice scope is no sure, that is, the major design random; sixthly, the splice carrier is not stable, that is, courses setting up level diversification; seventhly, the splice progress is not tight, that is, the teaching implementation partial; eighthly, the splice standard anomie. The reasons of the splice malposition in Junior and Senior vocational education lies in:firstly, society concept influence: secondly, the rush of the normal high school; thirdly, personnel high consumption; fourthly, management system disorbition; fifthly, policy sets deviation; sixthly, the the lack of finance input, the synergy development target if hard to carry out.
     Secondly.The international comparation and splice experience of the synergy development in the Junior and Senior vocational education.
     The vocational eduction is closely related to the society and economical development, we can get a conclusion that the developed countries' developed are quite related to their vocational education. German and Japan have treated the vocational education as its secret weapon to the economical and national development. In the sustainable development of vocational education, the splice of the Junior and Senior vocational education is the key. We can learn some experiences from German's synergy development under the dual-system model, American's synergy development under CBE model, Australia's vocational education splice under TAFE model, Japan's synergy development under three models. Firstly, we should strengthen the police guide and carry out the country level's splice plan; secondly, we should go deeply into the market research and carry out the DACUM professional analysis; thirdly, we should make the course system perfectly and exploit the multifunction learning pack; fourthly, we should make the teaching practice abundant and combine the multielement teaching strategies; fifthly, we should strengthen practice training, technical guide and quality support; sixthly, we should optimize the study evaluation and tamp the scores and certificate system; seventhly, we should construct the vocational education bridge and widen the vocational education students enrolling ways.
     Thirdly,The Gleichschaltung development and synergy splice in our country's Junior and Senior vocational education.
     The Junior and Senior vocational education must adapt the Gleichschaltung development. The Junior and Senior vocational education Gleichschaltung refers to a combination state of the levels between Junior vocational education and Senior vocational education, which splices each other in training target, major design, teaching content and education system and relatively divides the work. The Junior and Senior vocational education involves, influences and supplements each other to carry out the high teaching quality and efficiency in school management. The Gleichschaltung development aims to the synergy in the fluctuation. We carry out the proper splice of the Junior and Senior vocational education, including guidance splice, that is, course design is the core; changing paragraph splice, that is, system arrangement is the core. Developing splice, that is, the students growth is the power.
     Fourthly.The basic attribute of the the Gleichschaltung education model in Junior and Senior vocational education.
     The splice education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education is a new style education model which is adapted by the vocational college, and the contents are wide, including out splice and inner splice. Among them, the out splice main includes the enrolling ways, organization and the laws; the inner splice includes training aims, major setting up. course content, teaching plan, length of schooling. The basic connotation of the splice Gleichschaltung in the Junior and Senior vocational education lies in:firstly, the splice Gleichschaltung in Junior and Senior vocational education; the same sources:secondly, the concerning of the splice Gleichschaltung is wide and deep; thirdly, the splice Gleichschaltung bases on the all life education; fourthly, the splice Gleichschaltung emphasizes the combination of the theory and the practice, focuses on the practice skills:fifthly, the final aim of the Splice Gleichschaltung is to form a perfect modern vocational education system.
     The splice Gleichschaltung education model in Junior and Senior vocational education is the tendency of the international vocational education development, and the splice Gleichschaltung makes the Junior and Senior vocational education as a integrate to play its important function, which is good to solve the existing questions. The splice Gleichschaltung is the necessary requirement of the vocational education development; the splice Gleichschaltung is the necessary requirement to adopt and improve the social and economical development; the splice Gleichschaltung can strengthen the unique feature of vocational education. increase the natural attractive of vocational education; the splice Gleichschaltung is benefit to set up the perfect modern vocational education system. In the Gleichschaltung system is not simply combined the systems, but a new system. The splice Gleichschaltung system must have some new elements, the system elements not only concerns macro-education system splice, but also the micro-education splice.
     Fifthly.The system design of the splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education.
     In the splice Gleichschaltung education model design, we must focus on the open and integrate of the integrate system, and come into being a branch paragraph in the Gleichschaltung in the enrolling system design. In setting up the training goal, we must focus in the same step in the branch paragraph. The training system, we focus on dissipation in the same step. In the major construction field, we focus on the resonance in the dissipation. In the course system design, we focus on the fluctuation in the resonance. In the education teaching and practice, we focus on the zooming in the fluctuation. In practice and training, we focus on coordinate in the zooming. In the quality evaluation system, we focus on the order in the coordinate. In the career and enrolling system, we focus on the synergy in the order.
     The splice Gleichschaltung education has existed since long time ago, and the model development has come into being variety features in the requirement of the theory and practice. Contra-aperture enrollment breaks the history framework which the Junior vocational education is the end of the education. And it provides a sustainable opportunity for the Junior vocational education students. Fives years makes it possible to integrate planing to the students teaching plan of the Junior and Senior vocational education. And it is benefit to the teaching efficiency and the advantage to the running school. The students can learn the major knowledge and skills systemically and improve the quality of the higher skills personnel training.3+2or3+3model, from the aspect of the teaching progress, maintains the independence of teaching system and teaching goal, and carries out the splice between the teaching resource and teaching goal. But they are just partially spliced, not really the splice Gleichschaltung in the Junior and Senior vocational education.
     Sixthly,The running mechanism of the splice Gleichschaltung teaching model in the Junior and Senior vocational education.
     If the splice Gleichschaltung teaching model in the Junior and Senior vocational education carries out in practice, it need a certain mode to run. This research construct the tridimensional synergy running mechanism of the Junior and Senior splice, which can integrate the benefit of the Junior. Senior and local. And we can carry out the splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education through sharing energy, duty and interaction.
     Seventhly,The guarantee of the splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education. It is a complex program to construct he splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education, it needs the laws, principles and resources of re-plan and reform. The laws and principles are the ultimacy guarantee, the policy is the support guarantee and the sources is the fundamental guarantee.
     This research get a conclusion based on those research that it lies eight maladjustment phenomena. The development orientation of our country's Junior and Senior vocational education is Gleichschaltung development and synergy splice. The splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education is nine in one. The guarantee of the splice Gleichschaltung education model in the Junior and Senior vocational education lies in laws and principles, policy and sources.
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