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Objective: Based on the entropy and dissipative structure, we builta model for use in the team performance evaluation. The model was testedand verified in care team to ensure it feasibility and rationality. Ourstudy offered a new dynamic method and a practical tool for teamperformance evaluation.
     Methods: Based on the analysis of the literature, we discussed thepossibility of entropy and dissipative structure formation on teams andreasons that caused entropy on teams. Then we built entropy model for usein the team performance evaluation on the reasons and calculation methods.The model was used and some indices were selected in a care team. The resultfrom the model was compared with the patients’ satisfaction.
     Results:The results supported the hypotheses:(1) Entropy was existedwithin and outside teams, the dynamic changes of which led to team’sdirection.(2) The results of model was consistent with the patients’satisfaction and it explained the care team for use had good performance,which demonstrated the entropy model for team performance evaluationcould be used in practice and it was able to predict the stage anddevelopment of team.(3) The stable management mode led to the performanceat a highest point.
     Conclusion:(1)Because of entropy, the internal efficiency of teamswill decrease and teams go to disorders, teams must be opened to introducethe negative entropy to maintain the order states.(2) The entropy modelis feasible and be used in practice as a dynamic method.(3)The development of teams has their own laws, the performance will be good in stablemanagement mode, blind reforms to the teams only make them into decline.
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