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The Convention of the United States in 1787 designed by the Government requires a strong and effective government,which is required to protect the rights of the people of the government so that government power is defined in the so-called "We,the people of the United States of America" established by the Constitution permits.As a result,from the modern point of view,the U.S.government there is a dual system of separation of powers, Madison and Hamilton may be the point of view is correct,that is,in the Convention by building a system of government,to hand over the people of First of all,the power to the two different governments,and then the government's share of that portion of the power and then distributed to a number of discrete departments.……Two governments will control each other,at the same time the government has control of their own.The former is the separation of powers and control of the federal system,which reflected the principle of federalism,two of the so-called government,that the National Government and state governments;the latter is the separation of powers and control of the federal government and state governments within the separation of powers,That the United States Government National and state governments to implement the legislative,judicial and executive power of the separation of powers and checks and balances system.
     This article is the core content of the above,so as to the Convention as the background to explain on the United States of America and the founding fathers of the Convention on how the design has not only reflected in the federal separation of powers and checks and balances can also integrate into the various government,As well as the design of such a government with the aim of what.His style is described as in the debate to choose the form of government, the West is ripe for the use of legal philosophy,political philosophy and the philosophy of the Constitution the theory and principles of the United States of America explained how the founding fathers to build a limited government,and the design of the legitimacy of the government and Legitimacy.The United States of America on the external characteristics, recognized as the world's limited government,with its diversity and the characteristics of the multilevel nature;however,its inherent characteristics of the substantive and,federalism is mainly reflected in the government that is Vertical separation of powers and federal and state government departments and the separation of powers between the horizontal checks and balances.This article is the U.S.government has chosen the design of the two most important and basic characteristics of the United States the use of hers.The Founding Fathers in the Convention on the Government to design used as a theoretical debate on the legal and factual basis for the analysis of federalism in the United States that is,vertical The separation of powers and the federal government's system of horizontal separation of powers.
     This article is divided into two.PartⅠ,It interprets the United States on the federal government and local governments between the vertical separation of powers,that is,the federal government and around the meaning of federalism,as well as the design of the essential character of the federal system of government is to explain the process.
     Chapterl It explains the United States on federalism constitute two key words-"State" and "Federalism",an analysis of American federalism and the basic meaning of the federal system in the United States at different times of the specific form of expression, and on the United States of the Federal Republic of The nature and characteristics.
     Chapter2 It states the United States on building a federalist system of government when all the practice,including the failure of the confederation system to the American Enlightenment,Virginia,the program has shown the main features of their fate,New Jersey's program as well as the desirability of New Jersey as an irreplaceable program Is how to fix Virginia's program,which reveals the founding fathers of the United States is how to construct a constitutional characteristics with the United States and the Federal Government.
     Chapter3 It explains the United States to explain the design of the Federal Government and the debate on the basic theory and its application.On paper at the center,to explain the Constituent Assembly of the United States designed by the federalist system of government the nature of the content,focused on the election of the Senate and the House of Representatives,the Senate and the House of Representatives seats and,as well as the allocation of the federal government and state governments the power to define the basic Issues,including whether the federal government has the right to deny state governments established by the legislative provisions of the supremacy of the Constitution.
     PartⅡ,it explains on the theory of separation of powers in the United States at different stages of development and changes,as well as the federal government in the United States in the internal hierarchical structure,based on the constitution and laws of the various meetings to explain the rational debate on the U.S.federal government departments that the legislative branch,Between the executive and the judiciary,as well as between the two houses of the legislature is how to achieve the separation of powers and checks and balances.
     Chapterl It explains the United States on the horizontal separation of powers and checks and balances in the early practice,as well as the establishment and development of the theory.From three different points in time the United States on the horizontal separation of powers and checks and balances in the development of the colonial period that the development of the theory of separation of powers;confederation of state governments during the separation of powers and checks and balances and changes in the development of the theory;the Convention and the United States of America foundation Period of separation of powers and checks and balances theory,the U.S.federal government reveals the horizontal separation of powers theory has gone through the separation of powers from the purely theoretical to the separation of powers theory of a balanced system of government theory of the development process.
     Chapter2 It explains of the United States on the separation of powers and checks and balances of the three main characteristics of the internal division that the United States horizontal separation of powers checks and balances in the government the power system and reflects the three main Stratified.On the sovereignty of all,the horizontal separation of powers and checks and balances in the exercise of sovereignty in the internal differentiation; on the exercise of power,the U.S.government of the three government powers in the division; on the decision-making process,the U.S.federal government reflects the three Different powers of the United States of America in the decision-making process of differentiation.
