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The era of Ptolemy Ⅱ means the foundationalstage of the PtolemaicKingdom, which is from the unification of the hellenistic world to thedisintegration triggered by strongest forces. By researching on therelationship between Egypt ruled by Ptolemy Ⅱ and other hellenisticstates, I will discuss the foreign policy of Ptolemy Ⅱ and its influence ondomestic political affairs, economic and culture of Egypt.
     In the first chapter, I will introduce the formation and disintegrationof the empire of Alexander, and the political powers in the earlyHellenistic era. Although each power in the war of successor wants toreunify the entire Alexandria Empire, in fact, any political force cannotfirmly control such a vast country, which results in several coexistHellenistic kingdoms. Followed by analysing the despotism of thePtolemaic dynasty, the conclusion is that the foreign activities under thedespotism of the Ptolemaic dynasty, depending on the comprehensivenational strength, aim at meeting the demands of the economy andsecurity and expanding the political influence.
     The second chapter discusses the relationship of the main politicalforces among the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Greece and Macedoniaand the Aegean region. In order to maintain its sphere of the easternMediterranean, Ptolemy Ⅱ positively wines over his friends and strikeshostile foes. Firstly, Ptolemy Ⅱ is for Greek city states fighting withMacedon, and makes use of navy to dominate the islands near theAegean region. Secondly, Ptolemy Ⅱ keeps the balance of power inHellenistic kingdoms with the help of Epirus.
     Thirdly, Ptolemy Ⅱ attaches importance on the balance of power.Ptolemy Ⅱ fights against Antigonus Ⅱ of Macedon in order to maintainthe dominant position in Greece and the Aegean for a long time. In thethird chapter, I will discusse the relationship among the Ptolemaic Kingdom, Syria, and the states near Asia Mino and the Seleucid. For theregion of Syria, Ptolemy Ⅱ carries out the strict polices on political andeconomy. For small and medium-sized states near the Asia Minor,Ptolemy Ⅱ constraints on the these states by controlling the coastalareas. Meanwhile, Ptolemy Ⅱ respects their interests and demands,maintaining friendly relations with each other. Ptolemaic Kingdom andSeleucid Kingdom is full of the conflicts in many aspects. Through thefirst Syrian war, Ptolemy Ⅱ maintains his control of the coastal areas ofSyria and Asia Minor. Facing the disadvantage in the second Syrian war,Ptolemy Ⅱ makes use of marriage with Antiochus Ⅱ to make peace andbreak the alliance between Macedonia and the Seleucid kingdom,which lays a good foundation for Ptolemy ⅡI.
     The fourth chapter focuses on the expansion in Nubia and the RedSea coastal areas of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy Ⅱ defeats theSouth Kush Kingdom and controls Nubian after the expedition activities.The expansion of Ptolemy Ⅱ in the south ensures the safety of thesouthern Egypt and Ptolemy Ⅱ obtains mineral resources of the Nubianregion, which also guarantees that the Ptolemaic Kingdom can getenough elephants to establish the mumakil. Futher more, it does help toestablished the base near the Red Sea coastal, open up traffic lines toexplore the East African region and also promote the status of thePtolemaic kingdom in the East-West trade.
     The sorts of economic and cultural exchange prove that theHellenistic world has been a organic form, while the conflicts reflct thatthe three strongest powers will coexist in the Hellenistic world. The wisePtolemy Ⅱ follows this trend and takes the measures on military,economic, culture and religion field to expand his influence, which alsopromotes the East-West economic and cultural exchange andconsolidates the Ptolemaic Kingdom.
    2Tarn, Alexander the Great, Cambridge University Press,1948.
    1Polybius, The Histories, Translated by W. R. Paton, The Loeb Classical Library,1922-1927, vol.V, p.34.
    12Pausanias1.7.1.Johann Gustav Droysen, Geschichte des Hellenismus, F. Perthes,1833,1843.
