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本研究以番木瓜(Carica papaya L.)的叶片为研究材料,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术,测定了不同颜色叶柄番木瓜雄株和雌株叶片中的激素和多胺,对同种色柄不同性别以及不同色柄同种性别的番木瓜性别分化前后的激素和多胺进行比较分析,主要结果如下:
Materials used for this study were green-stalk and purple-stalk plants of female and male papaya, Carica papaya L. Endogenous hormones and polyamines in the leaves were detected by the method of HPLC, and changes in the hormones and polyamines of the papaya leaves between the female and the male, the green-stalk and the purple-stalk plants, were analyzed. The main results were as follows:
    1. Before the male plants blossomed, there was a little difference of zeatin in the leaves between the female and the male. For the green-stalk plants, the zeatin of the female was higher than that of the male although the zeatin in two sexes of the plants increased. For the purple-stalk papaya, however, the zeatin of the female was lower than that of the male though the zeatin in two sexes of the plants decreased.
    2. Before the male plants blossomed, there was a great difference of Put in the leaves between the female and the male. Both the green-stalk and the purple-stock plants, the Put of the female was higher than that of the male. Except for the purple-stalk female, the trend of Put variation of the purple-stalk male was the same as the green-stock female and male plants. The trend of Spd and Spm variation was not found with any obvious regularity. It seemed that the Put was related to the sexual differentiation of the papaya, and the high Put level might be beneficial to the female differentiation.
    3. In the samples tested, we found five unknown materials, which were named as W1 W2 W3 W4 and W5, respectively. Before the male plants blossomed , W1 W2 W3 W4 in the female were higher than those in the male, and they increased both in the female and the male plants except that
    W2 in the purple-stalk female plants decreased. It seemed that the unknown materials were some endogenous regulators of the plants, and they might be related to the sexual differentiation of the papaya.
    4. A new simple, rapid method was used to separate and determine the plant hormones based on comparison of formerly reported techniques, and it was proved successful in determining the trans-zeatin in the papaya leaves.
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