     Chapter3 It describes how the United States of America Dr.Sun Yat-sen in the legal debate on the design of horizontal separation of powers and checks and balances of the federal government.First of all,on the United States were in the constitutional separation of powers and checks and balances to build horizontal when the federal government's use of the theory, based on this analysis of the U.S.federal government checks and balances and separation of powers by involving the main aspects,namely the Senate and the House of Representatives The separation of powers between the checks and balances and mutual problems in the design and the process of debate;Congress and the president and federal judges and the separation of powers between the checks and balances in the design and the process of debate,that is,the design of the system of impeachment;constraints of the Federal President on the Congress of the system and building a course of the debate,that is,the system of legislative review;the course of the debate and constructing the constraints of the federal judiciary on Congress and President,as well as in the United States after the founding of the federal judiciary through judicial interpretation and case law to establish a system of judicial review,thereby effectively restricting the construction of the Congress and the president's guard unit.
    2 Robert Dahl,How Democratic Is the American Constitution? New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2002,pp.8-40.
    10 麦迪逊相信重大历史的参与者,无论做出了多少贡献或具有多么渊博的知识,都绝无可能写出一部客观的历史。“这是人类历史的不幸”。参见[美]杰克·N·雷克夫,前注7,第1-2页。
    11 凯森琳·敦肯·鲍恩:《制宪风云:美国立宪奇迹》,孙北堂译,台北:联经出版事业公司,1995年版,第36页。
    12 1Farrand,Records,Introduction,ⅹⅰ-ⅹⅹⅴ.
    13 Id.ⅹⅱ.
    24 托马斯·杰斐逊1787年12月20日致詹姆斯·麦迪逊的信。同上注,第415页。
    27 Alexander Hamilton,John Jay and James Madison:The Federalist,The Modern Library,New York.1982:240;46;294.
    30 本文使用“State”在1789年美利坚合众国全国性联邦政府成立之前意指“邦”;而在1789年美利坚合众国全国性联邦政府成立之后意指“州”。
    32 Aheodore D.Woolsy,Introduction to the Study of International Law §36,at 34(5~(th) ed.1878).
    33 John.Salmond,Jurisprudence,at129(Glamille.L.Williams ed.,10thed.1947).
    34 J.L.Brierly,The Law of Nations,at118(5~(th) ed.1955.
    37[美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,王建勋译,上海:上海三联书店,2003年版,第73页。Martin Diamond,What the Framers Meant by Federlism,Rebert A.Goldwin ed,A Nation of State,2d ed.(Chicago Rand McNally,1974).
    38 同上注。
    39 同上注,第74页。
    40 其实,戴蒙德的观点仍然不可信。因为制宪会议上,坚持国家主义观点的代表们非常清楚邦联与即将构建的联邦政府之间的区别,尤其是麦迪逊研究历史上存在过的邦联,更清楚地意识到拟议的联邦政府与邦联之间的本质不同。坚持邦权的代表从1787年6月20日之后对邦联和联邦政府之间的区别是明确的。在《联邦党人文集》汉密尔顿是故意把邦联和联邦混用,以便使纽约邦人民在不明真相时批准宪法,参见梅森和雅茨的纪录和信件就能证明这一点。 戴蒙德也认为汉密尔顿在《联邦党人文集》混用两词是故意的。
    42 《联邦党人文集》作者所撰写的各篇政治短论文,必须注意听众,即纽约州的公民,而且必须考虑写作的目的,即为纽约州批准宪法提供舆论支持,所以《联邦党人文集》的作者使用含混不清的语言故意混淆主权归属就具有最大的可能性,使纽约州人民认为州主权仍然存在并具有重要性,从而批准拟议中的宪法。
    43 同上注。
    44 同上注,第75页。
    46 Thodore D.Woolsey.supra note 31,108,at173.
    47 同上注。
    51 South Carolina V.United States,199U.S.437,448(1905).
    52 Harry N.Scheiber,American Federalism and the Diffusion of Power:Historical and Contemporary,9U.Tol.L.Rev.619(1978).
    53 Robert A.Schapiro & WilliamW.Buzbee,Unidimensional Federalism:Power and Perspective in Commerce Clause Adjudication,88Cornell L.Rev.1199,1209-16(2003).
