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This essay makes some further reviews on the current situation and developing trend of modern college students’sports value orientation, analyses the inner and outer factors which influence college students’value orientation on sports, and then has some reflection on how to refine college students’sports value orientation on the basis of the former analysis. And this essay is established in the reality of our country’s socialist harmonious social construction, stems from the reform and development needs of colleges’sports curriculums and uses Documentary Information Method, Questionnaire Investigation Method and Mathematics Statistics Method. To fetch the solid research stuffs, I have the officials in sports sectors , PE teachers and college students of some universities in the City of Wuhan as my research objects, and then launched the questionnaire investigation. On the basis of widely collected information, I used Principal Components Analysis and Rotated Component Matrix to undertake the Data Reduction on the factors which influence college students’sports value orientation. The target of this research is to provide certain theoretical support and realistic reference for the quality education and life-long education being enforced in our country nowadays.
     This research deems that college students’sports value orientation refers to the overall trends of sports values which can be showed when college students participate in physical exercise, and it’s the main embodiment of modern college students’sports values. College students’sports value orientation decides their interests, hobbies and degrees of participation towards physical exercise.
     It’s showed by observation on the spot and questionnaire investigation that, modern college students’sports value orientation can be divided into three basic levels, those are macro orientation , target orientation and activity orientation. The macro orientation is in the form of transformation from social standard values to individual standard values in the view of philosophy; and in the view of function, it’s in the form of transformation from single values to multiple values; also in the view of activities, it’s in the form of transformation form self-discipline values to self-and-group-amusing values. The target orientation puts more emphasis on sports’value of body-building, both physical and mental entertainments, skills and abilities, daily communications and competition & cooperation. The activity orientation has its special characters in selecting physical exercise styles and handling the relations between teachers and students. I carried on the Data Reduction on the factors which influence college students’sports value orientation combining with expert interviews and results questionnaire investigation, and educed four major factors, and they are Social Environment Factor, Government Decisional Factor, Student-as-An-Individual Factor and Curriculum-and-Teaching Factor.
     I then propose some countermeasures that can optimize college students’sports value orientation through deep analysis on the factors which influence college students’sports value orientation and combined with our country’s college sports curriculum construction and the reality of teaching reform.And the countermeasures are as follows: first, have a serious study on college students’sports value orientation and then induct it to the right path; second, have a tight grasp of the value orientation of modern colleges’sports curriculums; and the last, correct college PE teachers’sports value orientation for a more step.
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