神农架川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus Roxellana)栖息地植物构成和食源植物评价研究
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川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我国特有的珍稀物种,国家Ⅰ级保护动物。目前分布于我国陕西、四川、甘肃及湖北等地。湖北神农架是川金丝猴分布的最东端,在保护区内川金丝猴主要分布于金猴岭和千家坪地区,近20多年来种群数量一直呈现出稳定增长的趋势,现有8群约1200只。自2006年8月至2008年11月,作者先后9次对湖北神农架国家级自然保护区内的川金丝猴的生态学进行专题研究,着重对栖息地植物构成、不同季节栖息地选择、食物组成、食源植物营养成分及食性选择等内容进行了系统的研究。本研究结果将为神农架川金丝猴的合理保护和科学管理提供重要的科学参考。
     1、对神农架川金丝猴现生栖息地160个、64000m~2的样方进行了调查,分析了随海拔梯度升高,栖息地植物构成、乔木层物种多样性和结构的变化情况。结果表明,在样方中共记录到了木本植物289种,隶属于37科123属;其中乔木25科90属198种,灌木7科29属84种,木质藤本5科4属7种。其中优势科主要有蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)、樟科(Lauraceae)、壳斗科(Fagaccae)和杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)等。根据不同海拔乔木层物种组成的差异,该区可划分为落叶阔叶林(1900m~2100m)、针阔叶混交林(2200 m~2400 m)和暗针叶林(2500 m~2600 m)3种植被类型。随海拔升高,多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)在三种植被类型中均呈下降趋势;均匀度指数(Pielou指数)在针阔叶混交林和暗针叶林中呈下降趋势,而在落叶阔叶林中变化不明显。落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混交林中,阳坡的乔木物种多样性低于阴坡;而暗针叶林中,阴、阳坡乔木层物种多样性的差异却不显著。随着海拔升高,乔木Ⅰ层(>20 m)在乔木层中所占的比例逐渐减小,但乔木Ⅱ层(10 m~20 m)的比例无明显变化,而乔木Ⅲ层(<10 m)的比例却呈上升趋势。利用胸径替代年龄,分析栖息地9种优势乔木树种的种群年龄结构,结果表明该区乔木层呈现稳定增长的趋势。
     2、采用定量分析法研究了湖北神农架千家坪地区川金丝猴现生栖息地优势树种的生态位特点。结果表明,栖息地森林群落乔木层中,生态位宽度最高的为红桦(Betulaalbo-sinensis)(5.261),华山松(Pinus armandii)(4.545)、巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)(4.289)和糙皮桦(Betula utilis)(3.256)次之;灌木层中最高的为红晕杜鹃(Rhododendron erubescens)(2.245),多枝柳(Salix polyclona)(2.064)、华中山楂(Crataegus wilsonii)(1.508)和陇东海棠(Malus kansuensis)(1.453)次之。主要树种生态位宽度大于1的有30种,占总数的10.38%,其中21种是川金丝猴食源植物,占神农架川金丝猴食源植物总数的12.21%;重要值排名前25位的树种中,18种为食源植物,占重要值总和的74.50%;大部分种群的生态位相似性比例值在0~0.3之间,占全部种对的83.82%,优势种的生态位重叠值在0.4以上的有7对种群。总之,神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物组成复杂,优势种多为食源植物,优势种的生境高度相似、生态位多有重叠等特点。
     4、通过不同季节栖息地喜好程度分析可知,川金丝猴通常喜欢选择海拔在2000m~2600 m之间,中偏下坡位,坡度在15°~45°之间的阳坡或半阳半阴坡,中高食物丰富度的阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和针叶林活动,在秋季和冬季天气较好时偶尔也会去阴坡采食。它们对林分郁闭度和隐蔽性的要求也较高,往往喜欢林分郁闭度在30%~80%之间(更偏爱80%以上),乔木高度在10 m~20 m,乔木平均胸径在10 cm~30cm,灌木高度在3 m~5 m,隐蔽性在20%~60%(或更高)的森林活动。通过主成分分析可知,影响神农架川金丝猴不同季节栖息地选择的生态因子也有所差异:植被类型、隐蔽条件和食物因子是影响春季栖息地选择的主要因子;植被类型和隐蔽条件是影响夏季和秋季栖息地选择的主要因子,而冬季栖息地的选择则主要受隐蔽条件和食物因子的影响。
     5、调查发现神农架川金丝猴对夜宿地选择的要求较高,通常情况下喜欢选择海拔在2000 m~2600 m之间的阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和针叶林,中偏上坡位,坡度在15°~45°之间的阳坡或半阳半阴坡,隐蔽性在50%以上,林分郁闭度在50%~80%(更偏爱80%以上),乔木高度在20 m~30 m,乔木最近距离小于5 m,乔木平均胸径在20 cm~30 cm之间,灌木高度在1 m~4 m之间,灌木最近距离在2 m~3 m之间(更喜欢远于3 m的地段),食物丰富度中等至高等水平,距水源距离500 m~1000 m之间或远于1000 m的山地森林。通过主成分分析可知影响神农架川金丝猴不同季节夜宿地选择的生态因子有所差异:植被类型因子、食物因子和隐蔽条件是影响神农架川金丝猴春季夜宿地选择的主要因子;植被类型、地形因子和隐蔽条件是影响夏季夜宿地选择的主要因子;地形因子、食物因子、植被类型和隐蔽条件是影响秋季夜宿地选择的主要因子,而冬季夜宿地的选择主要受隐蔽条件、食物因子和地形因子的影响。
     7、在神农架千家坪地区川金丝猴主要活动区域的样方调查中,共记录到食源植物93种,隶属3363属。按照各种食源植物在群落内的植物相对丰富度(RA)的大小,可分为三类,即RA>5,1<RA<5和RA<1。在春季,RA>5的植物有红桦、糙皮桦、千金榆(Carpinus cordata)、单齿鹅耳枥(C.simplicidentata)、米心水青冈(Fagusengleriana)、槲栎(Quercus aliena)和锐齿槲栎(Q.spinosa vat.acuteserrata)7种,1<RA<5的有灯台树(Comus controversa)、大叶杨(Populus lasiocarpa)和四照花(Dendrobenthamia japonica vat.chinensis)等32种,RA<1的有犬樱(Cerasusbuergeriana)、五味子(Schisandra chinensis)、中国旌节花(Stachyurus chinensis)和华中五味子(S.glaucescens)等45种;在夏季,RA>5的有猫儿屎(Decaisnea fargesii)、华中山楂和湖北山楂(Crataegus hupehensis)3种,1<RA<5的有长果花楸(Sorbuszahlbruckneri)、糙皮桦、红桦和千金榆等40种,RA<1的有五味子、兴山五味子(S.incarnata)、粗皮松萝(Usnea montis-fuji)和尖刺松萝(U.acicurifera)等31种;在秋季,RA>5的有华山松、巴山冷杉、湖北山楂、湖北海棠(Malus hupehensis)、陇东海棠5种,1<RA<5的有华中山楂、槲栎和锐齿槲栎等34种,RA<1的有华中五味子、尾萼蔷薇(Rosa caudata)、串果藤(Sinofranchetia chinensis)和长梗卫矛(Euonymuselegantissimus)等13种;在冬季,RA>5的植物有华山松、巴山冷杉、青荚叶(Helwingiajaponica)、陇东海棠等12种,1<RA<5的有粗皮松萝、长松萝(U.longissima)、尖刺松萝、小刺褐松萝(U.luridorufa)4种。从川金丝猴食源植物资源谱可以看出,春夏秋三个季节里大部分食源植物的RA值在1-5之间,这也反映了神农架川金丝猴食源植物的时空变化及川金丝猴食性的复杂性。
