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Based on the theories and methods of sedimentology, petroleum geolgoy, architectonic geology, petroleum reservoir engineering, well logging geolgy and reservoir geology, starting from the study of reservoir genetic model and synthetically using the data of well logging, mud logging, core analysis, well drilling, oil production test and other analysis method, this article deeply studies the regional geological background, character of resvervoir, character of sedimentation, character of gas and oil pool and the oil forming mechanism, structural character, potential of oil layer, the distributing character of oil, gas and water. The results deeply influence the further exploration and exploitation of Honggang Oil Field.
    Honggang Oil Field locates in Liangjiazi township, Daan city ,Jilin province. It is in the Honggang structure ,which is in the southern part of Honggang terrace of central depression in Songliao Basin. By the analysis of abundant data from well logging, mud logging and core , under the principle "comparison acceding to cycle, control by hierarchy", this work divides the Gaotaizi Oil Layer into 3 oil layer groups, 10 sandstone layer groups, 40 mbrs and 56 sedimentary units under the control of standard layers. Via the anaylysis of lithology, sendimentary structure, paleontologic fossils, sedimentary succession, rock association and curve character of logging of objective layer, Gaotaizi Oil Layer belongs to braided stream delta facies, the objective layer mainly develops delta front-predelta intrafaeies, and the main microfacies are subaqueous braided distributary channel microfacies;river mouth bar microfacies; subaqueous braided interdistributary channel microfacies; distal bar microfacies;delta front sheet
     sand microfacies , and so on. After facies analysis of single well and multi-well and combination of in-plane facies of 182 wells in this region, this work analyses sedimentary evolvement of these 3 oil layers and generalizes the sedimentary model of this area. From the distribution of in-plane facies and the shape of sandstone and the permeability of the reservoir, the reservoir heterogenity in this area is distinct.
    The data of strucure, reservoir and distribution of liquid show that Gaotaizi Oil Layer mainly develops structural stratified oil and gas pool and stratified-structural-lithological oil-gas pool. After anaylysing the direction of oil and gas migration, the sand trap effect, the mode and quantity of the oil or gas supply, four oil forming mechanism models are concluded: thin layer high trap model, thick layer structural -lithological trap model, migration to higher point model and optimized pathway model. The distribution of water-oil in Gaotaizi Oil Layer is very complex, thick sand layer usually contain only water and thin layer contain more oil.
    Synthesizing the sedimentary facies, sand body and water-oil-gas distribution law and the oil layer employment anaylysis, thembrsof20, 10+11, 13 + 14, 18, 23, 27, 28, 29, 33, 39 are the main potential oil mbrs of Gaotaizi Oil Layer in this area.
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