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The Hsiungnu Empire's military pressure towards the Chinese Empire, its controlling of, and influence on, the states of the Western Regions, and the mutual complement and repelling between the pastoral economy and the agriculture economy were the primary causes of the Eurasia silk trade's formation around 3rd century BC. Since there was not any country or race could control the entire course of the silk trade, the intermediary countries and the powers on the Silk Road could benefit from the trade with their advantages. Hence, as a result of this, the silk trade was a "fragile" trade based on the military power. The social economic structure of Rome was headed by small-scale agriculture, so it could not be affected by expensive silk trade in large scale.
     Eurasia silk trade does not only included the trade of silk, but also the goods needed by the countries and peoples who lived along the Silk Road for living and producing. As the hard currency, gold was the first goods that the nomads and barbarians, who needed to take part in the system of silk trade for exchanging, wanted to loot and extort from Byzantine. At the same time, in order to pay the Persians for relieving their invasions, the Byzantine government had to take the loose commercial policies, which contributed to a certain extent to the development of silk trade. From 4~(th) century to the end of 6~(th) century, the Hexi region of China became an important place for silk trade. When Hexi was captured by Northern Wei Dynasty, the businessmen form the Western Regions came to the interior of China for silk trade. Consequently, much gold flowed into such places as Luoyang. The relationship of the Buddhism's spread and silk trade was mutual dependency. The prosperity of silk trade was one of the reasons of the flourishing of Buddhism in Northern Wei Dynasty, and it may be the final direction of the gold which flowed into China from Roman-Byzantine Empire.
     In 5-6~(th) century, nomads rose in north and middle Asia one after another. As the areas of their activities expanded, they got in closer touch with the silk trade system. Later stage of 4~(th) century, the Rouran Empire in Mongolia Steppe marched westwards from the north of the desert, and then southwards to the east part of the Silk Road. It rose rapidly because of the trade. In the middle and later stage of 5~(th) century, Hephthalites rose in the east of the Silk Road, and this changed the regular mode of the nomads starting from Mongolia Steppe, and then marching southwards into the interior of China and westwards into the West Regions to control the east part of Silk Road. Hephthalites attacked the Persians in the west and marched eastward into the West Regions of China. Hence, Byzantine Empire persuaded them with economic benefits to control the Persians. In the beginning of 6~(th) century, under pressure from the Turkish Empire, Avars marched westwards into east Europe, extorted lots of gold and silk from Byzantine Empire with their strong military power in Balkan region, and then controlled the silk trade along the Black Sea. In the end of 6~(th) century, although the Byzantine Empire was able to defeat the Avars, the economy of Balkan was in ruin.
     In the later stage of 6~(th) century, the Turkish movement eastwards and westwards put the middle and east part of the Silk Road, namely, area from Mongolia Steppe to the West Regions and middle Asia, under the control of a single power for the first time. With the unity of northern China by Sui Dynasty, the Turkish Empire lost the advantages of using the Chinese splitting to benefit from silk trade. Consequently, with the military counter-attack and policy of befriending distant states while attacking those nearby of Sui Dynasty, the Turkish Empire could not benefit from the silk trade any more, which led to the fierce conflicts inside of the state, and finally, led to its dividing into two parts: the east Turk and the west Turk. However, Sui Dynasty could not get rid of them. Within the territory of the west Turkish Empire was the hometown of Sogdiana businessmen, so the Turks had good relationship with them and protected their trade activities out of concern for state benefits. But the west part of Silk Road was controlled by the Persians; therefore, the coalition of the west Turks and Sogdiana businessmen was ready to get through the west part of Silk Road. During this time, the Byzantine Empire also wanted to make converging attack on the Persians with others' help for cheaper silk. On this condition, there came the political and economic contacts between Europe and Asia. However, the strong military power of the Persians made it impossible for the west Turks and the Byzantine Empire to form military allies for converging attack. Due to different purposes of the two empires and the west Turk's strategy of controlling the east part of Silk Road, the coalition of the two had little effect. However, the frequent diplomatic activities of the two show that the farming empires and the nomadic empires on the Silk Road were connected by the silk trade.
     In 6~(th) century, since the Byzantine Empire failed to open up new silk roads, it monopolized the purchase and supply of raw silk to control the silk trade and guarantee the production of silk industry. Although it got the skill of keeping silkworm and drawing thread, the output could not satisfy the great need of raw silk. Since the area of planting Mulberry of the Empire was in Syria and the mountains of Asia Minor which were easy to be invade by the Persians, this industry was effected seriously by wars, so the normal activity in production could not be guaranteed, as the result of which, raw silk used in Byzantine silk industry depended on importing to a great extent. In order to maintain its normal silk industry, the Byzantine government monopolized the silk industry. Under the agriculture-based economic structure of Byzantine Empire, the silk industry could not take a leading role. Because the silk industry did not affect the overall situation of the social economy, the Empire could maintain the Eurasia silk trade for a long time and bear the high price of silk even if it was in the terminal of the Silk Road. After the monopoly of the silk industry in the Byzantine Empire, silk was connected with its social estate system due to the luxurious nature of silk products. Purple silk was the representative. This is the political reason why Byzantine Empire paid consistent attention to the silk trade even if it was not the main part in the state economy.
