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The universities in the west have finished their expansion and reorganization in 1980s and even earlier, while some of our universities in china have experienced consolidation in 2000. University consolidation is an effective way to accelerate allocation of resource, better education atmosphere and improve central competence power. However, the practices of university consolidation in our country are much more the government behavior. Compared with its strategy and expectation, most university consolidation do not reach their goal. Some problems gradually appear day after day that arouse many scholar's consideration. So it is very necessary to study university consolidation based on this background.
    Both internal and external scholars have made a lot of valuable research on university consolidation, which pay too much attentions on the consolidation itself (character, type, reason, action, sense, measure and case) but lack analysis and study on how to avoid failure after consolidation and have not formed a systematic theory. The basis of this passage is the assumption that consolidation has taken place in university. This passage will make analysis on the success and efficiency of university consolidation based on a new sight of culture integration. Beginning with consolidation practice, this passage makes use of theory analysis, which includes two aspects. Firstly, it forms the model of integration process after university consolidation and then creatively deducts culture to be the key factors on the success of integration management after reflection between consolidation and university culture's structure. Secondly, in combination with culture theory and management theory, it forms the framework of cu
    lture-based integration management for the first time and in which describes many aspects about meaning, the mode of cultural unity and adaption and integration progress and organically unites the study of university culture and integration management after consolidation.
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