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     1.人毛囊真皮成分和表皮成分细胞的分离、培养和鉴定。将人头皮标本剪成小块,中性蛋白酶中37℃孵育2 h后镜下将带外根鞘的毛干从真皮鞘中拔出,组织块法培养外根鞘隆起(Bulge)细胞;从真皮-皮下组织交界处横断头皮,拔出含毛乳头的真皮鞘,胶原酶D 37℃孵育6~8 h,多次低速离心,毛乳头沉淀重悬后培养,收集的真皮鞘细胞上清液经高速离心后重悬培养;真皮鞘和毛乳头的分离也可采用显微解剖法,依参照文献中的操作进行。观察其在体外培养的形态学和生物学特点,比较两种分离方法毛乳头的贴壁率,培养的Bulge细胞和毛乳头、真皮鞘细胞分别用K19或α-平滑肌动蛋白免疫组化鉴定。
     2.鼠触须毛乳头细胞和鼠触须毛囊上皮细胞的分离、培养。采用显微解剖法进行大鼠触须毛乳头细胞分离、培养,大鼠麻醉后修剪颊侧被毛,常规消毒后剪去全层皮肤,暴露其下方的触须毛囊,然后用镊子将其完整拔出,用显微解剖法分离毛乳头。将分离的毛乳头置入含15%FCS的DMEM培养基,以适当密度接种(每个35 mm培养皿含10个毛乳头),观察其在体外培养的形态学和生物学特点。鼠触须毛囊上皮细胞的分离、培养:参照文献中的操作进行,无菌条件下取7日龄Wistar大鼠触须部皮肤,镜下将毛囊从组织中分离出来,置入0.125%Dispase消化液中,4℃消化2 h后,镜下轻压毛球部即可将毛囊外根鞘及毛干完整地分离出来。切去带外根鞘的毛干中下段和上段,保留Bulge区毛囊。将分离的Bulge区毛囊置入无血清的K-SFM培养基中培养。观察其在体外培养的形态学和生物学特点。
     3.包皮表皮基底细胞的分离、培养。采用Ⅳ型胶原快速粘附法培养包皮表皮细胞。包皮标本用含双抗的D-Hanks液反复冲洗,室温下浸泡30 min,剔除皮下组织,将包皮剪成1.0 cm×0.5 cm大小皮条,置0.5%的中性蛋白酶中,4℃消化12~15 h,PBS冲洗2次,将表皮层撕下,剪成1mm×1mm大小皮片,置0.25%胰酶中,37℃消化5 min左右,中止消化,过200目筛网,计数,离心,重悬,接种于预先铺有Ⅳ型胶原的培养瓶中,室温下静置10 min,换液,吸附未贴壁的角质细胞。观察其在体外培养的形态学和生物学特点。
     4.细胞胶原凝胶制备。取传代培养数次(<4代)的鼠毛囊毛乳头细胞和外根鞘细胞分别为6×10~5和3×10~5(真皮细胞与上皮细胞比例为2:1)梯度离心后加入0.5 ml胎牛血清。吸4 ml鼠尾胶原(质量浓度为1.0~1.5ml)于冰浴中的青霉素小瓶中,加入0.5 ml浓缩10倍的DMEM培养基,1N NaOH调Ph,立即加入含鼠毛囊毛乳头细胞和外根鞘细胞的胎牛血清细胞悬液,快速混合,制成细胞胶原凝胶,然后吸到35 mm培养皿中。静置于37℃、体积分数为0.05的CO_2孵箱培养
     5.用DiI标记人毛囊毛乳头细胞和外根鞘细胞,包皮表皮基底细胞。将收集细胞用PBS清洗离心2次,加入无血清的DMEM制成细胞悬液,以1×10~9/L密度加入5μL DiI应用液,37℃下孵育25 min,1500 r/min离心5 min,PBS清洗离心2次,加入10%DMEM培养基中,荧光显微镜观察细胞显色情况,置于37℃、体积分数为0.05的CO_2孵箱培养,观察24,48,72 h细胞荧光强度及形态变化。
     6.细胞—支架复合物的形成。将Ⅰ型胶原蛋白海绵支架材料裁制成10 mm×10mm×10 mm大小,利用紫外线照射及酒精浸泡消毒,培养液平衡后待用。DiI标记的人毛乳头细胞和外根鞘细胞、包皮表皮基底细胞消化后制成细胞悬液,分两组(毛乳头细胞+外根鞘细胞组、毛乳头细胞+包皮表皮基底细胞组,真皮成分细胞和表皮成分细胞数比例为2:1),细胞密度为2×10~5/ml,表面种植1 ml细胞悬液,静置4 h后,加入含20%胎牛血清的DMEM培养液,37℃、5%CO_2培养箱中培养。采用倒置相差显微镜和扫描电镜,观察细胞在支架上黏附、生长情况。
     4.刚接种于胶原凝胶的细胞呈圆形,在胶原凝胶内均匀分布。24 h内细胞伸展,粘附,2 d后部分细胞已伸展变形,以三角形和梭形为主。
     5.DiI标记的人毛乳头细胞、外根鞘细胞和包皮表皮基底细胞荧光显微镜下观察,见全部细胞标记后均显红色荧光,标记的细胞呈梭形或圆形,胞浆丰富,保持了良好的正常形态,DiI标记阳性率为100%。DiI标记后早期细胞形态呈荧光环状,48 h后细胞中荧光颗粒增多,荧光增强,细胞核未染荧光。
     6.细胞—支架复合物体外倒置显微镜下和扫描电镜观察,将毛乳头细胞、毛囊外根鞘细胞和包皮表皮基底细胞在材料上接种并在孵箱孵育2 h后,材料周边及孔板底部开始有细胞黏附,随着时间的延长,附着于材料上的细胞逐渐增多;培养2-3天后,细胞在材料上逐渐伸出突起,可见大量细胞附着于材料的孔隙及材料周边,胶原蛋白材料上皆有细胞附着,细胞呈梭形圆形或多角形,部分材料上的细胞呈团簇状生长,粘附于胶原海绵壁上或孔隙内,各细胞或细胞团之间通过基质相连或重叠。细胞种植3 d后,细胞呈扁平多角形或圆形,在材料表面伸展、黏附,种植1周后,形态为梭形或圆形,细胞数量明显增多,呈聚集性分布,细胞周围有大量基质。
     Hair plays an important role in biological necessity and performs a variety of beauty function.At present,autograft of hair follicles is the most important treatment for hair loss,especially for male pattern baldness.But there are some problems for this treatment,such as formation of scar in donor site,scantiness of donor site,low density of transplantations,so hair follicle tissue engineering provides a new minimally invasive treatment not restricted by the source for repairing hair loss.
