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本论文以国防“十·五”规划项目为依托,在深入研究了计算机3D图形技术、数据库技术、GPS原理和地理信息系统技术的基础上,设计实现了一个基于OPENGL 3D图形显示的、集成了“3S”数据分析的系统。该系统主要任务是针对地形地物的三维显示情况下地物目标的管理、查询,同时涉及雷达波束的定位、GPS数据的处理,其中在雷达波束定位算法的思路上进行了一些探索,提供了地面目标高度检测的方法,给辅助雷达图像理解提供一个有力的地理背景环境和目标检测的某些功能。
This paper relay on the tenth five-year item of national defense, which design a system with functions of analyzing '3S' data on the base of displaying 3D graph with open graphical library and lucubrating in the computer 3D graphical technology, database technology, principle of global positioning system, and geographical information system. The task of this system is managing and querying the target under the condition of displaying the 3D graph. And at the same time, it can position the radar clutter and process the data of global positioning system. It make some attempt to the algorithm of positioning the radar clutter. We hope it can provide a good geographical background to comprehending the radar image.
    This paper include various of technology such as processing the data of global positioning system and remote sensing, the technology of the computer 3D graph, OpenGL and geographical information system. Chapter 1 introduces domestic and overseas situation and developing trend of '3S' technology, and presents the research context and significance. Chapter 2 discuss detailed in the developing and basis of the '3S' technology and some characters of the application of the SAR. Chapter 3 discuss detailed in the trial system, key technology, data processing of the integrated "3S" on the flying carrier. Chapter 4 discussed the software of the integrated "3S", including the requirement, module, display 3D terrain and the key technology. Chapter 5 summarized the process of the trial plan and software and the feature.
    This paper lucubrated and discussed the real 3D geographical background system for the SAR image. Including the basic principle, data collection, data processing, data management and data analyzing. We overcome a lot of difficulty and achieve the task finally.
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