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红沙港地处于三亚市,该港的面积约4km2 ,海水体积约1200万m3~1600万m3。是三亚目前最重要的渔港之一。本研究小组于2006年3~11月对红沙港生态系统的结构进行了综合调查与现场监测,内容涉及浮游植物、微生物、水化因子等,本文将详细介绍在这一综合调查中有关微生物污染情况、浮游植物群落结构特征、赤潮藻的分类鉴定和赤潮生消过程的调查研究结果。评价和分析调查海域赤潮发生的生态背景以及生态环境的现状,为研究赤潮发生的生态学和海洋学机制,制订防治措施提供基础参数。从而为红沙港海水养殖业的可持续发展和热带海湾生态保护策略提供理论依据。
     调查表明,红沙港浮游植物种类比较少,共鉴定浮游植物有4门23属43种。其中硅藻门14属30种,占总数的70 %;甲藻门7属11种,占总数的26 %;黄藻门1属1种;金藻门1属1种。硅藻以角毛藻属和根管藻属的种类最多,共6种,其次是圆筛藻属,有3种。硅藻为最优势类群。在硅藻中,又以中肋骨条藻为优势种,其数量在浮游植物群落总细胞数中的百分比均值达68.6%。红沙港浮游植物群落数量的时空变动在很大程度上取决于中肋骨条藻的种群动态。
     调查期间,红沙港海域浮游植物总细胞数量的总平均值为1.50×106cells/L;叶绿素a浓度实测值的变化范围为0.23~9.9μg/L ,总平均值为2.89μg/L,属于较高水平;而群落的多样指数实测值的变化范围为0.05~3.16,总平均值为1.39;均匀度实测值的变化范围为0.03~0.88,总平均值为0.46。
Hong Sha Harbor with water area of 4km2 and volume of 1.2×107 ~1.6×107 cubic meters is one of the most important port in San Ya , the city of Hai Nan province . Our research group had finished study on the structure ecosystem and field monitoring, Covering phytoplankton,microorganisms,nutrients etc, This paper will describe in more detail in the comprehensive survey of microorganisms, phytoplankton ecology and the occurrence of red tide in the course of the investigation findings. Evaluated and analysed the ecological background and the status of the ecological environment of the occurrence of red tide with the ecological point, in order to provide the basic parameters for study the ecological and oceanographic mechanisms of red tide and formulate preventive measures.
     Through this investigation,we identified 43 species representing 23 genera.A- mong these, Bacillariophyta (30 species,representing 14 genera)accounted for 70%; followed by dinoflagellates(11 species,representing 7 genera)accounted for 26%; Bacillariophyta were the largest group ,in which the dominant population in the area was Skeletonema coatatum,and it accounted for 68.6% of the total phytoplankton. Therefore the horizontal and seasonal distributions patterns of Skeletonema coatatum dominated the patterns of the total phytoplankton.
     In the spatial distribution, species, the diversity index (H’) and evenness(J) of phytoplankton community increased gradually from inside of the harbor to outside of the harbor; The density of total cell number and Chlorophy ll a increased from outside of the harbor to inside of the harbor. In the time distribution , the monthly averages the density of phytoplankton and Chl.a showed two peaks.
     During the investigation, Phytoplankton cells in the total number of overall average of 1.50×10~6cells/L ; the values of chlorophyll a in the range of 0.23~9.9μg/L , with overall average of 2.89μg/L. belonging to a higher level; the diversity index (H’) in the range of 0.05~3.16, with overall average of 1.39; the evenness(J) in the range of 0.03~0.88; with overall average of 0.46.
     In the area , heterotrophic bacteria and coliform bacteria of sea water exceed serious , this showed the water be polluted. Addition , phytoplankton community with a low types ,high-density characteristics and phytoplankton community structure is simple. there is the potential outbreak of red tide .during the investigation period, a harmless red tide occurred , The causative species was Skeletonema coatatum.
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