    1W. W. Tarn,“The Battles of Andros and Cos”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol.29(1909),pp.264-285.
    23W. W. Tarn, Hellenistic Military and Naval Developments, Cambridge,1930.W.W. Tarn, Antigonos Gonatas, Oxford,1913, pp.216–217.
    1W. W. Tarn,“Ptolemy II and Arabia”, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol.15, No.1/2
    (May,1929), pp.9-25.
    2M. I. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of The Hellenistic world,1941, vol. I, p.29.
    3M. I. Rostovtzeff,“Greek Sightseers in Egypt”, TheJournal of Egyptian Archaeology, vol.14,No.1/2(May,1928), pp.13-15.
    4Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,1976, pp.11-24.
    John D. Grainger, Hellenistic Phoenicia, Oxford,1991, pp.40-105
    5P.W. Pestman (ed.), A Guide to the Zenon Archive, Leiden,1981, pp.172-173.Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,
    61976, pp.16-17.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    University Press,1941. pp.341-346; Marie-Thérèse Lenger,“Comment les Ptolémées ont-ils faitla loi dans les territoires non gyptiens de leur obédience?” Revue internationale des Droits del’Antiquité6,1959, p.219; Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic PossessionsOutside Egypt, New York,1976, p.24.
    1F. W. Walbank, A history commentary on polybius,3vols, Cambridge University Press,1985.
    3F. W. Walbank, The Hellenistic World, London,1992.
    2Brigitte Beyer-Rotthoff:“Untersuchungen zur Aussenpolitik Ptolemaios III”, Habelts
    3Dissertationsdrucke: Reihe Alte Geschichte,37, Habelt,1993.
    4H. W. Parke, History of Greek Mercenary, Oxford,1933.G. T. Griffith, The Mercenaries in the Hellenistic World, Cambridge,1935.
    12F. E. Adcock, Diplomacy of Ancient Greece, London,1975.
    3F. E. Adcock, The Greek and Macedonian Art of War, Berkeley,1957.J. A. O. Larsen, The Greek Federal States, Oxford,1968.
    4Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,1976.
    5Paul McKechnie, Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Leiden-Boston,62008, p.65.J. R. Hamilton, Alexander the Great, London,1973.
    1Paul McKechnie, Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Leiden-Boston,2008, p.39.
    23E. V. Hansen, Ten Attalids of Pergaum, Ithaca and London,1971.
    4G. M. Cohen, The Seleucid Colonies, Wiesbaden,1978.N. G. L. Hammond, Epirus, Oxford,1967.
    5S. M. Sherwin-White,“The Foreign Policy of Ptolemy IV Philopator”,The Classical Review,New Series, vol.28, No.2(1978), pp.308-310.
    12édouard Will, Histoire politique du monde hellénistique:323-30av. J.-C, Seuil,2003.Lionel Casson, Ptolemy II and the Hunting of African Elephants, Transactions of the AmericanPhilological Association, vol.123, pp.247-260.
    12P. M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria,3vols. Oxford University Press,1984.
    3Peter Marshall Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, Oxford Univ Press,1985.Giuseppe Giangrande,“review of P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria”, in The Journal of
    4Hellenic Studies,1974, pp.233-235.
    5S. Davis, Race-relations in ancient Egypt: Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Roman, Methuen,1953.S. K. Eddy, The King Is Dead, Lincoln,1961.
    1N. Lewis, Greeks in the Ptolemaic Egypt: Case Studies in the Social History of the Hellenistic
    2World, Oxford University Press,1986.
    3N. Lewis, Greeks in the Ptolemaic Egypt, Oxford,1986.Dorothy J. Thompson, Memphis under the Ptolemies, Princeton University Press,1988; KoenGoudriaan, Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt, Gieben,1988; Per Bilde, Troels Engberg Pedersen, Lise
    4Hannestad and Jan Zahle, eds., Ethnicity in Hellenistic Egypt, Aarhus University Press,1992.Günther H lbl, A history of the Ptolemaic empire, Routledge,2001.