     8、对神农架川金丝猴不同季节的粪便残留物进行显微分析,发现了54种植物的59个部位是神农架川金丝猴的主要食物成分,占神农架川金丝猴可采食植物的26.73%。在春季,r>5的植物有千金榆、青荚叶、米心水青冈和红桦4种,1<r<5的有灯台树、猫儿屎、青榨槭(Acer davidii)和盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)等15种,两者合计占春季川金丝猴食物组成的74.04%,是春季食物的主要来源;在夏季,r>5的有千金榆和米心水青冈2种,1<r<5的有猫儿屎、红桦、青荚叶和华中山楂等20种,两者合计占夏季川金丝猴食物组成的68.35%,是夏季主要采食的食源植物:在秋季,r>5的有华山松、湖北海棠、湖北山楂和华中山楂等7种,1<r<5的有巴山冷杉、峨眉蔷薇(Rosa omeiensis)、卫矛(Euonymus alatus)和藏刺榛(Corylus ferox var.thibetica)等15种,合计占到秋季川金丝猴食物组成的81.30%,是秋季的主要食物来源;在冬季,r>5的有华山松、陇东海棠、青荚叶、粗皮松萝和尖刺松萝等8种,合计占冬季川金丝猴食物组成的52.91%,是冬季的主要食物来源。
Rhinopithecus roxellana,a rare and endemic species in China under the first rate national protection,is found in the provinces of Shannxi,Sichuan,Gansu,Hubei and some other places in China. Shennongjia,a national natural reserve in Hubei province,is the most eastern end where the Rhinopithecus roxellana is found.Eight groups of about 1 200 Rhinopithecus roxellana exist in Jinhouling and Qianjiaping,which are two areas in the Rhinopithecus roxellana reserve.The quantity of Rhinopithecus roxellana has been showing a steady growth trend in recent twenty years.From August 2006 to November 2008,nine trips there for the ecology observations of the Rhinopithecus roxellana have been made,mainly studied on plant composition of their habitat,the seasonal habitat selection,and food composition,nutrient composition of plant as food sources,selection of food habits etc.The results provide important scientific data for protection and scientific management of Rhinopithecus roxellana. The main results as follows:
     1.160 quadrates with total areas of 64000 m~2 were surveyed,and with the rise the elevation gradient,the changes of habitat plant composition,tree species diversity and structural changes were analyzed.289 species were found in samples belonged to 37 families,and 123 genera,in which there are 25 families,and 90 genera and 198 species trees,7 families,29 genera and 84 species shrub,5 families,4 genera and 7 species woody climber.The Dominant families are Rosaceae,Caprifoliacea, Lauraceae,Fagaceae,Ericaceae etc.According to differences of different species composition in tree layer of elevation,this area can be basically divided into three types of plants,they are deciduous broad-leaved forest(1900 m~2100 m),mixed coniferous broad leaved forest(2200 m~2 400 m) and dark coniferous forest(2500 m~2600 m).Diversity index(Shannon-Wiener index) shows a downward trend with elevation in the three vegetation types;evenness index(Pielou index) declines in the mixed forest and dark coniferous forest,while there is no significant diversification in deciduous broad-leaved forest.The diversity of tree species grows in sunny slope is lower than that of shady slope in deciduous broad-leaved forest and mixed forest;while the species difference of tree layer between sunny slope and shady slope are not significant.Proportion of tree layerⅠ(>20 m) gradually decreased with the elevation in the tree layer,but the proportion of tree layerⅡ(10 m~20 m) has no significant change, while the proportion of tree layerⅢ(<10 m) rises.Diameter at breast height used to instead of age to analyze the population age structure of habitat of nine kinds of dominant tree species,shows a steady growth trend of the tree layer in this area.