1 参看[台]邢义田:《汉代中国与罗马关系的再省察--拉西克著“罗马东方贸易新探”读记》,西洋古代史参考资料(一),台北:台湾联经出版事业公司,1987年版,第214页。
    2 余太山先生认为公元前2世纪以前,东西交通主要是通过所谓“草原之路”实现的,不仅希罗多德《历史》和《穆天子传》的有关记载可以说明这一点,而且在苏联境内阿尔泰边区巴泽雷克公元前5世纪墓葬中出士的精致丝织品、绣有凤凰的丝绸、漆器、“山”字纹青铜器等也提供了实物证据。参看余太山:《塞种史研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992年版,第39页。
    3 Nicola Di Cosmo,"Ancient Inner Asian Nomads:Their Economic Basis and Its Significance in Chinese History",Journal of Asian Studies,Vol.53,1993,pp.1092-1126.
    2 R.W.Bulliet,P.K.Crossley,D.R.Headrick,S.W.Hirsch L.L.Johnson,and D.Northrup,The Earth and Its Peoples:A Global History,Boston:Houghton Mifflin.,1997,pp.223-224.
    3 P.D.Curtin,Cross-Cultural Trade in World History.London:Cambridge University Press.1985,pp.90-91.
    5 David Christian,"Silk Roads or Steppe Roads? The Silk Roads in World History",JWH.(Journal of World History),Vol.11,No.1,2000,p.15.
    1 据《史记·大宛列传》和《汉书·西域传》所载,大夏国主要位于阿姆河南岸,王治蓝市城应即原希腊--巴克里亚王国的都城巴克特里亚(Bactra),参看余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》,北京:中华书局,2003年版,第238页。
    7 西域的地理范围,从广义上看包括敦煌以西、新疆及葱岭以西的连及中亚的广大地区:在狭义上主要是指敦煌以西、葱岭以东以新疆为主的地区。
    11 参看[日]长泽和俊著,钟美珠译:《丝绸之路史研究》,天津:天津古籍出版社,1990年版,第 144页。
    2 汉晋时期的康居国主要位于今锡尔河北岸,一度领有泽拉夫善河流域的索罗底亚那地区,参看余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》,北京:中华书局,2003年版,第239、242页。对于粟特商人在中国的经商活动,最早有明确记载的主要是斯坦因于1907年第2次中亚考察期间,在敦煌长城烽燧遗址中发掘出的时间在4世纪初用粟特文书写的信札。具体情况请参看毕波:《粟特文古信札汉译与注释》,《文史》,北京:中华书局,2004年第2期,总第六十七辑,第77-93页。粟特社会主要由贵族,商人、工匠和奴隶四个阶层构成,农业和商业是粟特人商业活动的基础。Jonathan Karam Skaff,"The Sogdian Trade Diaspora in East Turkestan during the Seventh and Eighth Centuries",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient,46,4,2003,p.477.
    3 余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传要注》,北京:中华书局,2005年版,第5页。粟特社会主要由贵族,商人、工匠和奴隶四个阶层构成,农业和商业是粟特人的商业活动的基础(Jonathan Karam Skaff,"The Sogdian Trade Diaspora in East Turkestan during the Seventh and Eighth Centuries",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient,46,4,2003,p.477.)
    4 参看段渝:《中国西南早期对外交通--先秦两汉的南方丝绸之路》,《历史研究》,2009年第1期,第21页。
    5 Liu Xinru,Ancient India and Ancient China:Trade and Religious Movements,A.D.1-600,New Delhi,Oxford University Press,1988,pp.51-52.
    1 参看余英时:《汉代贸易与扩张》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2005年版,第143-145页。
    2 Michel Jacq-Hergouaich Translated by Victoria Hobson,The Malay Peninsula:Crossroads of the maritime Silk Road(100bc-1300ad),Koln:Brill.,2002,p.57.
    3 Dr.GauranganathBbanerjee,India as Known to The Ancient World,London:Oxford University Press,1921,pp.7-11.
    4 参看[法]让-诺埃尔·罗伯特著,马军,宋敏生译:《从罗马到中国--凯撒大帝时代的”丝绸之路”》桂林:广西人民出版社,2005年版,第156-163页。
    5 参看[美]斯塔夫里阿诺斯著,吴象婴,梁赤民译:《全球通史》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,1999年版,第179页。
    1 K.Harl,Coinage in the Roman:Economy 300BC to A.D.700,London:Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,p.291,299.
    2 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,Volume Two,New York:Dover Publications,inc.,1958,p.321.
    3 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.156.
    5 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.141.
    1 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on Filelnc.,1986,pp.139-140.
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Economic Life of Roman Town,in P.A.Brunt ed.,The Roman Economy,New Jersey,1974,pp.55-56.
