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Swimming with a long history and extensive practical training to become loved by the people, known as the 21st century's most popular sport. The universality of swimming is strong, it is easy to spread, and the "National Fitness Program" initiated by the general public in keeping the spirit of fitness, suitable for different age groups tempering demand. Mastered swimming skills, we will be able to prevent drowning deaths, can be effective in preventing further people's spiritual and material losses.With the Beijing Olympic Games approaching, the whole country set off the climax of the popular fitness, "National Fitness Program," the 10th anniversary of the promulgation of the more shows that the mass movement for the people of admiration.Shareholders taking advantage of this wind, Guilin has launched the National Fitness Project is in full swing, and the masses of swimming exercise emerged a vibrant scene, and a representative of the masses of Guilin campaign.
     In this paper, Guilin swimming exercise to the crowd as the research object, using literature data, the survey, expert interviews, field observation, mathematical statistics and so on, through a number of indicators of the masses of Guilin in the swimming status a study from the perspective of the various system elements for analysis.Sample survey methods used in Guilin Natatorium, the Lijiang River, the natural waters and the city swimming enthusiasts swimming exercise conducted a questionnaire survey.
     Survey results showed that:1, physiological characteristics due to the differences between men and women to participate in swimming exercise more men than women, and I expect the same idea. Men accounted for 57 percent, women accounted for 43 percent.2, Guilin swimming exercise basic population age structure were "Both ends small centre is big" trend. This can be classified as an ideal sports population age structure, and showing a gender and age distribution characteristics matching characteristics.3, Guilin to participate in swimming exercise the occupational structure of the crowd have the following characteristics: more than 20% of students groups, youth fitness awareness strengthen. Civil servants, professional and technical personnel, science, education workers and business management personnel of these four groups for the proportion of 31 percent, the swimming much Naoligongzuozhe of all ages. Retirement, such as laid-off and unemployed persons accounted for 16%.4, in accordance with the evaluation of the demographic structure of the population and cultural standards to the level of participation in swimming exercise Guilin inspection of the cultural structure of the population, population Guilin to participate in swim training for the high-level structure of the cultural structure.5, and high-income groups to swim for exercise but also to the high-level inputs. Low consumption level of swimming exercise, it would be possible to high-level consumption level of differentiation.6, swimming enthusiasts choose the training time is closely related to his occupation.7, through weekly training exercise frequency and time of each survey, we in the preliminary judgement of these people have at least 63 percent of the population in line with the criteria for evaluation sports.8, Guilin Natatorium with standardized management and a good environment, as well as a good interactive atmosphere of the first venues swimming enthusiasts, Lijiang ranked second, and third natural waters, swimming Gan district elections was the lowest.9, breaststroke technology mastered by most members of the public,freestlye, backstroke, butterfly points out two, three, four. Master two or more funding Beach lovers also reached 218 people showed that the public swimming Guilin control of a diversified technology trends.
     For swimming enthusiasts swim effectiveness of the campaign is to promote recognition of his adherence to swim the main factors tempering.Guilin swimming exercise mainly through mutual discussion between friends, watching television and sports news dissemination such as swimming for concern.They affect their swimming exercise more factors attributed to external factors."Poor water quality" is the biggest factor.Therefore, the majority of the public believes that the best place to swim needs to be done is "guaranteed quality health."
     Based on the sample population survey, the author learned that the public Guilin "National Fitness Program" understanding of and acceptance of universal higher.
     Guilin residents on the value of sport to a higher fitness assessment at the same time as the health of the people the concept of sports, sports people in the psychological, social and other aspects of the function of a new awareness. Through investigation, the authors understand that "in the school during the sports-loving" are members of the public to exercise Guilin major factor in the school sports for people to form and the importance of lifelong sports.
     State regulations and policies with the support of the masses in Guilin swimming flourishing development of a fundamental guarantee,City National Fitness on the development direction of macroeconomic regulation and control is swimming in Guilin masses of the people have power source.Sports-related functions of the departments effective management of the swimming Guilin smooth the effective protection.Swimming sports society organizations operating benign masses swimming Guilin is the development and strengthening of the foundation.
     Of course, we also found that the masses of Guilin Campaign swimming in the process of inadequate,Such as indoor swimming pool lack of effective development and utilization of scarce number of community sports instructors, swimming implementation of the relevant systems and inadequate.
     This paper presents the following recommendations: Olympic year as an opportunity to determine the masses of Guilin swimming motif of development, because, according to local conditions; Nongovernmental organizations determine the legal status of swimming, auxiliary Guilin swimming yet fast development; Effective development and use of swimming pool resources, a reasonable crowd streaming swimming;Groups functional departments to strengthen efficiency and attention organs and regulations on beaches.On this basis, I come to the following conclusions:To the international tourist city of Guilin as the background and strong support for the cultural heritage. Government through administrative intervention and the spontaneous behavior of the promotion, Guilin National Fitness various items into whether weak or strong will be a good development.We believe that after a few years of orderly development, Guilin National Fitness necessarily showing a thriving market situation.
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