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     1.不同水分和氮素形态对郑麦9023籽粒蛋白质形成的影响具有明显规律。随着灌水的增加,郑麦9023籽粒总蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,籽粒清蛋白含量和球蛋白含量增加,醇溶蛋白含量和麦谷蛋白含量降低。整个灌浆过程中,在W1处理情况下,清蛋白含量花后7~14 d N3处理最高,在W2和W3处理情况下,清蛋白含量花后7~28 d N1处理最高。球蛋白含量以N2处理最高。在W2和W3处理情况下,籽粒醇溶蛋白含量表现为:N2>N3>N1。郑麦9023籽粒灌浆过程中花后21 d籽粒谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)含量逐渐增加,成熟期达到峰值。郑麦9023籽粒GMP含量在同一氮素形态处理条件下均表现为:W1>W2>W3,而在W3处理条件下郑麦9023籽粒谷蛋白大聚合体含量变化为:N3>N2>N1。
     2.不同水分和氮素形态对郑麦9023氮素和干物质积累、分配、转运的影响不同。开花期不同器官氮素积累量表现为旗叶>其它叶>穗部营养体>鞘>茎。不同水分处理之间比较可以看出,随着灌水的增加,小麦开花期各器官氮素积累量呈增加趋势,从氮素积累总量来看,在W1处理条件下,N1最高,N2最低;在W2处理条件下,N3最高;在W3处理条件下,N3最高, N1最低。
     3.不同水分和氮素形态对郑麦9023氮代谢的影响不同。在同一氮素形态下,随着灌水的增加,小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白质含量、游离氨基酸含量和GS活性增加,而旗叶内肽酶活性降低。在W1处理条件下,N2处理可以提高小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白质的含量。花后14~21 d籽粒可溶性蛋白质的含量变化为:N1>N2>N3。郑麦9023灌浆过程中,旗叶游离氨基酸含量总体上变化呈下降趋势,尤其是只在拔节期灌一水的情况下,N2处理花后0~28 d呈直线下降。花后0~35 d旗叶NR活性逐渐降低,在同一氮素水平下随着水分的增加,前期小麦旗叶NR较高。在W1处理下,NR在N2的活性高。郑麦9023旗叶和籽粒GS活性随籽粒灌浆进程的推进呈逐渐下降的趋势,前期下降幅度小,后期下降幅度大。不同处理之间比较,在W1处理条件下开花期籽粒GS活性较高。不同水分和氮素形态对小麦旗叶内肽酶活性的影响具有明显规律:在W2处理条件下,整个灌浆期小麦旗叶内肽酶活性以N3最高,N2最低。
The experiment with Zhengmai 9023 and two factors including different irrigation times (three levels W1: irrigation one time at jointing stage; W2: irrigation two times at jointing and booting stage; W3: irrigation three times at jointing, booting and filling stage)and nitrogen forms (three forms N_1:NH_2CONH_2, N_2: NaNO_3, N_3:NH_4HCO_3 ) was conducted at the experimental farm of Henan University of Science and Technology during 2007 to 2009. The influence of different irrigation times and nitrogen forms on protein formation, accumulation, distribution and transport of nitrogen and dry matter, enzymes activity related to nitrogenous metabolism, yield traits in strong gluten Zhengmai 9023 were studied. The main results were as follows:
     1.The effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen forms on formation of grain protein were significant. The grain contents of total protein, gliadin and glutenin were decreasing and contents of albumin and globulin were increasing with the increase of irrigation times. During the grouting process, in the W1 treatment, albumin content of N3 treatment was the highest in 7~14 d after flowering. In W2 and W3 treatment, albumin content of N1 treatment was the highest in 7~28 d after flowering. The content of globulin was highest in N2 treatment. In W2 and W3 treatment the content of gliadin was N2>N3>N1. The content of glutenin macropolymer in Zhengmai9023 during grain filling was gradually increased in 21 d after flowering and reached maximum at grain maturity. In the same nitrogen form, the content of GMP showed: W1>W2>W3; In W3 treatment conditions, the content of glutenin macropolymer showed: N3>N2>N1.
     2.The effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen forms on the accumulation, distribution and transport of nitrogen and dry matter were different.Nitrogen accumulation in different organs showed flag leaf> other leaves > spike vegetative > sheath > stem in anthesis. The accumulations of different organs in anthesis were increasing with the increase of irrigation times. In W1 treatment, the nitrogen accumulation amounts of N1 were the highest and N2 were the lowest. In W2 treatment, the nitrogen accumulation amounts of N3 were the highest. In W3 treatment, the nitrogen accumulation amounts of N3 were the highest and N1 were the lowest.
     The distribution amounts of dry matters in different organs showed stem>spike vegetative>sheath> other leaves> flag leaf. After flowering, dry matters were mainly accumulated in the grain, the contribution rate of dry matter accumulation to grains was 14.59%~26.16% before anthesis and 48.85%~82.14% after anthesis. The translocation amounts of dry matter of vegetative organs showed that other leaves and stem> sheath and flag leaf. The translocation amounts, rate and the contribution rate to grains of dry matter of vegetative organs showed W1 and W2 higher than W3.
     3.The effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen forms on nitrogen metabolism were different. In the conditions of the same nitrogen form, the content of soluble protein, free amino acid and GS activity of flag leaf was increasing and the endopeptidases activity of flag leaf was decreasing with the increase of irrigation times. In W1 treatment, N2 treatment could enhance the soluble protein content of flag leaf. In 14~21 d after flowering, the soluble protein content in grain showed N1>N2> N3. During the grouting process of Zhengmai 9023, the free amino acid content of flag leaf was keeping falling down, particularly in W1 treatment and in N2 treatment the content was decreased linearly in 0~28 d after flowering. NR activity of flag leaf was decreased gradually in 0~35 d after flowering. In the same nitrogen form treatment, NR activity of flag leaf was in a relatively high point in the early grain filling stage as the increase of irrigation times. In W1 treatment, NR activity was the highest in N2 treatment. GS activity in flag leaf and grain was showed gradually down trend with promoting of grain filling process. In W1 treatment, GS activity of grain was relatively higher in flowering stage. In W2 treatment, the endopeptidase activity of flag leaf was the highest in N3 treatment and was the lowest in N2 treatment during the whole grain filling stage.
     4.The effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen forms on the yield and its components of Zhengmai9023 were significant. Grain numbers per ear were increasing with the increase of irrigation times. The ear numbers and grain weight were the highest in W2 treatment, respectively higher by 29.9% and 8% than that in W3 and W1. The yield of W3 was the highest in the conditions of same nitrogen form and from the treatments interaction, the yield of W3 N3 was the highest.
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