    2 译文参见[台]邢义田:《古罗马文献中的“中国”--张星烺〈中西交通史料汇编〉译文订補》,载于《西洋古代史参考资料(一)》,台北:台湾联经出版事业公司,1987年版,第187页。
    2 Pliny.Natural History,ⅩⅡ,ⅹⅹⅹⅱ.63-65;N.Lewis and M.Reinhold,Roman Civilization:Selected Readings Ⅱ,N.Y.:Harper&Row,1990,p.119.
    2 J.B.Bury,History of the Later roman empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian,Volume One,New York:Dover publications,inc.,p.45.
    4 参看厉以宁:《罗马--拜占庭经济史》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年版,第147-152页。
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Economic Life of Roman Town,in P.A.Brunt ed.,The Roman Economy,New Jersey,1974,pp.58-60.
    3 A.H.M.Jones,The Roman Economy,ed.,by P.A.Brunt,New Jersey,1974,pp.26-32.
    4 Gregory,Timothy E.,A History of Byzantium,Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.7.
    5 Raaflab,Kurt & Rosenstein,Nathan Edited,War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds:Asia,the Mediterranean,Europe,and Mesoamerica,Washington,D.C:Center for Hellenic Studies:Cambridge,Mass.:Distributed by Harvard University Press,1999,p.208.
    6 A.H.M.Jones,The Economic Life of Roman Town,in P.A.Brunt ed.,The Roman Economy,New Jersey,1974,pp.49-50.
    1 上述所引戴克里先限价令有关丝织工人和其他工匠的工资和物价资料来源于N.Lewis and M.Reinhold,Roman Civilization:Selected Readings Ⅱ,N.Y.:Harper&Row,1990,pp.423-426.
    4 Cassius Dio,Roman history,Lⅹⅹⅶ,ⅸ-ⅹ;N.Lewis and M.Reinhold,Roman Civilization:Selected Readings Ⅱ,N.Y.:Harper&Row,1990,p.381.
    5 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.143,144.
    6 M.I.Finley,Ancient and Medieval Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology,New York:Viking Press,1980,pp.123-49.
    7 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.30.
    1 N.Lewis and M.Reinhold,Roman Civilization:Selected Readings Ⅱ,N.Y.:Harper&Row,1990,p.423-424.
    1 参看陈志强:《拜占庭帝国史》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年版,第68页。
    2 对于东罗马帝国(拜占庭帝国)的建立时间,笔者采用君士坦丁大帝于公元324年开始修建新都君士坦丁堡之说,具体请参看徐家玲师:《拜占庭文明》,北京:人民出版社,2006年版,第14-29页,及徐家玲师:《拜占庭历史的分期和早期拜占庭》,《东北师范大学学报》,1999年,第6期。
    3 J.F.Haldon,Byzantium in the seventh century The transformation of a culture,Cambridge:Cambridge university Press 1990,p.102.
    2 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications.inc.,1958.p.101.
    3 3世纪后期哥特人南下后,其足迹已经抵达黑海北岸,并逐渐在自顿河到多瑙河入海口的地区定居。德涅斯特河将哥特人一分为二,河东地区的哥特人称为东哥特人,河西地区的哥特人称为西哥特人。参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第106页。
    4 参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第113-114页。
    5 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila,Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1960,p.29,32.
    6 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I.to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications,inc.,1958,p.177.
    7[古罗马]塔西佗著、马雍译:《日耳曼尼亚志》,北京:商务印书馆,1959年版,第63-64页。成书于公元1世纪的《日耳曼尼亚志》反映的虽是当时日耳曼人的社会生活状况,但是直至4世纪哥特人除了成为罗马帝国边疆难以对付的蛮族外,社会状况并没有发生质的变化,因此塔西佗的记载也 可以用来考察4世纪的哥特社会。
    2 参看厉以宁:《罗马--拜占庭经济史》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年版,第370页。
    3 从18世纪法国汉学家德经(Deguignes)认为,匈人即是中国汉代被打败西迁的北匈奴,其结论大体上被学术界所接受,但也不乏争论,其中美国阿尔泰学家丹尼斯·塞诺从年代学、语言学上认为欧洲出现的匈人与中国北匈奴人没有直接的联系,但也认为匈人是来自于内亚的蒙古人种。(参看[美]丹尼斯·塞诺著、北京大学历史系民族史教研室译:《中古内亚的外交实践》,《丹尼斯·塞诺内亚研究文选》,北京:中华书局,2006年版,第228页。)
    4 参看齐思和:《匈奴西迁及其在欧洲的活动》,《历史研究》,1977年第3期;
    1 Ammianus Marcellinus 31.2.2passim,John C.Rolfe,trans.,3 vols.,Loeb Classical Library Cambridge,Mass.,1935-1939,p.3.381.
    2 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.153.
    4 Ammianus Marcellinus 31.2.2passim,John C.Rolfe,trans.,3 vols.,Loeb Classical Library Cambridge,Mass.,1935-1939,p.3.381ff.