    54 Hodel V.Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Ass'n,452U.S.264,276(1981).
    55 Robert A.Schapiro,Toward a Theory of Interactive Federalism,91 Iowa L.Rev.243,250-251(2005).
    56 Id.at 290-293(2005).
    57 United States V.Lopez,514U.S.549,576(1995).New York V.United States,505U.S.144,168(1992).
    58 Black's Law Dictionary,Bryan A.Garner ed.8~(th).,at1178.
    61 同上注,第49页。
    62[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第76页。1Farrand,Records,at 135-136.
    67 《联邦党人文集》第70篇,参见克林顿·洛希特编《联邦党人文集》,纽约:新美国图书社,1961年版,第432页。
    73 F·H·Hinsley,Sovereignty,2d ed.(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986),at 26.
    74 汉密尔顿在纽约州的演讲词。Jonathon Elliot,The Debates in the United States Convention on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution as Recommended by the General Convention at Philadephia in 1787(Charlotteville:Mithie and Co.1846),VoⅡ.at 356.
    75 Journal of Congress,12,165.
    76 华盛顿致邦联国会的信。Id.
    77 Alexande Hamilton,The Federalist,1982:297.
    78[美]马丁·B·希克曼:《两面君主:麦迪逊的中立立场》(Double Majesty:Madison's Middle Ground),载达尔姆斯·H·纳尔逊和理查德·L·斯科拉编:《走向人本主义的政治科学》(Toward a Humanistic Science of Politics),拉纳姆,MD:美国大学出版社,1983年版,第361页,第375页。同时,参见Madison,James.works,Ⅳ,Combridge University 1999,at 394.
    79 Id.at420-421.
    80 Id.at 61.
    81 Id.at 420-421.
    82 Frederick Grime在其《自治组织的特性和属性》中主张“我们称主权不可转让或不可分割时实际上是对主权施加了限制,这种说法是自相矛盾的。”他认为在美利坚合众国,主权在“各州的联合”(States United)和单个州之间进行分割。Fredrick Grimke,Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions,3~(rd) edit.1871(1~(st) 1848)519-520.
    83 Nathaniel Chipman,Priciples of Government,1833,142ff.
    84 2 Dallas,435.参见[美]斯坦利·I·库特勒编:《最高法院与宪法:美国宪法史上重要案件选读》,朱曾汶 等译,北京:商务印书馆,2006年版,第5页。
    85 Cherokee Nation vs.Georgia,5Peters,at 26.
    86 托克维尔在《论美国的民主》中阐述了美国主权分割学说,虽然存在公认的障碍,托克维尔似乎接受了美国主权在中央和地方团体之间进行分割的观念。参见[法]亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,由乔治·劳伦斯翻译,伦敦:方坦纳,1995年版,第54页。托克维尔认为存在着两个独立的主权,联邦的主权——“一个抽象的存在,与少数外部目标有关”;各州的主权“可以为人所感知,容易理解而且经常是能动的”。换言之,美国的人民主权在于各州,而不在于联邦。同注,第61页,第143页,第164页,第166页,第167页。
    87 同上注,第164页。
    88 美利坚合众国的奠基者们深受中世纪宗教幽暗意识的影响,始终对人性出于黯然的理解,无论是对精英人物还是芸芸众生概不信任。
    89 Albert O.Hirsehman,The Passions and the Interests:Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1977),32.
    92 同上注,第43-44页。
    96[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第14页。1Farrand,Records,at 19-20.
    97[美]同上注,第22页。Id.at 34.
    98 弗吉尼亚方案指出:“邦联条款甚至并不高于各邦宪法,不像许多邦的宪法那样,经过批准手续”。1Farrand,Records,19.
    101 同上注,第114页。
    102[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第11-12页。1Farrand,Records,at 18.其实弗吉尼亚方案是麦迪逊的杰作。麦迪逊所拟定的弗吉尼亚方案具有国家性,即国家政府直接通过民众来行动而不是间接地通过各邦;确保国家政府的措施是为了公众的利益,它必须独立于邦政府的影响;赋予国家政府尤其是立法机关能保证“国家安全、自由和幸福”的必要手段,而不是列举其权力;联邦拥有否定邦立法的权力,并对邦立法机关予以监督。麦迪逊改革计划的总体目标在于使联邦政治上独立于各邦,各邦在法律上依赖于国家监督。
    103 同上注,第11-12页。
    106 《独立宣言》宣布:“在人事的进程中,当一个民族必须解除她与另一个民族的政治联系,而在世界列国中获得自然法和自然的神明所赋予他们的独立而平等的地位时,就有一种对人类意见的真诚尊重,要求他们把自己不得已而独立的原因宣告出来。”
    108 李道揆著:《美国政府与政治》(上),北京:商务印书馆,1999年版,第31页。
    109[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第28页。1Farrand,Records,at 48.
