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China is a great country famous for her“teaching poems”. The education of poems is an indispensable way to foster humanity spirit of teenagers. Poems belong to a kind of genre which is the most delicate, genuine and elegant, embodying literary interest with cultivated taste. All the pure literature possesses the feature of poems. Therefore, to a certain degree, the feeling and understanding of poems reflects the level of a person’s humanity quality, especially of classical poems and a man’s accomplishment and grounding in studies of Chinese culture.
     All the excellent poems are accomplished when the poets’strong emotions are aroused by the life reality. Classical poems reveal poets’feeling of love and hatred and arouse students’echo and make formative influence on students through elegant and refined language, far-reaching mood of a literary work and lively images. Based on the status quo of emotional education of high school students, the paper expounds the connotation of feeling of classical poems and the significance of educating. By making a deep exploration into the content of emotional education in the teaching of classical poems and integrating the actual situation of students, the paper explores the effective tactics to make the emotional education penetrate into the teaching of classical poems. The paper aims to incarnate the“human-oriented”educational concept to promote the teaching of Chinese to develop towards the real the quality education. The paper consists of four parts.
     The first part makes an analysis of the status quo of the teaching classical poems in high schools and emotion of high schools students and puts forward the idea that the emotional education should be undertaken in the teaching of classical poems.
     The second part makes an analysis of the connotation of emotional education and expounds the significance of emotional education in the teaching of classical poems by integrating actual situation of high school students and the orientation of present basic education reform and the status quo of school education.
     The third part explores the main content of emotional education in the teaching of classical poems of high school and classifies the emotion in classical poems in terms of patriotic feeling, love, affectionate feelings, and feelings towards hometown and discusses the necessity of emotional education in the teaching of classical poems.
     The fourth part discusses how to implement emotional education in the teaching of classical poems of high schools by analyzing the emotional education in executors (teachers) and receivers (high school students) and points out that the principles to follow and ways to master.
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