     A hair follicle is composed of epithelial cells including matrix,out root sheath, inner root sheath and dermal cells including dermal papilla,dermal sheath cells. Dermal papilla cells are a kind of fibroblast cells,which can aggregate during growing in mediums containing FCS.According to the different phages of hair cycle, the shape of the dermal papilla change periodically.Dermal papilla plays an important role in the morphogenesis of hair follicle and hair cycle.Dermal sheath around the hair fllicle of the outermost layer are the dermis derived tissue,dermal sheath cells can be observed transforming to dermal papilla cells in the hair follicle regeneration process,It has been demonstrated that dermal sheath cells are the reserves cells of dermal papilla cells and the dermal sheath cells neighbor dermal papilla have the same capacity induction as dermal papilla cells.The human hair follicle bulge connectted with outer root sheath is an important niche for keratinocyte stem cells.It is widely accepted that a highly coordinated series of bidirectional epithelial-mesenchymal interactions(EMIs) is essential to hair follicle morphogenesis.
     Several lines of evidence have suggested that foreskin and scrotum epidermal is an important niche for keratinocyte stem cells.Although Japanese scholars has demonstrated that hair follicle would be reconstructed and hair fibers visible to the naked eye grow induced by mouse hair follicles dermis cells and human foreskin epidermal cells portfolio when transplanted into nude mice dorsal.There is no reported that human hair follicle cells and human dermis foreskin epidermal cells portfolio have been used for the experimental replication.
     Type I collagen scaffold composed of various glycoprotein molecules has been the most widely used in tissue engineering experiment in the present.Type I collagen scaffold,which is a kind of important component mesenchymal outside of cells,has many biological activity as an organizational support.It has been demonstrated that collagen could be participated in tissue repair as a kind of excellent biological materials because of its cellular compatibility and adjustable speed degradation.Rat tail collagen has been widely used in hair follicle biology studies as a scaffold for hair follicle cells in the dermis and epidermis cells composition organotypic culture. However,there has been no report that solid typeⅠcollagen could be used as a kind of scaffold for hair follicle seed cells culture in hair follicle engineering.