    1Paul McKechnie, Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Leiden-Boston,22008, pp.193-207.J. M. Modrzejewski, The Jews of Egypt, Varda Books,2001.
    1Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,21976, pp.11-24; P.W. Pestman (ed.), A Guide to the Zenon Archive, Leiden,1981, pp.172-173.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. pp.341-346.
    12E. Badian, R. Sherk eds., Translated Documents of Greece and Rome, Cambridge,1983.P. J. Rholdes, The Greek City States: A Source Book, Edited and Translated, London: Croom
    4M. Austin, The Hellenistic Age, Cambridge,1981.
    5R. Bagnall, Greek Histocical Documents: the Hellenistic period, Scholar's Press,1986.Stanley M. Burstein, The Hellenistic Age from the Battle of Ipsps to the Death of Kleopatra VII,Cambridge University Press,1985.
    6M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest, A Selection ofAncient Sources in Translation, Cambridge University Press,2006.
    7R. S. Bagnall and P. Derow, eds., The Hellenistic Period Historical Sources in Translation,Wiley-Blackwell,2004.
    1Nina L. Collins,“The Various Fathers of Ptolemy I”, Mnemosyne, Fourth Series, Vol.50, Fasc.
    4(Aug.,1997), pp.436-476.
    12Arrian, Events after Alexander, Fragmente der griechischen Historiker,156F1,5.H. Bell, Egypt From Alexander The Great to The Arab Conquest, Oxford,1956, p.32.
    4The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge. Second Edition. Vol. VII, pt. I,1984, p.122.
    1A. E. Astin and F. W. Walbank, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, vol VII, Part1,Cambridge University Press1984, p.122.
    1Andrew Erskine, A Companion to The Hellenistic World, Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2005,p.105.
    2F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, Volume VII, Part1,Cambridge University Press1984, p.105.
    2Philip Sabin, Hans Van Wees, Michael Whitby, The Cambridge History of Greek and RomanWarfare, vol I, Cambridge University Press,2007, p.304.
    3Walter M.Ellis, Ptolemy of Egypt, Routledge,2001. p.55.
    1Diog. Laer.5.58.
    1阿格乌斯和克劳努斯都是托勒密一世与安提帕特之女欧律狄克的儿子。关于托勒密二世处死阿格乌斯的讨论请参阅Christian Habicht, The Hellenistic Monarchies: Selected Papers, TheUniversity of Michigan Press,2006, p.154.
    1Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander, III.5.7, trans. P. A. Brunt, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1976.
    2Walter M. Ellis, Ptolemy of Egypt, London and New York: Routledge,2001, p.8.
    3Walter M. Ellis, Ptolemy of Egypt, London and New York: Routledge,2001, p.30.
    1Roger S. Bagnall and Peter Derow, The Hellenistic Period: Historical Sources in Translation,Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2004, p.285.
    2L. Casson, Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001, p.137.
    1F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, Volume VII, Part1,
    2Cambridge University Press1984, p.68.Elias Joseph Bikerman, Institutions des Séleucides: ouvrage publié avec le concours del'Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, P. Geuthner,1938, p.47.
    1Leon Mooren (ed.), Politics, Administration and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman World:Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Bertinoro19-24July1997,Leuven,2000,pp.365-388.
    2Thomas G. Allen, The Book of the Dead or Going Forth by Day: Ideas of the Ancient EgyptiansConcerning the Hereafter as Expressed in their own Terms, Chicago,1978, pp.189–190.
    1Dorothy J. Crawford, Kerkeosiris: an Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period, Cambridge,1971, pp.5-38; Arthur M.F.W. Verhoogt, Menches, Komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris: the Doingsand Dealings of a Village Scribe in the Late Ptolemaic Period (120–110BC), Leiden,1998, pp.2133-146.Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, CambridgeUniversity Press,2006.