    1 Ammianus Marcellinus 31.2.2passim,John C.Rolfe,trans.,3 vols.,Loeb Classical Library Cambridge,Mass.,1935-1939,3.p.386-387.
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:A Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.204.W.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.89.
    3 参看齐思和:《匈奴西迁及其在欧洲的活动》,《历史研究》,1977年第3期,第132页。
    4 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila,Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.86.
    5 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore,1986,p.192.
    6 W.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.93.
    2 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila,Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,The University of Michigan Press Ann Arbor,2004,p.65.
    3 W.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.95.
    4 C.D.Gordon Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The age of Attila:Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.68.
    5 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila,Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.66.
    7 E.A.Thompson,The History of Attila and the Huns,London:Oxford University Press,1948,pp.192-193,282.
    1 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore,1986,p.468.
    3 C.D.Gordon Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The age of Attila:Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.95.
    4 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I.to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications.inc.,1958,p.279,281.
    1 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila:Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.62,68.
    2 K.Harl,Coinage in the Roman:Economy 300BC to A.D.700,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,p.310.
    3 参看[英]赫德逊著、李申、王遵仲、张毅译、何兆武校:《欧洲与中国》,北京:中华书局,2004年第2版,第84页。
    4 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The Age of Attila:Fifth-Century Byzantium ard the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.134.
    5 参看[英]赫德逊著、李申、王遵仲、张毅译:何兆武校:《欧洲与中国》,北京:中华书局,2004年第2版,第75页。
    6 参看[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第73页。
    1 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.41,75,76.
    2 R.C.Blockley,East Roman Foreign Policy:Formation and Conduct from Deode-tian to Anastasius,Leeds,1992;Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford Uuniversity Press,1997,p.74.
    3 J.F.Haldon,Warfare,State and Society in the Byzantine World,565-1204,London:UCL Press,1999,p.18.
    4 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.90.
    5 C.D.Gordon,Foreword by Arthur E.R.Boak,The age of Attila:Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.69.
    1 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.169.
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,pp.453-457.
    3 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.468.
    4 M.F.Hendy,Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy,c.300-1450,London:,Cambridge University Press,1985,pp.164-168.
    5 J.F.Haldon,Byzantium in the seventh century The transformation of a culture,Cambridge university press,1990,p.20.
    6 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,pp.193-194.
    1 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,pp.195-201,192.
    2 J.F.Haldon,Byzantium in the seventh century The transformation of a culture,Cambridge university press,1990,p.20.
    3 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,Califomia:Stanford University Press,1997,p.189.
    4 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.137.
    1 北魏统一中国北方后占据了产马的河西之地,这使中国在长时期内并不缺少马匹,“世祖之平统万,定秦陇,以河西水草善,乃以为牧地。畜产滋息,马至二百余万匹,橐驼将半之,牛羊则无数。高祖即位之后,复以河阳为牧场,恒置戎马十万匹,以拟京师军警之备。”《魏书》卷一一○《食货志》。
    3 Yichun Xie,Robert Ward,Chuanglin Fang,Biao Qiao,The urban system in West China:A case study along the midsection of the ancient Silk Road-He-Xi Corridor,Cities,2007,Vol.24,No.1,p.66.
    4 参看毕波:《粟特文古信札汉译与注释》,《文史》,北京:中华书局,2004年第2期,总第六十七辑,第89-92页。
    1 参看毕波:《粟特文古信札汉译与注释》,《文史》,北京:中华书局,2004年第2期,总第六十七辑,第80页、第83页。
    2 张轨控制下的凉州在中国北方十六国时期被称为前凉。
    9 参看[台]严耕望:《附录一、历史地理学与历史研究:专访严耕望院士》,《严耕望史学论文选集》下编,北京:中华书局,2006年版,第523页。
    1 参看余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传要注》,北京:中华书局,2005年版,第423页。
    6(北魏)杨衔之著、范祥雍校注:《洛阳伽蓝记校注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1958年版,第 206-208页。
    5(梁)释慧皎撰、汤用彤校注、汤一玄整理:《高僧传》,北京:中华书局,1992年版。第66-67 页。
    5 夏鼐:《咸阳底张湾隋墓出土的东罗马金币》,《考古学报》,1959年第3期,第71页。
    6 参看罗丰:《中国境内发现的东罗马金币》表六·1《中国发现东罗马金币一览表》,《表六·4《流入中国的东罗马各皇帝金币数量一览表》,《胡汉之间--“丝绸之路”与西北历史考古》,北京:文物出版社,2004年版,第117-120页、第147页。
    7 据罗丰先生统计,在中国洛阳、青海西宁、陕西西安、河北定县、新疆吐鲁番、宁夏固原、甘肃张掖等地共出土萨珊波斯卑路斯(公元459-484年在位)银币共约400枚(《胡汉之间--“丝绸之路”与西北历史考古》,北京:文物出版社,2004年版,第166-167页),可见其数量远超出现今所发现的拜占庭金币及其仿制品,同时此时期来到中国的高僧有很多是安息人,也有大量的安息人在中国定居,加之此时中国与波斯之间的政治和经济联系都很密切,因此西域商胡在丝绸贸易中将大
    1 参看周伟洲:《敕勒与柔然》,上海:上海人民出版社,1983年版,第78-79页。
    3 参看余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》,北京:中华书局,2003年版,第228页。
