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Objective: To study the Differentially expressed genes of the effect of acupuncture Yongquan point on aging rat model by gene microarrays. Methed: ffe depart adult male rats as normal adult group , aging model group and acupuncture group at radom, aging model group was made by subcutaneous injection of 10% D-galactose 0.5ml one time everyday, while normal adult group was made by the injection of the same volume physiological salt water, at same time acupuncture group treated by acupuncture Yongquan point every day for 6 times a week. After 7 weeks, the rat were sacrified, We harvested their livers to extract mRNA to reverse transcription for cDNA microarray analyses. For the microarray analyses and verify whether the model is correctly with p53 and bcl-2, 2305 cDNA were selected to made microarray. cDNA extracted from model rats were labeled with cy5~dUTP and cy3-dUTP, while cDNA extracted from
    ilk1 nuriiiiil ^roiip weIX1 hilx'led with cy3-dl'TP and cy5~dLTP for to\v hybridized. These probes were hybridized with the cDNA microarrays, scanned, and analyzed. Result: There are 168 genes expression were clearly changed between adult group and aging model group and 318 differentially expressed in ageing rats treated by acupuncture. In these differentially expressed genes, 37 genes are same. While through acupuncture we could change p53' s expression. Conclusion: Through acupuncture Yongquan point we can not only ameliorate ageing rats' physiological and biochemical change, but also affect their gene expression. This effect is on whole. Using gene microarray technique
    combining animal model experiments can study the differentially expressed genes about aging in large scale , high throughout and high efficiency. Gene microarray will act as an important role in study the molecular mechanism of acupuncture and the relationships between aging and gene.
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