     DiI is a lipophilic carbon anthocyanin dye easily embedded within a biological membrane by lateral diffusion movement,so DiI can effectively label cytomembrane, and DiI can effectively label cytoplasm by living cells' pinocytosis.It has been demonstrated that DiI labeled cells have good morphology and DiI is no toxicity for living cells.There are some research reports show that DiI can be used as a fluorescent tracer for cultured nerve cells,then come DiI label of hepatocyte,bone marrow stromal stem cells and adipose derived stem cells,but so far there has been no labeled for cells derived from human hair follices.
     1.To establish the method for isolating dermal papilla cells,dermal sheath cells, follicular epithelial cells and foreskin epidermal basal cells rapidly and efficiently.
     2.To explore appropriate scaffold materials for hair follicle tissue engineering, to establish the model for hair follicle cells organotypic culture.
     3.To explore the method of reconstructing hair follicles.
     1.The isolation,culture and identification of dermis and epidermis cells derived from human hair follicle.Small scalp specimens were incubated in the presence of dispase at 37℃for 2 h,the hair shafts with ORS embedded in the dermal sheath (DS) were extracted under dissecting microscope,and the ORS tissue were inoculated onto Petri dish.The specimens were transected at the interface between the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.The portions of DS and DP(linked with and enclosed by DS) embedded in the adipose tissue were pulled out and incubated with collagenase at 37℃for 6-8 h,and the DP and DSCs were isolated by repeated low-speed centrifugation and cultured respectively on petri dishes.The cultured ORS bulge cells were identified by immunohistochemistry with K19 antibody and DPCs and DSCs by immunohistochemistry withα-actin antibody.
     2.The separation and culture of dermal papilla cells and epithelial cells of rat vibrissa follicle.Dermal papilla cells of rate vibrissa hair follicles were isolated by microdissecting method,and cultured in DMED medium containing 15%FCS,the bioligical behavior in vitro was observed.Epithelial cells of rate vibrissa hair follicles were isolated by microdissecting and enzyme digesting method,and cultured in K-SFM medium,Dermal papillas were removed from the dermal sheathes under the microscope.The bioligical behavior in vitro was observed.
     3.The separation and culture of epidermal basal cells from the foreskin. Epidermal cells from the human foreskin were isolated by typeⅣcollagen rapid adhesion method,and cultured in K-SFM medium,the bioligical behavior in vitro was observed.
     4.Cell collagen gels preparation,mouse hair follicle dermal papilla cells(6×10~5) and outer root sheath cells(3×10~5) subcultured from several(<4 generation) were gradient centrifugated and added into 0.5ml fetal bovine serum.4 ml of collagen from mice tendon(1.0-1.5g/L) was taken to small penicilin ampoule in ice-bath and 0.5ml 10×DMEM culture medium was added into and was mixed immediately.0.1 ml 1N NaOH was added dropwise to it until it changed to a pink colour.The mixture was then inoculated with cells and put into 35-mm culture dishes in a 37℃incubator for gel formation to take place.Gels were maintained in the incubator until use.
     5.Fluorescent reactive dye DiI labeled human dermal papilla cells and outer root sheath cells,epidermal cells from foreskin.Cells in 3- 4 generations were collected for the trial,washed with PBS and centrifugalized twice.Serum-free DMEM was added to make into cell suspension before 5μL DiI liquor at the density of 1×10~9/L was added,and then cells were incubated for 20 minutes at 37℃,1500 r/min centrifugalized for 5 minutes,washed with PBS and centrifugalized twice. DMEM medium containing 0.1 volume fraction FBS was added before coloration and morphologic change of cells were observed at hours 24,48 and 72 with fluorescent microscope.
     6.Cells- scaffold complex formation.The morphology and function of the human dermal papilla cells and outer root sheath cells,epidermal cells from foreskin were observed by inverted phase contrast microscope,scanning electron microscope when cocultured typeⅠcollagen scaffold with cells in vitro.
     7.Nude mice induced hair follicle reformation experimental.Mouse hair follicle cells in the collagen gel were transplanted in the subcutaneous tissue of dorsal part of the nude mice.After 4 weeks,The cultured tissue and local skin with cell transplantation were sectioned with routine paraffin,and stained by HE,and observed under optical microscope and fluorescence microscope.Cells- scaffold complex were transplanted in the subcutaneous tissue of dorsal part of the nude mice. Respectively,after 4,8,12 weeks,local skin with cell transplantation were sectioned with routine frozen sections and paraffin,and stained by HE,and observed under optical microscope and fluorescence microscope.