     2.Quantitative analysis method was used in this article for the study of characteristics of ecological niche of dominant species in Qianjiaping area in Hubei Shennongjia reserve of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitats.It shows that in the habitat of tree layer in forest communities,the species with the highest niche width is Betula albo-sinensis(5.261),follow by Pinus armandii(4.545), Abies fargesii(4.289),Betula utilis(3.256);in shrub layer,Rhododendron erubescens has the highest, and follow by Salix polyclona(2.245),Crataegus wilsonii(2.064) and Malus kansuensis(1.453).To niche breadth more than 1,there are 30 kinds of main tree species,accounting for 10.38%of the total number,out of which there are 21 kinds of food plant of Rhinopithecus roxellana,accounting for 12.21 %of the total number of Shennongjia Rhinopithecus roxellana food plant.In the top of 25 essential value species,there are 18 kinds of plants for food sources,accounting for 74.50%of the sum.Seven pairs of species are above 0.4 in overlap value of dominant species niche;most of the similarity ratio values of species niche between 0-0.3,account for 83.82%in the total species.In short,the habitat Shennongjia Rhinopithecus roxellana has complex plant composition,and many dominant species are food sources;with highly similar dominant species habitats and more overlapping niche.
     3.Sample lines and quadrat methods were used to study habitat and bedding selection of Rhinopithecus roxellana in each season,12 ecological factors of habitat selection and 14 ecological factors of bedding selection are chosen for analysis.It shows that for Shennongjia Rhinopithecus roxellana,there is a significant difference between utilization of plants in habitat(F=4.85,P<0.05) and selection on slope position(F=7.33,P<0.05) in different seasons;significant differences are showed on the elevation(F=10.27,P<0.01),gradient,(F=11.09,P<0.01) hidden(F=21.76,P<0.01),stand density(F=11.55,P<0.01),food abundance(F=8.62,P<0.01),tree average height(F=18.35,P<0.01),average tree diameter at breast height(F=18.35,P<0.01) and average height of all shrubs (F=13.62,P<0.01);while there is no significant differences on slope direction(F=1.27,P>0.05) and distance(F=3.17,P>0.05) from the water source.Diversity average height of shrub(F=5.91,P<0.05) at night is significant in different season;significant differences are showed on plant species(F=21.35, P<0.01),gradient(F=7.50,P<0.01),slope direction(F=18.66,P<0.01),slope position(F=12.43,P<0.01),hidden(F=58.38,P<0.01) forest canopy density(F=37.14,P<0.01),food abundance (F=53.88,P<0.01),average height of trees(F=14.66,P<0.01),and average tree diameter at breast height(F=11.84,P<0.01),distance from tree(F=19.38,P<0.01) and water source(F=17.95,P<0.01);while there is no marked difference on ground elevation(F=2.69,P>0.05) and distance from shrub(F=3.22,P>0.05).
