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Modernization of agricultural economic organization is the essential step and content during agricultural modernization development. Although the agricultural organization in our country has been developed substantially up to now, the government failure and efficiency contained in the government-led developmental state is not clear and as for which, there has been no simple and mature method to separate or measure. It's necessary to analyze the current situation of China's agricultural organization from a development perspective firstly for recognizing the level of agricultural modernization, evaluating and improving the effectiveness related policy system. The difference between the objectives of the governments and the farmers in agricultural development is the major reason resulting in the government's promoting the development of the agricultural economic organization ineffectively or inefficiently. Thus, it's an effective method to evaluate the organizations of agricultural industrialization in China today by analyzing the basic formation mechanisms and testing the efficiency from the perspective of farmer participation. Participatory development theory shows that the farmers'own participation is the key to sustainable development of agriculture, therefore, the dissertation used the new institutional economics theory to constructs the theoretical framework and empirically analyzed the development state of agriculture management organization in southwest China.
     The research idea of this paper is using the new institutional economics research framework for research of the development rule of agricultural industrialization organization, and the southwest practices for empirical analysis. Particulars are as follows:first of all, to determined the starting point, named the behavior of farmers' participating in, by the concept of participatory development on the ground of the research objective of evaluating the government-led agricultural industrialization organization development state; Secondly, on the basis of this, to build a theory research framework which is based on analyzing the agricultural industrialization organization on the ground of the economic organizations and it's governance; Thirdly, and then from the point of view of logical deduction, to develop the influence factors of farmers to participate in agricultural industrialization organization, and a set of performance evaluation indicators for the agricultural industrialization organization, which is based on the farmer's demands for the interests; Fourthly, according to these indicators, to design questionnaire and implement the investigation,which is based on the specific situation of the rural and agricultural development of southwest to obtain the firsthand data covering five hundred and thirty-six farmers and one hundred and fifty-six agricultural industrialization organizations in Sichuan,Yunnan, Guizhou province and Chongqing city; Fifthly, to figure out the survey data, and then to explain the analysis results and list the factors of influencing the farmers to participate in the agricultural industrialization organization and business performance evaluation status of the organization; Finally, to put forward the optimization policy suggestions based on the results of agricultural industrialization organization.
     The main research contents and results are as follow:
     Firstly, to analyze the essence of agricultural industrialization organization and mechanism based on the perspective of new institutional economics. The agricultural industrialization organization means the economic organization comprised of peasant households, agricultural products processing enterprises, agents and other related market entities by contract, whose aim is to regulate the behavior of all the parties around the agricultural product trade. The agricultural industrialization organization is identified as a intermediate economic organization between two ends in view of the enterprise economic "spectrum" From market to enterprises. The benefit of the organization is to obtain more market power through expanding the market share, to improve the expected return by reducing the risk and, to reduce transaction costs by making the rules of transaction consistent. In order to guarantee the stability of organization, farmers and other participants will make up a complicated governing framework by choosing different organization forms and organizing the four basic measures such as market governance, bilateral governance, trilateral governance and unified governance.
     Secondly, to determined the the indicators and the scope of samples and methods on the basis of theoretical analysis and combined with background of southwest region agricultural economic development and, to survey the regional agricultural industrialization organizations. Study shows that the agent-driven management organization is the main form for the farmers in the southwest to participate in agricultural industrialization, and the rest forms respectively are enterprise-driven, cooperation organization-driven and professional market-driven management organizations. Peasant household's choice of agriculture industrialization organization presents obvious differences in the regional difference and product category, which has intrinsic laws, and the causes of the differences are environmental and trading features. The benefit coupling between the agricultural industrializations and the fanners in the Southwest is low. In view of lack of a stable cooperating and benefit sharing mechanism between operators, the cooperation is unstable and there is a large gap between system design and practical operation. Different organization form of agricultural industrialization has different degrees of positive effects on peasant household management, which is, to a certain extent, to improv the degree of commercialization of agricultural products and large-scale production, and then to improve the efficiency of agricultural management, especially enterprise-driven organization, cooperation-driven organization and professional market-driven organization with obvious advantages.
