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The production of potato in the mountain area in the south of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region plays an important role in people’s life and local economy.It is the most important industry for people to become rich in Xihaihu and Ningxia.and is also called“life egg”and“the golden fruit”.The south area of Ningxia is the traditional productive area of potato.It belongs to the half arid and cold climate zone of Loess Highlands,Its precipitation is about 400mm in most areas yearly,and some areas are just 100mm to 200mm. Its prominent characteristic is certainly the altitude and the drought.During May and June,it has enough sunshine which is good for the potato growth.While the sunshine time becomes shorter gradually from July to September,which will be advantageous in the potato tuber growth.Therefore,it is significant that we do the research and the exploration about escaping the poisonous potato system construction to improve the local farmer’s income,and the agricultural efficiency and the mordern agriculture development.
     The area of potato growth is approximately 160.700hm~2 and the total output is 180×10~4t every year in the mountain area in the south of Ningxia.Yuanzhou,the planting core area,plays the leading role in the planting among the whole area(about 23.50%),mainly reprerented by the planting area of 2.67×10~4hm~2 and the yield of 48×10~4t,and the total value 9600×10~4RMB,It accounts about 32.7% of the ultimate output and the value in the whole area, Farmers plant protato and earn 240RMB personally anually,which takes a total of 17.8% of the total income and it has become the main economic origin.However,There are many problems dampering the potato-processing,revaluation and market,such as potato seed promiscuous degereration,the unreasonable structure of varity,lacking of special-purpose varity,the long time of renewal and so on.The following is the conclusions of the research and dissussion about the virus-free potato development as well as the present situation of in Ningxia after we investigate and study thoroughly,and also do experiment several years.
     (1)The characteristics of climate in south mountainous area of Ningxia are advantageous for the green body of potato having light for nutrition trasformation and material accumulation,such as high altitude,cold climate few virus medium,sufficient illumination suitable temperature vary greatly in temperature between day and night,rich resource land,high soil Ulmin content,loose soil,good physics and chemistry character timely precipitation. Rain and heat are nearlly in the same reason.So the area is the best place for breeding the virus-free seed tuber and producing the non-environmental damage products.However,the main problems which restricts the local potato production are small scale base ,the quality of potato and serious degereration,the low general quality of the peasant in potato production base, the lag level of potato profourd process,the unconsummate system of market services structure,and the incomplete set of agricultural industrial production.
     (2)The development of potato industry in the south of Ningxia should insist the strategic direction of the area development,the first tuber-seeding coming,the science and technology and industry advance,trying to advance layout regionalizing and to establish three big potato superiority production Xiji county,Yuanzhou region and Jingyuan county ;tryng to advance the improved variety of the tuber-seeding,strengthen the selective breeding of the high quality special-purpose potato varity,establish and perfect the quality-controlling system of tuber-seeding and to speed up the breeding and spreading step virus-free tuber-seeding,tring to advance the planting standardization,promote potato standardization planting technology and to promote potato production level comprehensively;tryng to advance the management industrial production,establish the potato production base and the cooperated specialized whole sale market,cultivate specialized cooperative organization,develop potato profound processing and to promote production and marketing engagement;trying to advance the internationalization,expand the export of the commodity potato positirely,develop the production of virus-free tuber-seeding, , quality control of tuber-seeding,potato production machinery and processing equipment and the aspect of international exchange and cooperations
     (3)Promoting potato industry in the mountain area in the south of Ningxia should begin as follow:First,strengthening the base construction,expanding the base scale, planing reasonably,selecting suitable region of high altitude,fertile soil texture,establishing the seed growth base,using not-get-sick the seed tuber,realizing the standard planting,providing the high quality seed tuber for 6×104hm2the potato production base through the original stock,the first level kind stock,the second level kind of breeding;Second,selecting,breeding and renewing improved seed,adjusting and optimizing layout and structure of variety;Third,improving the farmer’s overall quality in the potato planting area,realizing the high level,the scale generation,the standardized production,makes the big industry and must implement the integrated control and raise the planting level.In addition,they should control processing industry resouries,promote the processing transformation ability comprehensively and establish the persistent and effective mechanism which impels this industry to develop with steady steps.depending upon processing industry’s profound leading function
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