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     介绍了Web服务组配方法以及成熟的信息可视化服务,对Google Chart和Google可视化API进行了介绍。并给出了一个以关键词推荐为背景的可视化服务的具体实现,提出了基于电阻距离的椭圆隐喻可视化方法。
     以协作范围和协作关系紧密程度为依据,对Web信息可视化协作进行了分类。并针对同步功能的实现问题,总结了三种支持Web可视化同步协作的技术:浏览器端套接口、Comet和HTML 5 Web Socket。
"A picture is worth a thousand words". Information visualization makes it easy to acquire the semantics and latent structure of information in visual way, which greatly alleviate human cognitive load. Many information visualization technologies have been developed and applied to applications of different fields. But most of them are desktop application and applying the technologies to World Wide Web is promising because web is the biggest platform for people to sharing information, communicating and collaborating globally. Web provides a wide context for people to utilize information visualization technology. In order to develop information visualization application on the web, several issues have to be think about, that is where the information visualization technology can be used, how to implement it and how to support information visualization collaboration with other users. Based on the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the project of "information visualization model research on information resource management", the dissertation tries to solve these problems and the research results list below:
     1) A web information architecture based information visualization model is presented.
     "information architecture, IA" are taken as the view of the range for information visualization technology to apply, and based on the Web2.0, a information visualization model is presented. By adding the concept of information space in IA and four functional module of navigating, organizing, labeling and searching, through five mapping layers of function space mapping, visualization space mapping, visualization mapping, view mapping and interaction mapping, and six space layers of role space, web information space, function space, visualization information space, visualization object space and view space, this model describes the components of information visualization as well as the relationship among them under the goal of user experience defined in IA. The characteristic of Web 2.0 is mainly embodied in the classification of information space:micro information space, median information space and macro information space, which make up the whole information space.
     This paper gives a case study about the database of university in China. A method of getting university association network and a way of information visualization by methor of node importance by calculation of PageRank.
     2) Three implementing architectures of web information visualization are presented.
     In resolving the problem of how to implement the information visualization application, three architectures are presented. According to the different ways of deployment of visualization functional components in the browser client and server-side, three styles are mentioned:the style of transmitting visualization results, the style of loading visualization program component and the style of running locally. They are compared in four aspects of runtime, visualization function deployment, data transmission and interaction.
     3) Coordinated & multiple views information visualization model is improved by utilizing Aj ax technology.
     At first the content of coordinated & multiple views information visualization are presented. Three strategies of generation of views:replace, duplicate and override are summarized. By analyzing the relationship between multiple views, two kinds of multiple views manipulation technique are introduced:direct manipulation and indirect manipulate. Two style of method of modeling coordinated & multiple views information visualization of data centric and MVC design pattern based are described.
     In the settlement of how to implement multiple views visualization, an Ajax-based model is presented. This model could solve the coordination and interoperability issues among the browser-side heterogeneous views. This model ensures that web page will refresh on demand when browser-side coordinating with the server.
     4) The methods of how to construct information visualization application with web services are investigated.
     Two classes of web services are SOAP based and RESTful. They are introduced and compared in fifth chapter. This chapter solves the problem of how to break down visualization application into web service by giving three functional web services of data collecting service, data processing service and visualization mapping service.
     Google chart and Google visualization API, as two powerful information visualization web serviced, are introduced in detail. I also present a case study by implementing keyword recommendation visualization as web service, which utilize a resistance distance based and ellipse base information visualization method.
     5) An information visualization collaboration model is constructed.
     By drawing on the definitions, concepts, models and methods of CSCW, information visualization collaboration can be treated as the special form of CSCW. The special points are that the collaborative process of information visualization is based on five atom visualization tasks, and the process is in order as well as iterative.
     On this basis, through revising information visualization process by add two important stages of data collection and visualization analysis an information visualization collaboration model is constructed and the concept of "collaborative awareness visualization" is presented. The model contains five fundamental elements of object, role, actor, task and group as well as the relations between them.
     Four class of web-based information visualization collaboration are given by two dimensions of closeness among actors and the amount of actors in collaboration. To achieve synchronization of web information visualization collaboration, three technologies are proposed:a browser client socket, Comet and HTML 5 Web Socket.
     6) InfoVisModel:A prototype of Web based information visualization system is implemented.
     In the prototype, the main function is retrieval oriented. Three modules of text visualization retrieval, image visualization retrieval and music visualization retrieval are constructed by procedure of four steps:information resource collecting, information resource indexing, information resource retrieving and information resource visualization.
① Google http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/(2008.11.25访问)
    ②中国互联网发展状况统计报告(2008.7) http://www.cnnic.cn/index/OE/00/11/index.htm (2008.11.25访问)
    ①可视化国际会议.IEEE Xplore http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/.2008.11.26
    ①K Brodlie. Visualization over the World Wide Web. Scientific Visualization Conference,1996
    ① RM Rohrer, E Swing. Web-based information visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,1997
    ② M Bender, R Klein, et al. A functional framework for Web-based information visualization systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,2000
    ①K.W. Brodlie, D.A. Duce,etc. Distributed and Collaborative Visualization, Computer Graphics Forum,2004(23).
