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     设计问题本质上是一个约束满足问题(Constraint Satisfaction Problem,CSP),即给定功能、结构、材料及制造等方面的约束描述,求得满足设计要求的设计对象的细节。现行的CAD系统能较好地处理复杂的零件图,但在装配图的设计方面,却显得薄弱无力,缺乏完善、可靠的装配建模工具。然而,装配图是产品设计中极为重要的技术文件,它对提高设计效率,缩短设计周期都具有重要的意义。
     本文以基于网络的零件库技术以及装配约束满足问题(Assembly Constraint Satisfaction Problem,ACSP)为主线,对集成化的智能CAD进行了研究,建立了基于PPLIB(Parametric Parts LIBrary)的装配图参数化设计系统。
     在深入研究PLIB标准的基础上,采用NIST Expresso和WinSTEP等工具构筑了基于PLIB的产品信息模型。通过局部约束求解器和草图规整器等工具建立基于约束的产品几何模型,为支持企业在Intranet网上开展协同设计、共享设计资源,根据零部件库的实际使用情况,选择并改进了PLIB标准建议的第二种集成方案,建立了基于PLIB的信息集成系统,实现了不同CAD间产品级的信息交换,创建了机械领域的基于Internet/Intranet的参数化零部件库PPLIB。
With the development of computer technology, the global manufacture era is coming. Under this background, using integrated and intelligent CAD systems to accomplish product design is important ensure for the enterprises to win the market competition. Therefore the study on integrated and intelligent CAD systems has become the trend in design field.
    The design problem is essentially a constraint satisfaction problem. Given the functional, structural, material, manufacturing constraints and so on, find the details of design object in line with the design requirements. Current CAD systems are good at dealing with complicated part drawings, but are week in the design of assembly drawings. However, assembly drawing is an important technical file, which contributes to improve design efficiency and shorten design cycle.
    Our discussion is focused on parts library technology based on network and assembly constraint satisfaction problem (ACSP). In this paper we present a deep study on integrated ICAD and build a parametric design system of assembly drawing based on PPLD3 (Parametric Parts Library).
    Firstly, the background and related work in the field of integrated ICAD research are introduced. The architecture of parametric design system of assembly drawing based on PPLJB is set up using the object oriented modeling method. And the functional model of parametric design system is built using the IDEFO structural analysis approach.
    Then based on the deep study on PLIB standards, the product information model based on PLIB is set up using the tools such as NIST Expresso, WinSTEP and so on. To support the collaborative design and the share of design resource, the second integration project suggested by the PLIB standards is selected and modified and the information integration system based on PLIB is set up. The information exchange between different CAD systems is implemented.
    The geometric model of products is set up by studying on CSP. The simplified method for geometric constraint system is presented and a graph representation is used to
    describe the geometric constraint system. The characteristics of the geometric constraint network is also given. A part drawing oriented geometric reasoning algorithm based on point-cluster reduction presented and a local constraint solver is set up. It can obtain the solving sequence of geometric elements from the geometric constraint network and achieve the parametric design of complicated drawings. The tool for building PPLB is set up using the local constraint solver and PLJB technology.
    The solving mechanism of ACSP is discussed and the global constraint solving algorithm based on block is proposed. The 2D constraint solver is built based on the local constraint solver and PPLBB to achieve the parametric design of assembly drawing.
    Finally, under the practical background of the project of GIS parametric design software, the development of the parametric design system of assembly drawing based on PPLJB is carried out. The future work in this area is addressed.
    In conclusion, there are some innovates listed below in this paper.
    1. The architecture of assembly drawing design system which supports bottom-up and top-down assembly design is set up;
    2. The parametric geometric model of product based on constraint is set up, and the solving model based on constraint network graph for the product geometric model is proposed;
    3. The parametric information model of product based on PUB is set up, the method of product information exchange between different CAD systems through PLJB is designed, and the integration of parts libraries between the different CAD systems is implemented;
    4. The geometric reasoning algorithm based on point-cluster reduction is put forward, and the local solver is set up based on it, the local constraint solving problem is solved;
    5. The global constraint solving algorithm based on block is proposed, and the 2D constraint solver is set up, the parametric design of assembly drawing is realized.
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