    111 同上注,第11页。
    112 Charles A.Beard,An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States(New York:Macmillan,1913;New York:Free Press,1986).
    113 制宪会议的前期,主要利益分歧出现在大邦和小邦之间:而众议院和参议院席位确定之后,主要利益分歧出现在南方种植园主和北方资产阶级之间,同时还有东西之间的利益分歧问题。即制宪会议的不同时期体现了利益的不同 分歧。
    114[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第15页。1Farrand,Records,at 20.
    115 弗吉尼亚方案的联邦性体现在上议院即参议院由下院从邦议会选出的被提名者中选出。这是弗吉尼亚方案具有联邦性的理由之一。
    116[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第96页。1Farrand,Records,at 177.
    117[美]同上注,第97页。1Farrand,Records,at 178.
    123[美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆,前注44,第42-44页。美国最高法院大法官路易斯·布兰戴斯认为,联邦制的一件令人愉快的事情是,如果公民愿意,单是一个有勇气的州就可以发挥实验室的功用,尝试社会和经济实验但不会给国家的其他地方带来风险。参见New State Ice Co.V.Liebermann,285 U.S.262(1932).按照此种观点,联邦制有利于局部地区的实验而不影响其他地区或整体。
    126 同上注,第167页。1Farrand,Records,at 336.
    127 同上注,第171-172页。1 Farrand,Records,at 340-341.
    129[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第132-133页。1Farrand,Records,at 251-252.
    130 同上注,第138页。1Farrand,Records,at 260.
    131 同上注,第135页。1Farrand,Records,at 255.
    132 同上注,第133-134页。1Farrand,Records,at 253-254.
    133 “三院”主要指众议院、参议院和由总统与司法官员组成的立法复决会议。
    134[美]麦迪逊,前注1.第131-132页。1Farrand,Records,at 251-252.
    135 同上注,第153-156页。1Farrand,Records,at 316-320.
    137[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第159页。1Farrand,Records,at 319.
    139 汉密尔顿语。[英国]阿克顿,前注27,第284-284页。
    140 1831年麦迪逊语。转引自同上注,第231页。
    142[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第27-28页。1Farrand,Records,at 48-49.
    143 同上注,第73页。Id.at132-133.
    144 同上注,第74页。Id.at134.
    145 同上注,第28页。Id.at49.
    152 同上注,第203页。Id.at404.
    153 陈志瑞、石斌编:《爱德蒙·伯克读本》,北京:中央编译出版社,2006年版,第86-90页。
    154[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第83-84页。1Farrand,Records,at 152-153.
    155 英语原文为:neither wholly national nor wholly federal.
    156[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第195-201页。1Farrand,Records,at 398-403.
    157 1913年宪法修正案第17条对参议院选举进行了修改,即“合众国参议院由各州人民选举参议员2名组成,参议员任期6年,各有一票表决权。这种修改仍然在一定程度上保持了制宪会议所制定宪法的规定,参议员不仅代表各州,而且也代表各州的人民。
    158[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第304-305页。1Farrand,Records,at 580.
    167 同上注,第242页。Id,at468-469.
    168 同上注,第77-78页。Id.at137-138.
    169 同上注,第77页。Id.at137.
    170 Lutz,1988,53-58.转引自[美]斯科特·戈登,前注15,第409页。
    172[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第88页。1Farrand,Records,at 164.
    173 同上注,第90页。Id.at166.
    174 同上注,第88-89页。Id.at164-165.
    178 资料来源:Pew人民与新闻业研究中心:《Pew关于价值的最新报道:美国人的社会信仰,1997—1998年》,1998年4月。转引自,同上注,第90页。
    184 同上注。
    185 同上注。
    186 同上注。
    189 P·H·Spurlin,Montesquieu in America,1760-1801,Baton Rouge,1940.《美国制宪会议记录》和《联邦党人文集》表明:孟德斯鸠对美国制宪会议代表产生了重要影响。
    190 BFWright,Jr.,"The Origins of the Separation of Powers in America",Economica,1933(5),at 171.
    191 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the Continental Congress,Philadeiphia,1774,at 74-76.
