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     本文以石门国家森林公园的典型群落为调查对象,综合Hierarchichial cluster、多元方差分析等多元统计分析方法,围绕环境梯度的变化与植被数量特征的响应和相互关系,进行了植物群落分类、植物群落分析、群落物种多样性、群落分布与环境因子的关系等植物群落特征及多样性的研究,得出以下主要结论:
The Shimen National Forest Park is located at "Guangzhou back garden" Conghua, this park has become the ideal tourist attraction in recent years for the local resident and the peripheral locality tourists. It is important to investigate the vegetation resources and the scenic resources for the forest park sustainable development and the protection. Selecting the classical forest community of Shimen National Forest Park as subject,revolving around the mutual responds and relationships between the environmental gradient and vegetation characteristics, this paper carries on the research on the vegetation classification, community diversity, the connection between community distribution and environmental factors, by multivatiate statistics such as hierarchical cluster, multivariate analysis. The main conclusions this paper comes to are as follows:
     (1) There are 512 species belonging to 105 families 220 genera in which the pteridophyte accounted for 24 families 32 genera and 73 species; the gymnosperm 5 families 5 genera and 7 species; the angiosperm accoounted for 76 families 183 genera 432 species.
     (2) Classfying the dominant species in 30 plots into 12 vegetation communities with spss hierarchical analysis. The 12 vegetation communities are: Machilus chinensis+Engelhardtia roxburghiana-Camellia melliana community, Michelia maudiae+Machilus chinensis -Rhododendron farrerae community, Castanopsis carlesii+Liriodendron chinense-Eurya nitida community, Rhodoleia championi+Machilus chinensis-Helicia reticulate community, Machilus chinensis+Diospyros morrisiana-Itea chinensis community , Machilus chinensis+ Liriodendron chinense- Diospyros morrisiana community, Machilus chinensis+ Liquidambar formosana- Liriodendron chinense community, Pinus massoniana+ Machilus chinensis– Itea chinensis community, Machilus chekiangensis+Machilus breviflora-Itea chinensis community, Machilus leptophylla+Helicia reticulate-Ternstroemia gymnanthera community, Cunninghamia lanceolata community and Eucalyptus urophylla community
     (3) The arborous layer species abundance, species diversity of 9 natural broad-leaved forests communities are higher than the planted forests. The arborous layer species diversity among 12 vegetation community shows: Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, evennessindex are roughly consistent, besides slightly different. The three indices of Engelhardtia roxburghiana community, Michelia maudiae+Machilus chinensis -Rhododendron farrerae community, Castanopsis carlesii+Liriodendron chinense-Eurya nitida community, Rhodoleia championi+Machilus chinensis-Helicia reticulate community are the highest. Species diversity of Undergrowth layer I among 12 vegetation communities are different ,they have not manifested certain rules. Species diversity of undergrowth layer II among different vegetation communities show: Machilus chinensis+Diospyros morrisiana-Itea chinensis community, Machilus chinensis+ Liriodendron chinense- Diospyros morrisiana community, Machilus chinensis+ Liquidambar formosana- Liriodendron chinense community have the highest species diversiy. The species diversity of Cunninghamia lanceolata community is lowest.
     (4) Carrying on the comparison to different community levels among arborous layer ,undergrowth layer I and II, herb layer, which shows: simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index of undergrowth layer I is the highest ,it is higer than undergrowth layer II arborous layer and herb layer obviously.White ,the evenness index shows: undergrowth layer I > undergrowth layer II > herb layer>arborous layer.
     (5) The influences that the altitude to the species diversity is not remarkable, but the overall tendency is species abundance, species diversity grow gradually until 1000 meter. After that the species diversity drop rapidly.
     (6) Dividing slope types according to the recording data and carrying on the species diversity comparison, we can obtain: shady slope>half-shady slope>sunny slope.
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