    4 Denis Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge university press,1990,p.172.
    6 参看余太山:《柔然与西域关系述考》,《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第194-195页。
    4 参看余太山:《董琬、高明西使考》,《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第221页。
    4 余太山先生认为北魏在太平真君十年(449)和太安四年(458)均曾大败柔然,很可能因此增强了柔然对西方的压力,迫使悦般在450-460年西迁欧洲,即为阿瓦尔人。(具体参看余太山:《柔然与西域关系述考》,载于《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第198-199页,《柔然、阿瓦尔同族论质疑--兼说阿瓦尔即悦般》,载于《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第163-188页。)
    8 参看余太山:《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传要注》,北京:中华书局,2005年版,第437页。
    3 Pricus:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),TheFragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire Eunapicus,Olympiodorus,Pricus and Malchus Ⅱ:Text,Translations and Historiographical Note,(ARCA,10) Liverpool:Francis Cairns,1983,p.361.
    4(北齐)魏收:《魏书》卷一○二《西域传》,北京:中华书局,1974年版,第2277页。其中匈奴实是指嚈哒,具体参看余太山:《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第59-60、73页,Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge University Press,1990,p.172.
    3 Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge University Press,1990,p.175.
    4 参看余太山:《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第137-138页。
    6 据《魏书·本纪》统计从455年开始至522年波斯到北魏朝贡共有9次,其中有4次是在嚈哒没有朝见北魏的空档期(457-506),北魏也在466年至467年派韩羊皮出使波斯。在507年至522年波斯朝见北魏4次,而此时期嚈哒为8次之多,而且有时连年朝贡,在522年之后波斯朝贡就不见记载,而嚈哒则一直到532年,可见从6世纪前期波斯在丝路中的垄断地位随着与嚈哒战争的节节失利,也开始衰落。
    1 引自[俄]B.A.李特文斯基主编、马小鹤译:《中亚文明史》第3卷,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003年版,第111页。
    2 Jane,Penrose ed.,Rome and Her Enemies Empire Created and Destroyed by War,New York:Osprey Publishing,2005,p.261.
    3 Drkaveh Farrokh,illustrated by Angus Mcbride,Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD224-642,New York:Osprey Publishing,2005,pp.52-53.
    4 Etienne Dela Vaissiere Sogdian Traders:a history,with an English Translation by James Ward,Boston:Brill.2005.nn.111-112.
    5 参看[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第166页。
    6 Procopius,History of the Wars,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,vol.Ⅰ,Harvard University Press,1996,p.15.
    1 Zacharish of Mitylene,the Ecclesiastical History,with an English Translation by Hamilton and Brooks,London:Hannestad,1957,p.440.
    2 Procopius,History of the Wars,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,vol.Ⅰ,Harvard University Press,1996,pp.49-51.
    3 Procopius,History of the Wars,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,vol.Ⅰ,Harvard University Press,1996,p.69,75.
    4 Procopius,History of the Wars,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,vol.Ⅰ,Harvard University Press,1996,p.77.
    5 参看[日]白鸟库吉:《拂菻问题の新解释》,《白鸟库吉全集》第七卷《西域史研究下》,东京:岩波书店,1970年版,第421-432页。
    2 Procopius,The Secret History,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,McMliv:William Heinemanm Ltd.,1954,p.217.
    1 对于阿瓦尔人的族属问题,认为阿瓦尔人是被突厥击溃的柔然人的这一观点曾在中外史学界中占据主导地位,笔者认同余太山先生的研究成果即,阿瓦尔人是《魏书·西域传》中的“悦般”人,具体论述请参看余太山:《柔然、阿瓦尔同族论质疑--兼说阿瓦尔即悦般》,《喊嚈史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第163.192页。
    2 本文所论的阿瓦尔人是由中亚西迁到欧洲的伪阿瓦尔人。拜占庭史家普里库斯(Priscus)提到所谓的真阿瓦尔人的西迁在公元461-465年居住于大洋沿岸的某种族(可能是柔然西进西域)因大洋雾气过重,龙蛇侵扰,而谋迁徙,阿瓦尔人在此族的压力下大约在550年左右西迁,在阿瓦尔西迁的压力下,Sabir族也迁至高加索一带,而Sabir族的西迁又迫使Saraguri、Urogi、Onoguri三族迁到伏尔加河和黑海以北。在558年突厥消灭嚈哒前后,曾被西突厥征服的Ogor人西迁到高加索时,被当地民族误以为是可怕的阿瓦尔人,Ogor遂以阿瓦尔人自居,即迁到东欧的伪阿瓦尔人。参看[法]沙畹著、冯承钧译:《西突厥史料》,北京:中华书局,2004年版,第204-205页、岑仲勉:《论希腊史所载六世纪之突厥历史(阿瓦尔问题)》,《突厥集史》下册,北京:中华书局,1958年版,第942页、余太山:《柔然、阿瓦尔同族论质疑--兼说阿瓦尔即悦般》,《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第170-174页。
    3 Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London,Cambridge university press,1990,p.211.
