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A research on the methods of spatial data integration, being one of the key technologies in the sharing of GIS data, has become the hot topic in current information society. It has become the precondition of constructing GIS frame about geologic hazard and deeply studying geologic hazard to research on the ways of integrating the spatial data from different trades about geologic hazard. Because there are different kinds of the spatial data from surveying and mapping and geologic in the integration, it has become a new challenge to the past ways of integration that the data from trades crash into each other.
    Firstly, the paper introduces the research fruits that have been gained and the status quo of studying the ways of integrating the spatial date from different trades about geologic hazard. Secondly, the paper says the content and characteristic of the spatial data from different trades. Thirdly the paper discuss the ways of integrating the feature and attribute about spatial data from surveying and mapping and geologic. And then the paper makes clear how to control the quality of integration. In the end, the paper explain those ways of integration is valuable by discussing the ways of integration in constructing GIS frame about Tree-gorge geologic hazard.
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