     4.Analysis to the degree of preference habitat in each season indicate that Rhinopithecus roxellana prefer to select the broad-leaved forest,mixed forest and coniferous forest habitation with altitude between 2 000 m and 2 600 m,enjoy playing on middle down-ward of slope location,and semi-sunny or semi-positive slope with gradient between 15°and 45°,and forest with high food abundance,but feeding also occurs at shady slopes in good weather of autumn and winter. Rhinopithecus roxellana require higher forest canopy density and hidden,often like to select canopy density from 30%to 80%,more preferred those above 80%,tree height from 10 m to 20 m,average tree diameter at breast height between 10 cm and 30 cm,shrub height from 3 m to 5 m,hidden between 20%and 50%,or play in higher hidden Forest.But selections of ecological factors of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitat are also varied in different seasons.Analysis of principal component indicate that in the spring,habitat selection of Rhinopithecus roxeUana is mainly affected by vegetation type,cover condition and food;in summer,they are mainly affected by vegetation type and hidden conditions;in autumn,they are still subject to vegetation types and hidden condition;while in the winter,they are mainly due to hidden conditions and the higher food.
     5.Requirements of overnight accommodation to Rhinopithecus roxellana ate higher.The survey shows that they enjoy to select the broad-leaved forest,mixed forest and coniferous forest with altitude from 2 000 m to 2 600 m as their overnight accommodation,and select upward slope with gradient from 15°to 45°between the semi-suuny or semi-positive slope,and also enjoy select hidden above 50%with canopy density stands from 50%to 80%,more preferred above 80%.Selection of tree height from 20 m to 30 m,Tree distance is less than 5 m,average tree diameter at breast height between 20 cm and 30 cm,and the shrub height from 1 m to 4 m,the nearest bush between 2 m and 3 m or more far than 3 m are enjoyed.They also like to select mountain forests with middle and high food abundance and distance to water resource from 500 m to 1 000 m or far away 1 000 m.However,in different seasons, Rhinopithecus roxellana select various ecological environments of overnight accommodations.Analysis with principal component show that,in the spring,selection of overnight accommodation affected by plant type,food and hidden conditions;in the summer,mainly impacted by plant type,terrain factors and the hidden conditions;in the autumn,mainly due to topographical,food,plant type and hidden conditions;while in winter,it is mainly affected by hidden conditions,food and the effects of topographical factors.
     6.With survey of literature and habitat quadrat,it is found that Rhinopithecus roxellana in Shennongjia area has 202 kinds of plants for feed,belonging to 44 families,89 genera;Among them, there are 181 species of woody plants,17 kinds of herbaceous plants and 4 kinds of tree-type clothing plant,accounted for 89.60%,8.42%and 1.98%respectively of the total number of plant species for food in Shennongjia.the statistics also show that plants can feed mainly concentrated in the 17 families (more than 5 families),they are Rosaceae(9 genus / 32 species,the same as follow),Lauraceae(4/15), Caprifoliaceae(5/14),Fagaceae(5/10),Actinidiaceae(2/8),Oleaceae(4/8),Pinaceae(3/7),Salicaceae (2/7),Comaceae(3/6),Corylaceae(2/6),Celastraceae(2/6),Berberidaceae(2/5),Lardizabalaceae(3/5), Umbelliferae(2/5),Balsaminaceae(1/5),Schisandraceae(1/5)and Ericaceae(1/5),which account for 38.64%in the total number of food plant families to Shennongjia Rhinopithecus roxellana,51 genera in total,149 species,account for 57.30%and 73.76%in the total number of food plant genera and species respectively.
     7.With survey of quadrat region for activity of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Sbennongjia Qianjiaping areas,it was recorded 93 species of food plants,belonging to 33 families and 63 genera.