    4 参看余太山:《柔然、阿瓦尔同族论质疑--兼说阿瓦尔即悦般》,《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第173页。
    5 参看余太山:《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第164页。
    1 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,Volume Two,New York:Dover Publications.inc..1958.p.315.
    2 参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第162页。
    3 J.F.Haldon,Byzantium in the seventh century,The transformation of a culture,Cambridge university press,1990,p.21.
    4 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:.4 Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.314.
    5 参看陈志强:《巴尔千古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第163页。
    6 参看余太山:《柔然、阿瓦尔同族论质疑--兼说阿瓦尔即悦般》,《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第173页。
    7 Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge university press,1990,p.207.
    8 Warren T.Treadgoid,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,pp.219-220.
    1 Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge university press,1990,pp.207-208.
    2 参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第165页。
    3 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.153.
    4 Warren T.Treadgoid,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.228.
    5 Denis,Sinor ed.,The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia,London:Cambridge university press,1990,p.209.
    1 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.230.
    2 Browning Robert,The Byzantine Empire,New York:Scribner,1980,p.21.
    3 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.234.
    4 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.154.
    5 参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第170-175页。
    6 Timothy E.Gregory,A History of Byzantium,Blackwell Publishing,2005,p.153.
    1 Procopius,The Secret History,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,McMliv:William Heinemanm Ltd.,1954,p.131-133.
    1 参看[美]丹尼斯·塞诺著、北京大学历史系民族史教研室译:《中古内亚的外交实践》,《丹尼斯·塞诺内亚研究文选》,北京:中华书局,2006年版,第228页。
    1 马长寿先生认为突厥摆脱柔然的控制并且灭掉柔然的主要原因是,突厥锻铁手工业的发展需要摆脱柔然落后的奴隶制生产关系的控制,其观点值得商榷,参看马长寿:《突厥人和突厥汗国》,上海:上海人民出版社,1957年版,第11-15页。
    3 参看马长寿:《突厥人和突厥汗国》,上海:上海人民出版社,1957年版,第29页。
    1 参看马长寿:《突厥人和突厥汗国》,上海:上海人民出版社,1957年版,第29页;
    8 Chrostpjer O.Beckwith,"The Impact of the Horse and Silk Trade on the Economies of Tang China and the Uighur Empire:On the Importance of International Commerce in the Early Middle Ages",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orien,Vol.ⅩⅩⅤ,Part Ⅱ.,1991.19.184.
    2 参看马长寿:《突厥人和突厥汗国》,上海:上海人民出版社,1957年版,第38页。
    2 参看[日]松田寿南著、陈俊谋译:《古代天山历史地理学研究》,北京:中央民族学院出版社,1987年版,第295-296页。
    5 参看[法]沙畹著、冯承钧译:《西突厥史料》,北京:中华书局,2004年版,第199-200页。
    6 参看[法]沙畹著、冯承钧译:《西突厥史料》,北京:中华书局,2004年版,第202-203页。
    7 黄文弼:《吐鲁番考古记》,第54页附录文,参看姜伯勤:《敦煌吐鲁番文书与丝绸之路》,北京: 文物出版社,1994年版,第86-87页。
    3 参看吴玉贵:《突厥汗国与隋唐关系史研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998年版,第53页。
    1 Jonathan Karam Skaff,"The Sogdian Trade Diaspora in East Turkestan during the Seventh and Eighth Centuries",Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient,46,4,2003,p.477.
    2 国家文物局古文献研究室等编:《吐鲁番出土文书》第二册,北京:文物出版社,1981年版,第60页。
    3 国家文物局古文献研究室等编:《吐鲁番出土文书》,第三册,北京:文物出版社,1981年版,第320-321页。参看姜伯勤:《敦煌吐鲁番文书与丝绸之路》,北京:文物出版社,1994年版,第35、36页。
    4 国家文物局古文献研究室等编:《吐鲁番出土文书》第二册,北京:文物出版社,1981年版,第31页。
    5 国家文物局古文献研究室等编:《吐鲁番出土文书》第二册,北京:文物出版社,1981年版,第35-36页。
    6 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA 17,Liverpool,1985,pp.119-121.下文中有关《弥南德残卷》的译文,笔者核对参照了张绪山先生的有关翻译,具体见[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第167-180页,在此向张绪山先生致谢。
    4 参看张星烺编注、朱杰勤校订:《中西交通史料汇编》,北京:中华书局,2003年版,第164页。
    4 在公元6至7世纪之交西突厥帝国(阿波系)处罗可汗控制着今天山的裕勒都斯河谷至楚河之间的地区,而西突厥(室点密系)射匮可汗则控制着楚河以西、以南至锡尔河一带,参看吴玉贵:《突厥汗国与隋唐关系史研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998年版,第30页、130页。
    1 参看余太山:《嚈哒史研究》,济南:齐鲁书社,1986年版,第105页。
    1 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,pp.113-115.
