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Pulsars are compact objects formed from supernova outburst when moderately massive stars evole to their end. Due to the strong magnetic field and fast rotation of pulsars, we can receive their periodical pulse signals. The radiation of pulsars covers full band. This thesis focuses on energy loss of charged particles in pulsar magnetosphere. We mainly studied the evolution of particle pitch angle in synchrotron emission process and the application in pulsar emission, and the evolution of particle energy distribution caused by resonant inverse Compton scattering (RICS).
     The research history of pulsars, the frontier and the motivation of this research are introduced in chapter 1. In chapter 2, we review the observation features, the present empirical models and theoretical models, among which the polar gap model is of perticular interest. In chapter 3, according to lorentz transform of comoving and laboratory reference frames, the evolution of pitch angle in synchrotron emission process is derived and calculated. The evolution of Lorentz factor, the emission power and the critical frequency are calculated also. It is shown that the pitich angle usually decreases rapidaly and results in much lower emission power than that under the assumption of constant pitch angle. Because synchrotron emissio is more efficient for relativistic particles in strong magnetic field, the energy distribution of secondary particles will be different in the cases of inner gap and outer gap.
     In chapter 4, we calculated the evolution of energy distribution of secondary particles caused by the RICS under the frame of inner gap. The calculation error in the similar work done by Lyubarskii and Petrova (2000) is corrected. The results confirm that the secondary particles will concentrate on two Lorentz-factor peaks, one at low energy, and the other at high energy. However, the low energy bulge is sharper and contains more particles with respect to LP00's result. We also derive a new distribution based on the curvature radiation induced secondary particle distribution. The results also show the final distribution is double peaked.
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