    192 Pennsylvania Evening Post,1776-11-9.
    193 Winthrop's Journal,James Savage.ed.,Boston,1853,Vol.Ⅱ.at282.
    194 The Records of Massachusetts,Boston,1853,Vol.Ⅱ,at92.
    195 Id.at92-93,95.
    196 Id.at86.
    197 A Vindication of the Government of New England Churchs,Boston,1717.
    198 Give Cesar His Due,New London,1738.
    199 To the People of North American on the Different Types of Government,American Archives,Peter Force,ed.,1843,Re,Ⅳ,Vol.Ⅴ,at180-183.
    200 English Historical Documents,Vol.Ⅸ,at261.
    201 The Administration of Colenies,2ed.,1765,at49.
    202 Bailyn,1967,55f.转引自注15,第410页。
    204 托克维尔认为:“文明人已在试建基础的全新的社会,并首次应用当时人们尚不知道或认为行不通的理论去使世界呈现出过去的历史没有出现过的壮观。”我想,托克维尔所论述“应用当时人们尚不知道或行不通的理论”大概就是指构建美利坚合众国的分权与制衡理论,这种理论当时在欧洲已不是严格地加以应用,当美利坚民族独立之后,必须针对民情设计政府模式,应用欧洲成熟的法政治哲学理论是必然的,但又不能一成不变地加以应用。因此,美利坚合众国所应用的分权与制衡理论一定是独特的美利坚民族的运用理论。参见[法]托克维尔,注47,第29页。
    205 The Genuine Principle of the Ancient Saxon or English constitution,Philadelphia,1776,at75.
    206 Id.at19-20.
    207 Id.at21.
    208 To the Several Battalions of Military Association in the Province of Pennsylvania,Phialadelphia,1776-6-26.
    210 Wright,1949,9.[美]斯科特·戈登,注15,第410页。
    211 Centinel I,2.7.7.转引自[美]赫伯特·J·斯托林:《反联邦党人赞成什么:宪法反对者的政治思想》,汪庆华译,北京:北京大学出版社,2006年版,第103-104页。
    212 Letters to Richard Henry Lee,15Nov.1775,Works,Boston,1865,Vol.Ⅳ,at186.
    217 同上注。
    218 Adams'Works,Vol.Ⅳ,at230.转引自同上注,139页。
    219 Result of the Convention of delegates,Newbury-port,1778,at195.
    220 Id.at196.
    221 Remarks on the Proposed Plan of a Federal Government,"Aristides",Annapolis,1788,at13,40.
    222 The Records of the federal Convention of 1787,Max Farrand,New Haven,1937,Vol.1.at77.
    224 Commentaries on the Constitution of United States,Philadelphia,ReprintLondon,1792,at38.
    225 Id.at 40.
    226 Id.at51.
    227 Id.at52.
    229 “麦迪逊式的民主的一面”是指“分权与制衡思想”,而“麦迪逊式的民主的另一面”是指构建一种制约作为人民代议机构的立法机关的立法复决委员会或立法复决会议,由民选的行政官和非民选的联邦法院法官组成,否决国会不适当的或非法的立法,防止人民的代议机构把自己的意志强加给“我们,美利坚合众国人民”身上。
    231 同上注,第2页。
    232 同上注,第4页。
    233 同上注,第5页。
    234 同上注,第6页。
    235 《在若干次全国会议就采纳联邦宪法展开的争论:联邦宪法是由1787年费城全国会议与联邦会议通报同时被提议的》,乔纳森·埃利奥特编辑(第二版,Philadelphia:Lippincott,1941),第五卷,第203页。
    236 同上注,第五卷,第204页。
    237 同上注,第四卷,第204页。
    238 The Federaist,1982:48,323.
    239 Id.at322.
    240 Id.at324.
    242 The Federalist,1982:47,313.
    244 同上注,第16页。
    246 同上注,第263页。
    247 同上注,第264页。
    248 威廉·B·戈文的“分权与民主政府的现代形式”,载《分权——它还管用吗?》,罗伯特·戈德温和阿特·卡夫曼编。(华盛顿特区:美国企业协会,1986年)第83-84页。
    249 Cecelia Kenyon,The Antifederalists,LXXX.转引自[美]赫伯特·J·斯托林,前注195,第103页。
    250 Principles of Government:A Treatise on Free Institutions includingthe Constitution of the United States,Burlington,1833,at165a and behind 188.
