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The process of steel-making and continuous casting production is the core working procedure of the modern iron and steel enterprises. We need to coordinate production scheduling smelting, refining, continuous casting production processes of the three rhythms, at the same time we must balance the logistics, resources and time. Establishing efficient and flexible scheduling simulation system will help in the organic co-production of time and space and the appropriate allocation of resources, which can provide a strong basis for scheduling, high-efficiency operation for policy-makers and have an important role on enhance market competitive. As a result, establishing the simulation model for the characteristics of the production of a mixed environment of steel-casting production and developing an effective method of study has important theoretical and practical value.
     In this paper, I have established a steel-making and casting cellular automata simulation scheduling model on the basis of steel-making and casting of Wuhan Iron and Steel, then I have designed and simulated for it. Cellular model will be accompanied by a map of property-station and connect to hot metal, molten steel container separately with abstract production unit; steel-making and casting cellular automata has introduced the global information, overall goal and transformed into the evolution of the local rules of the dynamic conditions of the opening on the basis of ordinary cellular automata; by setting a model space, boundary conditions, initial set up and use of the model rules of the dynamic choice, to target "pull" dynamic and evolution of the "push" by action under the "push and pull combination" of the evolution of the self-organizing mechanism, storing and cleaning-up the data that need to Schedule with SQLsever database technology, using VC technology to make the operating rules into software modules, express steel-making operation by changing the attribute of Cellular, display scheduling production schedule and Gantt Map to achieve the production of steel-making operation of the dynamic display the simulation. Experiment is based on the history data in three steel-making of Wuhan Iron and Steel, The results show that, in the Scheduling model, the arrival of hot metal is the bottlenecks of the steelmaking - continuous casting process is revealed with the production actual. The Error compared average value of front converter area pouring liquid metal with production reality is less than 2.45 percent when three continuous casting machine run at the same time. This shows that the model is correct.
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