    2 据弥南德记载。在公元576年拜占庭使臣瓦伦丁出使西突厥时,西突厥就对进出君士坦丁堡的道路了如指掌,“罗马人,你们为何引导我的使者穿越高加索山至拜占庭,同时声称没有其他道路可以通达?你们这样做,为的是想以高加索的险要地带阻止我进攻罗马帝国。但我很清楚达纳普里斯河流经处,……也知道我的奴隶瓦尔高尼泰人(Uarkhonitai)从哪里进入拜占庭帝国境内。”而这很可能来自于在君士坦丁堡突厥粟特商人的秘密报告。(Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,p.175.)
    3 Procopius,The Secret History,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,McMliv:William Heinemanm Ltd.,1954,pp.351-353.
    4 Etienne Dela Vaissiere,Sogdian Traders.a history,with an English Translation by James,Ward,Boston:Brill 2005,pp.230-231.
    1 参看[俄]B.A.李特文斯基主编、马小鹤译:《中亚文明史》第3卷,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003年版,第310页。
    2 裕尔著,考迪埃修订,张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第195页。
    4 转引自张星烺编注、朱杰勤校订:《中西交通史料汇编》,北京:中华书局,2003年版,第1053页。
    1 Menander:R.C Blockley.(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,pp.115-117.
    2 Mtiller,Fragmenta Histor.Graec.,ⅳ p.270,参看张绪山:《六七世纪拜占庭帝国对中国的丝绸贸易活动及其历史见证》,《北大史学》第11辑,北京大学出版社,2005年8月,第36页。
    1 Menander:R,C.Biockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,p.117.
    2 参看裕尔著,考迪埃修订,张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第171页。
    3 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,pp.121-123.
    1 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,pp.125-127.参看[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第174-176页。
    2 M.Whitby,The Emperor Maurice and his Historian.Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan Warfare.Oxford:1998,202ff.
    3 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA 17,Liverpool,1985,pp.171-173.参看[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第177页。
    1 Denis Sinor,"The Historical Role of the Turk Empire",JWH.(Journal of World History),Vol.1,No.2,1953,p.431.
    2 Menander:R.C.Biockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,p.171.
    3 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I.to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications,inc.,1958,pp.116-117.
    4 Menander:R.C.Bloekley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool.1985,p.173.
    1 参看[英]H.裕尔撰、[法]H.考迪埃修订、张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第178-179页。
    2 Menander:R.C.Biockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,p.175.
    3 Menander:R.C.Blockley(ed.,trans.),The History of Menander the Guardman,ARCA17,Liverpool,1985,p.179.
    4 参看吴玉贵:《突厥汗国与隋唐关系史研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998年版,第26-28页。
    5 参看陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年版,第415页。
    6 参看[法]沙畹著、冯承钧译:《西突厥史料》,北京:中华书局,2004年版,第218页。
    1 参看[法]沙畹著、冯承钧译:《西突厥史料》,北京:中华书局,2004年版,第217-219页,所引塔巴里《陋拔纪年》。
    2 参看王治来:《中亚通史》(古代史上),乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版社,2004年版,第201页。
    1 一个蚕吐丝可得到一粒茧子,一粒茧子从头至尾可以抽出一根长约800-1000米的茧丝,若干根茧丝同时抽出并利用丝胶粘着在一起,即缣丝,缣的丝线就是生丝。(参看赵丰:《中国丝绸艺术史》,北京:文物出版社,2005年版,第15页。)
    2 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.153.
    1 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,Vol.Ⅱ,New York:Dover Publications,inc,1958,p.3.
    2 阿尔塔沙特(Artaxata)后来被杜比沃(Dobius)取代成为亚美尼亚的丝绸市场。Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.153.
    3 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.159.
    4 M.F.Hendy,Studies in the Byzantine Monet.ary Economy,c.300-1450,Cambridge university press,1985,p.45.
    6 参看崔艳红:《古战争--拜占庭历史学家普洛柯比(战记)研究》,北京:时事出版社,2006年版,第95页。
    1 参看裕尔著,考迪埃修订,张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第182-183页。
    2 参看裕尔著,考迪埃修订,张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第197-198页。
    3 裕尔著,考迪埃修订,张绪山译:《东域纪程录丛》,北京:中华书局,2008年版,第185-186页。
    4 陈志强《拜占庭帝国史》,北京:商务印书馆,2003年版,第140-141页。
    1 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications,inc.,1958,p.325.
    2 J.B.Bury,History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian,New York:Dover Publications,inc.,1958,p.326.
    3 Irene M.Franck and David M.Brownstone,The Silk Road:A History,New York:Facts on File Inc.,1986,p.156.
    4 Ibid..
    5 Kommerkiarioi这个单词出现在6世纪,代替了comes commerciorum。Kommerkiarioi,是帝国任命的官员,一般由一些与王室宠臣关系密切的商人来担任,掌管着重要意义的贸易活动。政府给予他们垄断的权利,他们有权力从波斯、蛮族人那里采买生丝,然后再转卖给metaxarioi(丝绸手工业者)或者富裕市民和贵族等,当时的法令给予Kommerkiarioi转卖进口商品的权利。参看Angeliki.E.Laiou.Exchange and Trade,Seventh-Twelfth Centuries,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅱ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington,D.C,2002,p.706.
