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     本论文还进一步研究了馈线自动化系统管理程序的构成,并详细分析了其中图形组态模块、数据库模块以及算法处理模块的实现,简述了不在本文作者工作范围内的通讯模块、报表模块的实现思想。以此为指导,本文作者利用Visual C++6.0及SQL Server 2000等工具开发出一套开放式管理程序,经应用证明具有较强的可靠性、灵活性与实用性。
Power distribution network is an important component in power system which directly distributes power energy to the users. It's operational stability and reliability seriously influences the user's production and life. With the social development and improvement in people's living standard, people makes greater demands on energy quality and reliability. It's very urgent to realize distribution feeder automation for the sake of higher operational and managing level in distribution network.
    This thesis makes a systematic reaserch and analysis about distribution network, compares some schemes about realizing feeder automation system and discusses the universal layered and distributed feeder automation sheme which based on feeder terminal unit(FTU) in detail.
    Combined with the practical situiation in distribution network, it's suitable to select graph algorithm as the theoretical algorithm base. Based on structure variable dissipated network theory, this thesis detailedly discusses the transforms of base-to-shape, shape-to-base, vertex-to-arc, arc-to-vertex, over-heated arc dectection, load allotting, load balancing and optimum restoration. The author developes this theory and brings forward a new method to solve feeder automation algorithm for processing special distribution network connection.
    This thesis studies the architecture of feeder automation management program further, and analyses the graphics configuration module, the database module and the algorithm module. The communication module and report module are also discussed. Based on these, the author makes use of Visual C++ 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 to develop an open management program. It is proved to be reliable, flexible and practical in practical use.
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