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Based on the Chinese cultural background, an empirical research on knowledge employee self-management has been put forward. The content of this dissertation included six parts:(1)the research about the structure of knowledge employee self-management, (2)the research about the influencing facors of knowledge employee self-management, (3)the research about how self-management affecting the attitude and behavior variables, (4)the research of mediator effect between knowledge employee self-management and attitude and behavior variables, (5)the research of moderator effect between knowledge employee self-mangement and attitude variables, behavior variables, (6)the research about the difference of knowledge employee self-management in the condition of different population and histological features. This dissertation sampled 883 valid knowledge employees from Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Shandong, Guangxi and other provinces and municipalities. The data collected were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation, hierarchical regression method and other methods. The main conclusions include:
     1. The construct of knowledge employee self-management includes nine factors: self-recognition, time management, responsibility sense, interpersonal maintenance, emotion strategy, performance monitoring and improvement, internalization of value and target, autonomy study, natural reward strategy.
     2. The feature of task, such as non-routine task, job interdependence, autonomy and task-goal, will affect the self-management. Organization factors, such as perceived organizational support, leader's character and moral, sharing of organization information, will affect the self-management. Individual factors, such as locus of control, organization-based self-esteem, proactive personality, will affect the self-management.
     3. Knowledge employee self-management has a significant impact on variables of attitude and behavior. Self-recognition, interpersonal maintenance, emotion stragegy, performance monitoring and improvement, internalization of value and target, autonomy study has a significant negative impact on intention to leave jobs. Self-rgcognition, responsibility sense, emotion strategy, performance monitoring and improvement, internalization of value and target, autonomy study has a significant positive impact on job involvement. Self-recognition, responsibility sense, interpersonal maintenance, performance monitoring and improvement, internalization of value and target, autonomy study has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction. Self-recognition, time management, interpersonal maintenance, emotion strategy, performance monitoring and improvement, internalization of value and target, autonomy study has a significant negative impact on job stress.
     4. Psychological empowerment plays a significant mediator role between the knowledge employee self-management and variables of attitude behavior. Meaning, self-efficacy of competence, self determination and impact act as a significant mediator role between the knowledge employee self-management and intention to leave jobs, job involvement, job satisfaction. The mediating influence of psychological empowerment between the self-management and variables of attitude behavior has not been proved.
     5. Trust in organization, trust in supervisors, person-organization fit play a significant moderator role between the knowledge employee self-management and some attitude behavior variables. Trust in organization acts as a significant moderator role between the self-management and job stress. Trust in supervisors acts as a significant moderator role between the self-management and job involvement. Trust in supervisors acts as a significant moderator role between the self-management and job stress. Person-organization fit acts as a significant moderator role between the self-management and job satisfaction. Person-organization fit acts as significant moderator role between the self-management and job stress.
     6. Nine factors of knowledge employee self-management have significant difference between the different population and histological features.
     Finally, the dissertation put forward some advices about enterprise management based on the conclusions and discussed the deficiencies in the research and some attentive problems in the future.
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