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近年来,递归神经网络(RNNs)的鲁棒稳定性问题成为研究的一个热点。但是由于缺乏RNNs的统一模型,所以其鲁棒稳定性研究并没有统一的方法可循。标准神经网络模型(SNNM-Standard Neural Network Model)由一个线性动力学系统和有界激励函数构成的静态非线性算子连接而成,被表示为线性微分包含(LDI)的形式,便于利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)技术进行分析。通过参数的设置,SNNM可用来表示大多数时滞(非时滞)RNNs,为不同的RNNs提供了一个统一的分析框架。本文首先研究了SNNM的鲁棒稳定性问题,并成功应用于对各种RNNs的稳定性分析中。另外大多数包含神经网络或T-S模糊模型的时滞(非时滞)智能系统也都可以转化为SNNM的形式,以便于用统一的方法进行控制器的综合。本文在鲁棒稳定性分析的基础上分别对SNNM的鲁棒镇定控制和保性能控制进行了研究,并在此框架下进行非线性系统鲁棒控制器的综合。主要工作如下:
Robust stability of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) has received much attention in the past decades. Because of the lack of a unified model of RNNs, however, there is no universal approach for this study. Standard neural network model (SNNM) is the interconnection of a linear dynamic system and a bounded static nonlinear operator, which is depicted as a linear differential inclusion (LDI) to be analyzed easily with linear matrix inequalities (LMI) technique. Most delayed or non-delayed RNNs can be transformed into SNNM to be analyzed in a unified way. The robust stability of SNNM is investigated detailed in this dissertation, and is used in the analysis of the robust stability of other RNNs. Moreover, most delayed (or nondelayed) intelligent systems composed of neural networks or T-S fuzzy models can be depicted as SNNM for controller synthesis. Robust control and guaranteed cost control of SNNM are studied in this dissertation. The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:
     A brief introduction of SNNM is presented, and several different RNNs are transformed into SNNM to show the transformation procedure and techniques. The approximation capability of SNNM is analyzed. It is approved that SNNM can approximate any dynamic systems to any degree of accuracy. The approximation capability and the learn ability justify the use of SNNM in practical applications.
     The robust asymptotical stability and exponential stability of continuous (discrete-time) SNNM with norm-bounded uncertainties are investigated. Applying the Lyapunov stability theory and the S-Procedure technique, some criteria for robust stability SNNM are derived. The criteria are presented as LMI. Especially, the criteria for robust exponential stability are formulated as a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP), which establish an estimation of the exponential convergence rate and improve the previous results. The numerical simulations show the effectiveness of our results.
     SNNM is used to describe some delayed(or non-delayed) intelligent systems composed of neural networks and T-S fuzzy models, and design the robust stabilizing controller and guaranteed cost controller based on the description model. State-feedback and output-feedback robust controllers for SNNMs are designed to stabilize the closed-loop systems. The control design equations are formed as a set of LMIs. Most neural-network-based (or fuzzy) intelligent systems can be transformed in to the SNNMs for controller synthesis in a unified way.
     SNNM provide a new approach for the analysis of RNNs and controller synthesis of nonlinear systems.
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