    251 Id.at 237.
    257 同上注,第89页。
    259 同上注,第247-248页。
    262 《国家审判》,第15卷,第61页。转引自[英]阿克顿,前注27,第156-157页。
    263 《英国史》,第5卷,第75页。同上注。
    264 《英国史》,第4卷,第2页。同上注。
    265 洛克,前注252,第160页后。
    266 Stephen M.Griffin,American Constitutionalism,From Theory to Poolitics(Princeton University Press,1996),p19.
    271 同上注,第256页。
    272 同上注,第248页。
    276 同上注,第299页。
    285[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第47、48页。1Farrand,Records,at 85,86.
    287 同上注,第380-381页。2Farrand,Records,at 60-61.
    288 同上注,第381页。2Farrand,Records,at60-61.
    289 同上注,第379页。2Farrand,Records,at59.
    290 制宪会议第一阶段确立总统任期6年。当宪法成稿之后,宪法第2条第1款第(1)规定,总统任期为4年。
    291[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第381-382页。2Farrand,Records,at 66-67.
    292 同上注,第669、701、702页。2Farrand,Records,at 550,551.
    293 同上注,第701、702页。2Farrand,Records,at 551.
    305 The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787,ed.Max Farrand,4 vols.(New Haven:Yale University Press,1937;reprint ed.,1966),1:97.
    306 Id.2:73.
    307[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第79-80页。1Farrand,Records,at 138-139.
    320 Planned Parenthood v.Casey,120L Ed 2~(nd) 674[1992],709.
    321 Federalist,1982:78,525.
    322 Federalist,1982:81,543(405).
    323 Wills Garry,Explaining America:The Federalist,1981,London:Athlone Press,at 130-150.
    324 Federalist,1982:81,at 545-546.
    325 麦迪逊和威尔逊主张设立宪法审查委员会,在制宪会议中称之为“第三院”,即相对于“第一院”的众议院和“第二院”的参议院而独立地成为一院。同时,威尔逊在制宪会议中主张设立“立法复审委员会”,被称之为“第三院”。
    326 1787年8月15日,麦迪逊在制宪会议上提出:“所有提案,成为法律之前,应该既交给行政部门也交给司法部门,如果其中一个部门反对,议会两院需三分之二多数同意才能压倒,如果两个部门都反对,议会两院需四分之三多数同意才能压倒,使立法生效。”[美]麦迪逊,前注1,第530-531页。2 Farrands,Records,at298.
    327 Meyers,Marvin,ed.The Mind of the Founder Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison.Rev.ed.Hanover:University Press of New England for Brandeis University Press.1981,42-43.
    328 1 Farrand,Records,1982,3:424.
    329 Rutland,Robert A.,and Charles F.Hobson,eds,The Papers of James Madison.Vol.10.Chicagao:University of Chicago Press.1977,at12-18,41-43,102-103,205-220;Hobson1979.
    330 The Federalist,1982,49:340.
    332 同上注,第391-393页。
    333 转引自龚祥瑞:《比较宪法与行政法》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第111页。
    334 转引自曹绍濂:《美国政治制度史》,兰州:甘肃人民出版社,1982年版,第158页。
    335 1Virqinia Cases.转引自刘庆瑞著:《比较宪法》,台北:三民书局,1993年版,第15页。
    336 1 Va.Cases 20,78(1793).Emphasis in original.
    337 1 Va.Cases 20,36-37(1793).Emphasis in original.
    [51][美]爱德华 S 考文著:《美国宪法的“高级法”背景》,强世功译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1996年版。
    [57][美]Catherine Drinker Bowen著:《制宪风云:美国立宪奇绩》,孙北堂译,台北:联合出版事业公司,1994年出版。
    [79][英]戴维·赫尔德著:《民主的模式》,燕继荣 等译,北京:中央编译出版社,1998年版。
    [81][美]杰罗姆·巴伦、托马斯·迪恩斯著:《美国宪法概论》,刘瑞祥 等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1995年版。
    [97][美]托马斯·潘恩著:《美国危机》(The American Crisis),柯岚编译,上海:上海三联书店,2007年版。
    [98][美]杰克·N·雷克夫著:《美国制宪中的政治与理念:宪法的原始含义》(Politics and Ideas in the Making of the constitution),王晔、柏亚琴等译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2008年版。
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    [16]Fred W.Frendly,Matha J.H.Elliott,The Constitution That Delicate Balance,Landmark Cases That Shaped the Constitution(Random House,Inc.,1984).
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    [31]Wills Garry,Explaining America:The Federalist,London:Athlone Press,1981.
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