    ① A Sayar, M Pierce,etc. Integrating AJAX Approach into GIS Visualization Web Services. Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services.19-25 Feb.2006:169-176.
    ② H. Wang, K. W. Brodlie Service-oriented approach to collaborative visualization. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2008,11:1289-1301.
    ③ C Seifert, B Kump,etc. On the Beauty and Usability of Tag Clouds. IEEE conference on Information Visualization,2008, Ⅳ'08,2008.
    ④ Mizuki Oka, Yutaka Matsuo. Mining Scholarly Semantic Networks from the Web. IEEE conference on Information Visualization,2008. Ⅳ'08,2008
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    ② Guoqing Zhou.Web-based dynamic and interactive environmental visualization. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,2003,27(6):623-636.
    ③ Vincenzo Del Fatto, et. al. A usability-driven approach to the development of a 3D web-GIS environment. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing,2007,18(3):280-314.
    ④ Nathan Holmberg, Burkhard Wunsche,etc. A framework for interactive web-based visualization, Proceedings of the 7th Australasian User interface conference,2006.
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    ① N Holmberg, B Wunsche. A framework for interactive web-based visualization. Proceedings of the 7th Australasian User interface Conference.2006:1-10.
    ② Yoon-Seop Chang. XML Web Service-based development model for Internet GIS applications. International Journal of Geographical Information Science,2006,20 (4):371-399.
    ③ Ahmet Sayar, Pierce, M etal. Integrating AJAX Approach into GIS Visualization Web Services. AICT-ICIW'06, 2006:169-169
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    ① Chen, C.M., Mapping Scientific Frontiers:The Quest for Knowledge Visualization. Springer-Verlag,2003.
    ② Card, S.K., J.D. Mackinlay, and B. Shneiderman, Readings in Information Visualization:Using Vision to Think, Morgan Kaufmann,1999.
    ①Chi E H, J T Riedl. An operator interaction framework for visualization systems. Proceeding of Symposium on Information Visualization,1998:63-70
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    ② Katifori, A., Halatsis, C., Lepouras, G., et al. Ontology Visualization Methods-A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys,2007,39(4).
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    ① Roberts J C. State of the Art:Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization. CMV '07 Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization,2007:61-71.
    ② Shneiderman, B Dynamic queries for visual information seeking. Software, IEEE,1994:70-77
    ① C. North and B. Shneiderman. Snap-together visualization:a user interface for coordinating visualizations via relational schemata. In Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces, Italy,2000:128-135.
    ①T Pattison, M Phillips.View coordination architecture for information visualisation. In APVis '01:Proceedings of the 2001 Asia-Pacific symposium on Information visualisation,2001:165-169.
    ① N. Boukhelifa, J C Roberts, P J Rodgers. A coordination model for exploratory multi-view visualization. In CMV'03:Proceedings of the conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views In Exploratory Visualization, Washington, DC, USA,2003:76-85.
    ① JJ Garrett. Ajax:A New Approach to Web Applications, Adaptive Path,2005.2
    ① W3C Working Draft. Web Services Architecture Requiments. http:/www.w3c.org/TR/2002/wd-wsa-reqs-20020819.2008-12-11.
    ② A.E.Walsh. UDDI,SOAP and WSDL:TheWeb Services SPecification Reference Book,UDDIORG, 2002:123-260.
    ①Erik Christensen,Francisco Curbera,Greg Meredith. Web Services Description Language(WSDL)1.1,2001. http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315.2008-10-09.
    ① Leymann F. Roller D. Schmidt M T.et al. Web Services and Business Process Management. IBM System Journal. 2002,41(2):198-211.
    ③ Duane Merrill. Mashups:Web应用程序新成员.http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/x-mashups.html. 2008-12-30.
    ④ A Sayar, M Pierce,etc. Integrating AJAX Approach into GIS Visualization Web Services. Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services.19-25 Feb.2006:169-176
    ⑤ H. Wang, K. W. Brodlie Service-oriented approach to collaborative visualization. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2008,20(11):1289-1301.
    ① I..H. Manssour, C.M.D.sasso Freitas. Collaborative Visualization in Medicine.WSCG2000-8th internation conference in central Europe on computer graphics,plzen,Czech republic, feb 7-11,2000:62-72.
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    [120]JIT. http://blog.thejit.org/javascript-information-visualization-toolkit-jit/(2008-12-12访问)
    [121]Google可视化API. http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/visualization/(2008-12-10访问)
    [123]ISO/IEC 19775:2004 Extensible 3D (X3D) http://www. web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19775-X3DAbstractSpecification/,2009-01-03.
    [124]ISO/IEC 19775-2:2004 Extensible 3D Part 2:Scene access interface http://www. web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19775-X3DAbstractSpecification/,2009-01-01..
    [125]prefuse information visualization toolkit, http://www.prefuse.org/,2007-02-01.
    [126]The Web Sockets API. http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/.2009-01-09.
    [127]gchartrb. http://code.google.com/p/gchartrb/.2009-02-01.
    [128]Google可视化API. http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/.2009-02-01.

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