     1.Dermal papilla cells,dermal sheath cells and purified bulge-derived cells were isolated and cultured from the scalp hair follicles by using method of combination of microdissection and enzyme digestion,and other basic separation technology.Dermal papilla cells isolated by using enzyme digestion method. proliferated rapidly in vitro,the adhering rate was high and can reached 90%, Dermal papilla cells and dermal sheath cells grew in a aggregating way and were positive for immunohistochemical stain ofα-SMA.Bulge-derived cells cultured by tissue cultured method proliferated rapidly in vitro in the medium of K-SFM,like paving stones,and were positive for immunohistochemical stain of K-19.
     2.Microdissection method succeeded in isolating dermal papilla cells of rat vibrissa hair follicless.Cells proliferated rapidly in vitro,they grew in a aggregating way.ORS cells isolated by combination of microdissection and enzyme digestion. Cells proliferated rapidly in vitro in the medium of K-SFM,like paving stones.
     3.Epidermal basal cells from the foreskin isolated by using typeⅣcollagen attachment method grew in a typical cloning of growth way in vitro,and cells growth cycle is long.
     4.Cells just inoculated in collagen gel are round shape,uniform distributed within the collagen gel.Afeter 24 h,cells extended,adhesion to scaffold.After 2 d, some cells extended and deformated in triangle-shap or fusiform-shape.
     5.Fluorescent microscope showed all the cells was with red fluorescence after labeling and cells with plenty kytoplasm were fusiform shape or round shape, keeping good normal shape,DiI positive rate was 100%.In the early period the cells were fluorescent ring shape,and 48 hours later fluorescent granules increased and fluorescence enhanced.No fluorescence was found in cell nucleus.
     6.Dermal papilla cells,bulge-derived cells and epidermal basal cells from foreskin inoculated in scaffold material and incubated for 2 h in sterile box.Cells began to attach on the scaffolds and gradually increased,after 2-3 days,cells in the material gradually extended processes,we can see that a large number of cells attached to the pore and the surrounding material,cells were polygonal, spindle-shape or round-shape,some cells attach to collagen sponge or pore walls, with cluster-like growth,after 3 d,cells were flat polygonal or round,extending in the material surface,after 1 week,cells were round or spindle shape,significantly increased,distributing in aggregated way,there was a large number of stromal surrounding the cells.
     7.Nude mice induced experimental.There was no hair fiber formation in the dorsal skin of nude mice.paraffin sections were observed under an optical microscope.Follicle-like structures formation were seen in the cells collagen gel experimental group,cell - typeⅠcollagen scaffold protein complexes(dermal papilla cells and bulge-derived ceils ) experimental group and cell - typeⅠcollagen scaffold protein complexes(dermal papilla cells and foreskin epidermal cells ) experimental group in 4 week,8 week and 12 week.There was no follicle-like sturcture formation in blank control group.De novo hair follicle-like structures were with red fluorescence under fluorescence microscope in the experimental group of DiI labeled dermal papilla cells combined with bulge-derived cells and in the experimental group of DiI labeled dermal papilla cells combined with epidermal cells from foreskin.There was no red fluorescent display in unlabeled control group. Conclusion
     1.Three cells derived from human hair follicle could be isolated and cultured from the same sample at the same time by using the method of combination of microdissection and enzyme digestion and other basic separation technology,and the sequencing of the isolated steps was improved,so the sample was to be maxmize used.Adhering rate and integration time of dermal papilla cells isolated by this method is no significant difference with that of dermal papilla cells isolated by enzyme digestion.The problems of immmunogenicity in experimental induction of hair follicle would be avoid because of all hair follicle cells derived from the same samples.
     2.Epidermal cells from foreskin rapid isolated by using typeⅣcollagen attachment method grew in a typical cloning of growth way in vitro,and cells growth cycle is long.It show that epidermal cells from foreskin isolated by this method may contain more undifferertiated epidermal stem cells.
     3.DiI positive rate was 100%.Cells in typeⅠcollagen scaffold cells were polygonal,spindle-shape or round-shape,in a gathering distuibution.There was a large number of stromal surrounding the cells.It shew that cells were able to attach, grow and proliferate well on the scaffolds.
     4.Nude mice induced experimental tissue slices were observed under an optical microscope.The de nove follicle-like structures shew red fluorescent induced by the experimental group of DiI labeled human dermal papilla cells and bulge-derived cells and by the group of DiI labeled human dermal papilla cells and epidermal cells from foreskin,while the de nove follicle-like structures induced by the control group of DiI unlabelled cells were no red fluorescent display.This phenomenon shew that reformation of the de nove follicle-like structures were induced by cytoskeletal complexes
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