    1Willy Clarysse,“Toponymy of Fayyum villages in the Ptolemaic Period” in Mario Capasso and
    P. Davoli (eds), New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum (Lecce,2005),
    2S. Héral,“Archives bilingues de nomarques dans les papyrus de Gh ran” in Janet H. Johnson
    (ed.), Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and beyond (Chicago,
    1992), pp.149-157.
    3Sitta von Reden, Money in Early Ptolemaic Egypt from the Macedonian Conquest to the End of
    the Third Century BC, Cambridge,2007, pp.29-57; Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson,
    4Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, Cambridge,2006, p.8.Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, vol.2,
    1Cambridge,2006, p.45.Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, vol.2,
    2Cambridge,2006, p.87.Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, Cambridge,
    3vol.2,2006, pp.60–61.P.Zen.Pestm.30.10-15.
    3Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol, London,1915, p.11.
    4P.Rev.36, dated14June.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.404.
    5Herman De Meulenaere and Pierre MacKay, Mendes II, Warminster,1976, pp.173-177.
    6Günther Roeder, Die gyptische G tterwelt, Roeder1959, p.183.
    1F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, Volume VII, Part1,Cambridge University Press1984, p.153.阿塔巴是托勒密埃及的容积单位,1阿塔巴约等于40升。
    2M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    3University Press,1941. p.399.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.401.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.402.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    3University Press,1941. P.403.Glenn R.Bugh, The Cambridge Companion to the Hellenstic World, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,2006.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.287.
    3P. Cairo Zen.59001.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.332.
    1ke Engsheden, La reconstitution du verbe en égyptien de tradition400-30avant J.-C, Uppsala,2003.
    2Eleni Vassilika, Ptolemaic Philae, Leuven,1989, pp.27–38.
    3Herman De Meulenaere and Pierre MacKay, Mendes II, Warminster,1976, pp.173-177.
    (Urkunden II,28-54)
    12Blankenberg-Van Delden1969,4-7,16and21-56.New edition KRI II233,5-257,16and282,1-284,1.
    12Otto1960, II,28.Martina Minas, Die hieroglyphischen Ahnenreihen der ptolem ischen K nige. Ein Vergleich mit
    3den Titeln der eponymen Priester in den demotischen und griechischen Papyri,Mainz,2000.Urkunden II,81-105.
    1Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.73.
    2Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.9.
    3Diodorus, I,84.8
    4J.D. Ray, The Archive of Hor, Oxford,1976. No.3, verso, pp.18-20.
    5P.M. Fraser,“Two Studies on the Cult of Sarapis in the Hellenistic World”, OpusculaAtheniensia3,1960, pp.1–54.
    6P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, vol I., Oxford,1972, pp.227,263.
    7Martin Bommas, Heiligtum und Mysterium: Griechenland und seine gyptischen Gottheiten,Mainz,2005, p.25.
    8J.E. Stambaugh, Sarapis under the Early Ptolemies, Leiden,1972, p.25.
    1Christian Habicht, Gottmenschentum und griechische St dte, second edition, Munich,1970, pp.109-110.
    2Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.87.
    34P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria,vol.I, Oxford,1972, p.216.P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria,vol.I, Oxford,1972, p.228.
    5Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.73, pp.94-98.
    6P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria,vol.I, Oxford,1972, p.217.
    1J. Tondriau,“Princesses ptoléma ques comparées ou identifiées à des déesses (IIIe–Ier siècles
    2avant J.-C.)” Bulletin de la Société Royale d’Archéologie-Alexandrie (37,1948), pp.16-18.Dorothy Burr Thompson, Ptolemaic Oinochoai and Portraits in Faience: Aspects of the Ruler
    3Cult, Oxford,1973, pp.67,70,74.P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, vol I., Oxford,1972, pp.270-272.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.334.
