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So far, various forms of silk fibroin biomaterials have been reported and remarkable achievements have been acquired. Researches have shown that the molecular conformation and crystal structure of tussah silk fibroin (TSF) were similar with that of silk fibroin (SF). Besides, TSF aminoacid contain a large number of RGD three peptide sequence which could contribute to the activity of cells. This property made TSF have some advantages uesd as biomaterials. In this paper, tussah silk was dissolved with LiSCN solution and then dialyzed in the flowing water to obtain TSF aqueous solution. TSF/CMCS (tussah silk fibroin & carboxymethyl chitosan) blend membranes were made by the mixture of TSF and CMCS solution at 40℃. And the TSF/HAP (tussah silk fibroin & hydroxylapatite) composite membranes were made by co-precipitation at 20℃. This two kinds of membranes were respectively applied as membranes biomaterial of tissue engineering scaffolds to culture skin epithelial cells and bone cells. The basic application performance of this two kinds of blend membranes were tested and their internal structure were analysised. The test results of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, DSC showed that the TSF/CMCS membranes were predominantly inβ-sheet structure and TSF/HAP composite membranes were predominantly inα-helix and amorphous structure. Researches showed that small mount of CMCS could induce the crystallization of tussah silk fibroin and the crystallinity of the blend membranes come to its maximum at the ratio of 95/5 (TSF/CMCS). When the CMCS contents come to 15%, its crystallinity had a outstanding decrease. At the ratio of 45/55 (TSF/CMCS), TSF and CMCS appeared phase separation phenomenon. The changes of moisture content, moisture permeability, dissolving loss and mechanical properties of the TSF/CMCS blend membranes showing consistent with its structural. The physical tests of TSF/HAP composite membranes showed that HAP did not appeared to agglomeration until HAP contnts exceeded 12% and the corresponding properties decreased at the same time. In addition, TSF/HAP composite membranes were treated with ethanol solution. And the internal structure test results of TSF/HAP composite membranes showed that the moisture content, thermal stability increased and proportion ofβ-sheet structure added with the prolonging of the treating time.
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