    1 参看[英]赫德逊著,李申、王遵仲、张毅译,何兆武校,《欧洲与中国》北京:中华书局,2004年第2版,第84-85页。
    2 参看[英]赫德逊著,李中、王遵仲、张毅译,何兆武校,《欧洲与中国》北京:中华书局,2004年第2版,第85页。
    3 Roberts Lopez,Silk industry in the Byzantine empire,Byzantium and the World Around It:Economic and Institutional Relations.London:Variorum Reprints,1978,p.12.
    4 Procopius,History of the Wars,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,vol.Ⅶ,Harvard University Press,1962,pp.227-231.
    1 参看徐家玲:《拜占庭文明》,北京:人民出版社,2006年版,第254页。
    2 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington,D.C,2002,p.159.
    3 Roberts Lopez,Silk industry in the Byzantine empire,Byzantium and the World Around lt:Economic and Institutional Relations,London:Variorum Reprints,1978,p.8.
    4 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington,D.C,2002,p.161.
    1 Angeliki E.Laiou,Exchange and Trade,Seventh-Twelfth Centuries,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅱ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington,D.C,2002,p.718,723.
    2 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.I,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington,D.C,2002,p.151.
    3 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire,284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.,Ⅰ Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.296,492.
    4 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire,284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅱ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,pp.1041-1042,1050,1051.
    1 Roberts Lopez,Silk industry in the Byzantine empire,Byzantium and the World Around It:Economic and Institutional Relations,London:Variorum Reprints,1978,p.5.
    2 Procopius,The Secret History,with an English Translation by H.B.Dewing,McMliv:William Heinemanm Ltd.,1954,p.301.
    3 T.Frank,The Edict of Diocletian:An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome.Vol.5.London,1940,p.20,23,24;Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington D.C,2002,p.165.
    4 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington,D.C,2002,p.151.
    5 Liu Xinru,"Silks and Religions in Eurasia,c.A.D.600-1200",JWH.(Journal of World History),Vol.6,No.1,1995,p.35.
    6 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles.Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.Washington,D.C,2002,p.161.
    1 Anna Muthesius,Studies in Silk in Byzantium,London:The Pindar Press,2004,p.29.
    2 Liu Xinru,"Silks and Religions in Eurasia,c.A.D.600-1200",JWH.(Journal of World History),Vol.6,No.1,1995,p.27.
    3 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington D.C,2002,p.153,157.
    4 Anna Muthesius,Studies in Silk in Byzantium,London:The Pindar Press,2004,p.278,281.
    1 J.F.Haldon,Byzantium in the Seventh Century the Transformation of a Culture,Cambridge university press,1990,p.26.
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅰ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.847.
    3 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.140.
    4 Muthesius,Anna Essential Processes,Looms,and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,Washington,D.C,2002,p.162.
    5 Engels Donald,Roman Corinth:An Alternative Model for the Classical City,Chicago:University of Chicago,1990,p.121.
    6 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.141.
    7 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅱ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.1039.
    1 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic.and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅱ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.826,pp.865-870.
    2 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅱ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,p.1039.
    3 Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.281.
    1 A.H.M.Jones,The Later Roman Empire 284-602:a Social,Economic,and Administrative Survey,Vol.Ⅱ,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986,pp.1045-1046.
    2 在马尔西安(450-457)时期国家的财政预算是7800 000诺米斯玛(Nomismata),在阿纳斯塔修斯后期预算达到8 500 000,在公元540年,查士丁尼的预算达到11 300 000诺米斯玛。Warren T.Treadgold,A History of the Byzantine State and Society,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997,p.276.
    3 Anna Muthesius,Essential Processes,Looms and Technical Aspects of the Production of Silk Textiles,Angeliki E.Laiou,Editor-in-Chief,The Economic History of Byzantium:From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century,Vol.Ⅰ,Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington,D.C,2002,p.160.
    4 Meyer Reinhold,The History of Purple as a Status Symbol in Antiquity,Brussels:Latomus,1970,p.8.
    5 Roberts Lopez,Silk industry in the Byzantine empire,Byzantium and the WorldAround It:Economic and Institutional Relations,London:Variorum Reprints,1978,p.9.
    6 Liu Xinru,"Silks and Religions in Eurasia.c.A.D.600-1200",JWH.(Journal of World History),Vol.6, No.1,1995,p.35.
    1 Procopius,History of the Wars,with a English translation by H.B.Dewing,Harvard:Harvard University Press,1996,p.297.
    2 Adele La Barre Starensier,"An Art Historical Study of the Byzantine Silk Industry"(Ph.D.diss.,Columbia University,1982),p.297.
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