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    2.胆管和胆管癌的三维关系图像(图 16士0)在整体重建的基础上调
    重组基因 4条,DNA结合、转录基因 17条,细胞受体基因 6条,兔疫
    相关基因 11条,代谢基因 33条,蛋白质翻译合成基因 30条,发育
    博士论文 中国人民解放军军医进修学院
HBDC are highly malignant tumors with poor
    prognosis. The spreading mode and mechanism of invasion and
    metastasis are still confusing to many clinicians. The most
    important factor affecting prognosis is "radical"
    resection of the tumcr. More under standing of the spread
    of the cancer cells along the bile duct and nerves is
    needed. According to this, we use computer technique and
    DNA microarray in the study.
    Objective: 1. To establish an algorithm of three-dimensional
    resconstruction of HBDC.
    2. To find a reconstruction technique where all HBDC
    structures can be individually or globally analyzed
    according to what is required.
    Methods: Taken from 3 paraffin-embedded tissues HBDC
    specimens were cut into serial histologic
    sections. Information were inputted into computer after the
    processese of scanning and recognizing. By the techniques of
    reconstruction, the 3D stereo HBDC models were retrieved
    from 2D digita1 data. Furthermore, we developed a cDNA
    array representing 2048cDNA clusters, to profi1e the gene
    expression patterns in 3 sets of c1inica1 HBDC samp1es
    inc1uding paired cancer and non--tumorous biliary duct.
    Results: 1. HBDC comprising severa1 components can be
    ana1yzed as a who1e or each structure may be viewed
    s eparat e 1 y.
    2. It a1so show the re1ationships between the constituent
    parts such as bi1e duct and tumor.
    3. The 3D mode of spread a1ong nerve revealed that the
    tumor stayed sporadica1ly in perineural space.
    4. 1t was observed that 246 genes were differentia11y
    expressed in paired cancer and distal non--tumorous bi1e
    duct tissues. includes l64 down--regu1ated genes, 82 up-
    regu1ated genes. the 246 genes represent l5
    categori zations: l7 oncogenes, 4 ionic channe1 genes, 16
    cyc1 in genes, l2 cytoske1eton g3nes, 3 apoptosis genes, 4 DNA
    synthesis and recombination genes, l7 DNA transcription
    genes, 6 ce11 recipient genes, 1l inununization corre1ated
    genes, 33 metabo1 ism genes, 30 protein translate and
    synthesis genes, 10 growth correlated genes, 58 cel1 signa1
    and transducin genes, 57 other genes.
    Conclusion: 1. The method of the microcoInPuter aided 3D
    reconstruction was suc.t5sfu11y estab1ished in HBDC.
    2. The reconstructed 3D image showed HBDC realistica11y.
    3. A11 structures reconstructed could be disp1ayed alone, in
    any group or total1y and rotated in 3D space or rotated
    continuous1y at different speed.
    4. It can be app1ied in se1ecting the pattern of "radica1"
    resection and judge the resu1t of operation from the spread
    of the cancer ce11s a1ong the bile duct and nerves.
    5. Such a series images of HBDC might be app1icated as a
    cornerstone of the computer aid instruction in surgery.
    6. The differentia11y expressed genes was successfu11y
    screened in HBDC.
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