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     本论文还从并行工程的理念出发,在电连接器的开发过程中,引入BKM (Best Known Method)概念;分别在建立BKM数据库,如何产生BKM资料,以及如何管理及运用BKM资料等方面进行阐述,以求使电连接器产品开发速度更快,品质更好,成本更低,为产品开发人员及产品开发管理者提供一种比较实用的运作模式。经过实际运用,效果明显。
Concurrent engineering is a kind of philosophy, a kind of ideology. It’s one of the high effectiveness tools for saving operation time, total cost, and improving quality. It’s also good tool to enhance surviving ability during competitive business environment.
     Nowadays, the product life in electronic field is much shorter, generation change is rapid. Engaging with the demands, the developing speed of new electronic products requires faster and faster with more functional, demands, which makes the competition of business crucial. The new product’s developing speed is one of the major competitiveness to meet the customer’s requirements (including potentials) with good quality and high volume manufacturability. How can we achieve the product in low cost (mass production), good quality and fast samples delivery during the course of development?
     Electronic connector is one of the parts of the electronic product, which connects two subsystems of an electronic system and therefore is very important and necessary. Based on experience, this paper provides a product-centered concurrent development model referred to the popular enabling tools of product development, and puts the concurrent engineering into control flow design for product development. Besides, it also explains the time when and where each the enabling tools could be applied to.
     This paper as well as applies both the concurrent engineering methodology and the concept of BKM (Best Known Method) to the electronic connector development, in which how to build BKM database, create BKM data, manage and use the data are explained, in order to make the development of electronic connector much faster, much better and much cheaper. Such a way will provide a practical and effective method for designers and managers. Through application, it works.
     At the same time, BKM can also provide better competitiveness in other fields.
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