     They can be divided into three categories according to plant relative abundance(RA) in variety communities of food plant,that is RA>5,1<RA<5 and RA<1.In spring,there are 7 species of plants with RA>5,that are Betula albo-sinensis,Betula utilis,Carpinus eordata,C.simplicidentata,Fagus engleriana,Quercus aliena and Q.spinosa vat.acuteserrata.There are 32 species of plants with 1<RA<5,that are Comus controversa,Populus lasiocarpa,D endrobenthamia japonica vat.chinensis etc.45 species of plants with RA<1,that are Cerasus buergeriana,Schisandra chinensis,Stachyurus chinensis, S.glaucescens etc.In summer,there are 3 species of plants with RA>5,that are Decaisnea fargesii, Crataegus wilsonii Satg and Crataegus hupehensis;almost 40 species of plants with 1<RA<5,that are Sorbus zahlbruckneri,Betula utilis,Betula albo-sinensis,Carpinus cordata,vat.chinensis etc.,and 31 species plants with RA<1,that are Schisandra chinensis,S.incarnata,Us nea montis-fuji,U.aciculif era and etc.;In autumn,there are 5 species plants with RA>5,that are Pimus armandii,Abies fargesii, Crataegus hupehensis,Malus hupehensi,Malus kansuensis and etc.,34 species plants with 1<RA<5, that are Crataegus wilsonii,Quercus aliena,Quercus aliena vat.acuteserrata etc.,13 species plants with RA<1,that are Schisandra sphenanthera,Rosa caudata,Sinofranchetia chinensis,Euonymus elegantissimus etc.;In winter,there ate 12 species of plants with RA>5,that are Pimus armandii fransh, Abies fargesii,Helwingiajaponica,Malus kansuensis etc.,4 species plants with 1<RA<5,that are Lichen Usneae Montis-fuji,U.longissima,U.aciculifera and U.luridorufa.It can be seen from Plant resources of Rhinopithecus roxellana,most RA value is between 1 and 5 in spring,summer and autumn, which also reflects spatial and temporal changes of food plants in Shennongjia reserve and the complex feeding of Rhinopithecus roxellana.
     8.Microscopy analysis to excrement residuum of Rhinopithecus roxellana shows that 54 species of plants,including 59 parts constitute the main food components in each season,accounting for 26.73%in feeding plants.In spring,there are 4 species of plants with r>5,that are Carpinus cordata vat.chinensis,Hetwingia japonica,Fagus engleriana and Betula albo-sinensis,and 15 species of plants with 1<r<5,that are Comus controversa,Decaisnea fargesii,Acer davidii,Rhus chinensis etc.,both of them account for 74.04%in food components in spring,which are their main food plants.In summer, there are Carpinus cordata var.chinensis,Fagus engleriana with r>5,and 20 species of plants with 1<r<5,they are Decaisnea fargesii,Betula albo-sinensis,Helwingia japonica,Crataegus wilsonii etc., both of them are taken together accounted for 68.35%of food composition,and become the main food types in summer;In autumn,there are 7 species of plants with r>5,they are Pimus armandii,Malus hupehensi,Crataegus hupehensis,Crataegus wilsonii etc.,and 15 species of plants with 1<r<5,that are Abies fargesii,Rosa omeiensis,Euony mus alatus,Cor ylus ferox vat.thibetica etc.,which account for 81.30%of composition of food in autumn,and become the main food types;In winter,there ate 8 species of plants,that are Pimus armandii,Malus kansuensis,Helwingia japonica,Lichen Usneae Montis-fuji,U.aciculifera etc.,which account for 52.91%in food composition of Rhinopithecus roxellana,and become main food types in winter.
     9.Analysis of feeding-associated factor to Rhinopithecus roxellana in each season shows that average food abundance(t=2.492,P=0.088) has no significant difference(P>0.05),while average water content(t=4.155,P= 0.025,P<0.05) in the main food plant in each season,content of crude protein(t=14.196,P=0.001,P<0.01),crude fiber(t=5.921,P=0.010,P<0.05),crude ash(t=14.487, P=0.001,P<0.01),crude fat(t=7.167,P=0.006,P<0.01) and NFE(nitrogen free extract)(t=7.846, P=0.004,P<0.01) reach to a significant level.It shows that food selection of Rhinopithecus roxellana is not determined by a single factor,but combined effects of various factors;and also shows that complex food selection.From the analysis of seasonal food source of plant nutrients principal component,we can see that in spring,feeding of Rhinopithecus roxellana is mainly affected by crude protein,NFE,water content and food abundance;and impacted by NFE,crude fiber,crude ash and food abundance;while in winter,crude fiber,crude fat,crude protein and food abundance are main factors which impact feeding of Rhinopithecus roxellana.
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