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The enterprise under cybereconomy shows loose alliance,that is virtual enterprise which responses to market opportunity dynamiclly.Exploring operation and organization process of virtual enterprises under the complex outer environment is neither full-cycle nor full-random. This thesis focuses on exploring the existence and evolution problem in the forming process of virtual enterprise.Studying the dynamic laws of virtual enterprise:formation condition, mechanism,and cause,can help people recognize virtual enterprise with rapid growth;can help people manage virtual enterprise effectlly.and implement plicy and creat positive environment according its laws.Enhancing the self-organization of virtual enterprise is the objective demand of modern virtual enterprise environment and the necessary choice for survive.It can help enterprises in China change their role from“world factory”to product design and brand value and participate the compete and manage in supply chain.
     Cybereconomy is the product of IT development in recent years.Both research depth and research systematic reflect from the existing reference books show their limits in content, especially the methods combined with multi-sciences theory,which needs to be researched further.
     Dissipativity structure theory is widely applied both in natural science and social and economic fields.The theory in complex science study has no relation with science field,but relates to the degree of complexity.The university of complex system research provides theoretical supports for this research.
     This project combines self-organized theory in system science and modern virtual enterprise management,and explores how to use system self-organized theory to enhance self-organized degree of virtual enterprise.Applying dissipative structure theory into virtual enterprise management is managerial dissipativity.According to the principle of entropy increase,the elements,such as policy,system,and culture,of any virtual enterprise management often accompany with the phenomenon of effective energy decreasing gradually and ineffective energy increasing gradually in the process of operation.This phenomenon will lead to an ineffective,disorder and confused state.The managerial dissipative structure makes the increase of organization order degree greater than disorder degree;and increase of negative entropy greater than positive entropy,so as to form new order structure and new energy.The essence of virtual enterprise management is a process of increasing negative entropy and establishing dissipative structure.
     The project has four innovation ideas.
     1.Defining the coupling degree of virtual enterprise.
     This project applies the item“coupling degree”as the assessment criterions of member factors.As for the assessment criterions of partner selection,this project defines coupling degree as the measurement of cooperation degree among members,uses preceding theory and practice for reference,and summarizes the four properties of coupling degree:consistency, sharing,flexibility and complementarity.This difficulty is exploring the contents and determination of the four properties.
     2.Analyzing the grey boundary problem of virtual enterprise.
     This project uses“coupling degree”to measure the interaction among members,explores the relationship between prosperity and coupling degree,studies how the energy,developed from the cooperation,influences“organization entropy”,measures the ability of organization, so as to find the perfect cooperative partner and scope,that is,optimum scope boundary.
     3.Defining and measuring the parameters of virtual enterprise self-organization.
     This project uses self-organized theory to explore stability,non-stability and far from the balance state of virtual enterprise,measures how external entropy increase influences enterprise,so as to discover order parameter,which improve enterprise long-term development.
     4.Exploring management mechanism of supply chain
     This project explores self-organization and its realizing mechanism of virtual enterprise in supply chain,uses the data of the 500 strong enterprises in the world to test the hypothesis, and applies the case of Lifung Group to explain the problem of virtual enterprise management.
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