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Honeybee comb ,one kind of Chinese traditional animal medicine, is valuable for its biological function and pharmacology effect. However, the study on the functional compone nts of Honeybee comb and its pharmacology effect are more experiential, less scientific validations, and less qualitative and quantitative analysis. Though honeybee comb has the effect on Allergic Rhinitis (AR), the functional components and its mechanisms are not clear. The reports about the volatile oil which is the component of honeybee comb and the effect of the volatile oil on AR are not funded all over the world. The dissertation firstly studied the components of honeybee comb volatile oil .including the qualitative and quantitative analysis, chosed a best extraction condition of honeybee comb volatile oil , made mathematics kinetics models of the extraction,and studied the effect of honeybee comb volatile oil on the AR and the its parts of immunological mechanisms. The results of the experiment showed that:
     1 A best extraction condition of honeybee comb volatile oil by vapor distillation areⅡcomminution degree, 8 times water of honeybee comb, dipping for 20h, distilling for 12h; The optimizing mat hematic kinetics model for the relationship between the yield and the extraction time during the extraction process of volatile oil from honeycomb are ln(0.2768--A_t) =-0.1947t-1.2934 (R= 0.9997) and ln((?)A_t/(?)t) =-0.1904t-2.9325 (R= 0.9936) . the kinetics model is useful for controlling the process of the extraction of the volatile oil from honeycomb.
     2 Used the the combination technologis of gas chromatography and mass spectrum (GC/MS), 46 compounds were identified.
     3 Both the ethanolic extracts from honeybee comb (15kg/kg) and the honeybee comb volatile oil (1mL/kg^ 2mL/kgx 3mL/kg)can restrain the mice ear edema caused by dimethylbenzene and the mice capillary permeability caused by acetic acid, the honeybee comb volatile oil has the good relationship between the dosages and the effect.the results showed that both of them have the effect of antiinflammation by controlling the acute inflammation which concluding the edema ,the capillary permeability and so on.
     4 Both the ethanolic extracts from honeybee comb (15kg/kg) and the honeybee comb volatile oil (1mL/kg、2mL/kg、3mL/kg)can increase the index of mice' s thymus gland and the index of mice's spleen (p<0.05) .the honeybee comb volatile oil has the good relationship between the dosages and the effect, the results showed that strengthening the immunity apparatuses such as thymus gland and spleen may be one of the mechanisms of the compounds and the honeybee comb volatile oil increasing the capacity of immunity.
     5 The therapy effect of Both the ethanolic extracts from honeybee comb and the honeybee comb volatile oil on AR was significant and clear : improving the symptoms of rats suffered from AR ; reducing the number of mast cell,the number of eosinophil and other inflammation cells ; reducing the level of rat's histamine of blood serum ; Both the ethanolic extracts from honeybee comb and the honeybee comb volatile oil can increase the levels of IgA and IgG of blood serum , It can be one of the immunology mechanisms of the effect on AR that IgA and IgG may combine with the antigen first in body, complete with IgE,restrain IgE action.and regulate the immunity of nasal mucosal.
     6 In conclusion, the compounds of honeybee comb volatile oil is clear.The ethanolic extracts and the volatile oil from honeybee comb , have the effect of antiinflammation, can increase the capacity of immunity, both of which effect on AR is valid, and will be new medicines to AR.
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