    12Polybius, XVIII.55.Pausanias,1.7.1.
    1Theocritus, Idyll,17.86–90; SEG XXIX102,42-43.
    1IG XII,7,506.
    1Irwin L. Merker,“The Ptolemaic Officials and the League of the Islanders”, Historia:
    2Zeitschrift für Alte,1970, pp.149-151.,
    3IG XII,7,506.
    4IG XII,7,506.IG XI,4,559.
    1IG XI,4,1083.
    1Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,21976.p.39.Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,31976.p.40.Roger S. Bagnall, The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt, New York,1976.p.41.
    1Pausanias, I.36.4.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. P.394.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.171.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.333.Tod, GHI II, p.276.
    1Cf. SEG42.1663.
    1M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman Conquest: A Selection ofAncient Sources, Cambridege University Press,1981, p.210.
    1M. Rostovtzeff,“Greek Sightseers in Egypt”, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol.14,No.1/2(May,1928), pp.13-15.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.393.
    1Pausanias1.11.5; Plutarch Pyrrhus4.4.安提戈涅是贝雷妮丝与前夫的女儿,而并非是托勒密一世的亲生女儿。
    23R.M. Errington, A History of Macedonia, Berkeley,1990. p.149.Walter M.Ellis, Ptolemy of Egypt, London and New York,1994, p.55.
    12Pausanias1.6.8; Plutarch Pyrrhus5.1.
    3Dionyius of Halicarnassus19.8.1–10.5; Pausanias1.12.1; Justin18.1.1–11; Strabo8.7.1.Plutarch, Pyrrhus14.
    1Pausanias1.13.2–3; Justin25.3.5–8; Plutarch Pyrrhus26.
    1Plutarch, Pyrrhus5.1,6.3-4.
    1N.G.L. Hammond,“Which Ptolemy Gave Troops and Stood as Protector of Pyrrhus’ Kingdom?”,Historia,37.4(1988), p.405.
    1N.G.L. Hammond,“Which Ptolemy Gave Troops and Stood as Protector of Pyrrhus’ Kingdom?”,Historia,37.4(1988), p.413.
    1Paul McKechnie and Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, LeidenBoston,2008. p.93.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.396.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.395.
    1W.W. Tarn, Antigonos Gonatas, Oxford,1913.
    12Pausanias1.13.2–3; Justin25.3.5–8; Plutarch Pyrrhus26.Kostas Buraselis,“Ambivalent Roles of Centre and Periphery: Remarks on the Relation of the
    1Pausanias,3.6.4-6; Justin,26.2.
    12Christian Habicht, Athens from Alexander to Antony, Cambridge, MA,1997, p.142.Diodorus Siculus,20.37.2.
    1Austin, M.M., The Hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman Conquest: A Selection of
    2Ancient Sources, Cambridege University Press,1981, p.131.
    3A. J. B. Wace,“Laconia: Excavations at Sparta1906” BSA,14(1907/8), pp.149-158.Robert Garland, The Piraeus: from the Fifth to the First Century BC, London,1987, p.51;James L. O’Neil,“The Creation of New Dynasties after the Death of Alexander the Great”,Prudentia,32.2(2000), pp.118-137.
    12Pausanias,1.7.3.Barclay V. Head, Historia Numorum (second edition), Oxford,1911, p.434; H.A. Troxell,“The
    3Peloponnesian Alexanders”, ANSMN17(1971), p.73.Paul Cartledge and Antony Spawforth, Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: A Tale of Two Cities,Routledge,2002, p.35.
    12James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, p.72.
    5James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, p.111.
    6N. G. L. Hammond and F. W. Walbank, A History of Macedonia, vol.3, Oxford,1988, p.282.Plutarch, Agis,3.4.
    12W.S. Ferguson, Hellenistic Athens, London,1911, p.180.
    3Justin,26.2.9-11.Plutarch, Moralia,851F.