     Thirdly, to analyze the main factors influencing the participation of farmers in management organizations with multinomial choice models and to make the mechanism analysis based on the rational hypothesis. The farmers will choose the the agricultural industrialization organization according to the principle of maximization of net profit, therefore, the main factors influencing the participation of farmers in management organizations include the nature of the multiple occupations of farmers, and types of agricultural products, the indirect support from the government, and topography of farmland, which is in return have an effect on the different management organizations to different extent. This indicates that the transplant of system is restrained by some formal and informal system environment factors such as features of farmers, industry, efficiency of policy and regional differences etc, which fundamentally leads to the particularity of agriculture industrialization organizations. Hence the choice of concrete pattern of management organizations of agriculture industrialization has to match certain conditions so that participation of farmers and high efficiency of management of agricultural production can be achieved.
     Fourthly, to analyze the farmers'satisfaction level to different management organization forms by using method of fuzzy hierarchy analysis. The empirical research shows that there is significant difference among the fanners'satisfaction level to all kinds of industrialization organization, among which the highest degree of satisfaction evaluation is cooperation-driven management organization; then is professional market-driven management organization, leading enterprises-driven management organization, agent-driven management organization. In addition, The six key factors that affect farmers' satisfaction level are general satisfaction level for cooperation, the purchase price of agricultural products, the degree of increasing net income, infrastructure investment, production materials supplying and payment timeliness.
     Fifthly, to conduct an empirical research to the comprehensive performance evaluation based on the farmers, participating in agriculture industrialization organizations. The performance of agriculture industrialization organizations is not good enough to lead the farmers, therefore, both the pulling capacity of farmers' direct income level, or potential performance and farmers' benefit coupling mechanism are obviously inadequate. Comparatively speaking, the performance of professional market-driven model organization and cooperation organization-driven model organization is slightly higher than the performance of the agent-driven model organization and leading enterprises-driven model organization. For a long term, the driving capacity of agriculture industrialization organizations. Is to be weakened if there is lack of the farmers "participatory development", which will weaken the behavior of the farmers participation that is too far from the objective of strategy of the agriculture industrialization management.
     Finally, to propose a path of the optimization of the agricultural industrialization organization based on farmers participation in the light of the conclusion of the empirical analysis. The path includes:the perfection of the mutual benefit coupling mechanism, which can let farmers share appreciation income of industrialization; improvement of the organizational management and governance structure to enhance the farmers'ability; achievement of the organizational service mechanism innovation to reduce the transaction costs of farmers participation in industrialization management; promoting organization structure to a high-level to get higher performance of the organization; fostering new subject of production to enhance farmers' ability of participating in market competition. The implementations of these measures to promote agricultural operation organizations were fully embodied the "participatory development" concept, adhere taking farmers as the main body of the induced changes, institutional diversity of the benchmark and in particular, the government limited functions.
     The possibility of innovation in this study:
     Firstly, the research method has a certain innovation, which is to built the analysis framework of agricultural industrialization organization based on intermediate category of economic organization and principle system. Agricultural industrialization organization is a series of economic organization which is composed of the following covered subjects such as peasant household, agricultural products processing enterprises, agents, government etc around the trade of agricultural products through different ways of contracts. The organization system is open, which can't fully summarize all the enterprises or market transactions.
     Secondly, a new research perspective to agriculture industrialization management organization has been applied. The paper has analyzed the law of the development of agricultural industrialization organization based on the theory of participatory development from a perspective of " the farmers participation". and made an evaluation of performance.
     Thirdly, the results of the study has some new discovery. The author has collected valuable first-hand information about southwest farmers participation in agricultural industrialization organization though field survey based on the scientific spirit. Survey was designed to adjust different landform type, different product type on the influence of farmers participation behavior. Empirical study results show that the performance of the farmers participation in agricultural industrialization organization is very low, which will enrich the research achievements of agricultural operation organizations at the same time.
     What need to stress is that this article's research structure is conducting the statistical analysis on the basis of formal logic analysis, and is lack of the deduction of mathematical form, which makes the research process inaccurate and the conclusion imprecise. In addition, the empirical analysis is based on the survey data which is limited to the southwest, and the design of indicators is too simple, such as failing to consider the supporting degree and the methos of government to the economic organization development. In further research, we can improve from the above-mentioned two aspects, and try to make a comprehensive evaluation with the actual economic performance of agricultural industrialization organization
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