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    在本文中,我们选择信息工程中使用的具有代表性的薄膜/基底组合形式:一类是钛/聚碳酸脂,另一类是钛/有机玻璃; 利用真空对靶磁控溅射镀膜技术制作了50-150纳米间不同厚度的薄膜。需精确设置仪器参数,如:初始压力(真空度)、工作压力和沉积速度等,这样才能精确控制薄膜的沉积厚度。
    利用有限元软件Ansys模拟屈曲的形成过程; 特别是讨论不同屈曲结构共存的状态。
The study about tiny scale mechanics and material performance in MEMS system today is a hot topic in the intercross investigation among many international subject . The mechanics behavior of membrane material under residual stress and compressive stress has been studied .Deformation,stress,fracture and buckle are involved.The mechanics behavior especially among nano scale is important and has widely application forground.
    In this paper we select the representative film and substrate combination.One is the combination of titanium and polysaccharide another is titanium and organic.We have samples with different thickness from 50 nanometer to 150 nanometer All the samples were deposited.During the deposition process we need to control many parameters which involve initial vacuum and work pressure and the speed of deposition.so that we can gain the exact thichness of film.
    In this paper we analyzed the mechanism of straight-sided bulking and the propagation of bulking driven delamintaion. Conditions for steady-state growth of buckling-driven delamination in thin film systems can be calculated by a simplified method where details around the growing front are not required. The simplified method relies upon estimates of the phase angle of loading along the propagation front of delamination.
    In this paper we have designed new compressive device.The film needs axial compressive stress .The acuuracy of experimental results relies on the machining of the substrate and the method of deposition.The machining accuracy of the compressive device can also affect the results.
     Under the condition of combination effect of axial compressive stress and residual stess we study the whole process from delamination to bulking .All the results can be gained by the use of OLYMPUS.We also observed the whole growing process of straighted-sided bulking .In this paper ,we measured the height of bulking under different stess and discussed the coexist of different bulking .In the end by the use of the ANSYS software we simulated the process of bulking .
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