    12Pausanias1.1.1; Strabo9.1.21[C395].
    3Robert Garland, The Piraeus: from the Fifth to the First Century BC London,1987, p.51.
    4James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, pp.9-25.
    5James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, p.25.E. Vanderpool, J.R. McCredie and A. Steinberg,“Koroni: the Date of the Camp and the Pottery”,
    6Hesperia33(1964), pp.26-60.
    7James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, p.46.James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Princeton,1966, p.48.
    1William Scott Ferguson, Hellenistic Athens: An Historical Essay, Ares Publ,1974, p.181;Polyaenus4.6.20.
    1E.R. Bevan, The House of Ptolemy: a History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, London,1927, p.68.
    1Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.44; E.R. Bevan, The
    2House of Ptolemy: a History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, London,1927, p.69.Klaus Bringmann,“The King as Benefactor”, in Anthony Bulloch, Erich Gruen, A.A. Long andA. Stewart (eds.), Images and Ideologies: Self-Definition in the Hellenistic World, Los Angeles
    3and London,1993, p.19.
    5Polyaenus,4.6.3; Aelian Natura Animaliun11.4,16.36.William Woodthorpe Tarn, Antigonos Gonatas, Argonaut,1969, p.236.
    12Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.44.Ephraim David, Sparta between Empire and Revolution (404-243B.C.): Internal Problems and
    3Their Impact on Contemporary Greek Consciousness, Ayer Publishing,1981, p.139.Heinz Heinen, Untersuchungen zur hellenistichen Geschichte des3. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. ZurGeschichte der Zeit des Ptolemaios Keraunos und zum Chremonideischen Krieg, Wiesbaden,1972, p.191.
    12W.S. Ferguson, Hellenistic Athens, London,1911, p.180.
    3Athemaeus, Deipnosophistae5.46209E.
    4Plutarch, Moralia,545B3.Günther H lbl, A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Routledge,2001, p.44.
    1W. W. Tarn,“The Battles of Andros and Cos”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol.29(1909), p.
    1W. W. Tarn,“The Battles of Andros and Cos”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol.29(1909), p.2265.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.386.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, vol I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.127.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, vol I, Oxford
    3University Press,1941. p.131.
    4SEG I,363.Irwin L. Merker,“The Ptolemaic Officials and the League of the Islanders”, Historia: Zeitschrift
    1A. E. Astin and F. W. Walbank, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, vol VII, Part1,Cambridge University Press1984, p.440.
    2Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    3Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.20.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    4Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.48.Eugene Schweigert,“Greek Inscriptions”, Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of
    5Classic2al Studies at Athens,(Jul-Sep.,1940), pp.352-354.IG II,3425.
    12RIG,373; IG XII,5,1065; SEG I,363.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, vol I, Oxford
    3University Press,1941. pp.334-339.
    4JOA111,53ff (cited above, note1).
    5P. Cairo Zen.59036.Arthur Surridge Hunt and Campbell Cowan Edgar, Select Papyri II, W. Heinemann,1934, no.6410.Frank J. Frost,“Ptolemy II and Halicarnassus: An Honorary Decree”, Anatolian Studies, Vol.21
    7(1971), pp.167-172.
    8IG XII,7,5o6, line4. Polyb. V,35, I I.SEG I,363.
    1Irwin L. MerkerReviewed,“The Ptolemaic Officials and the League of the Islanders”, Historia:Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd.19, H.2(Apr.,1970), pp.141-160.
    1Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    2Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.40.A. E. Astin and F. W. Walbank, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, vol VII, Part1,
    Cambridge University Press1984, p.72; William J. Tait (eds.), Greek and Demotic Texts from the
    3Zenon Archive, Brill,1980, pp.137-141.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    4Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.39.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.40.
    1A. E. Astin and F. W. Walbank, The Cambridge Ancient History, Second Edition, vol VII, Part1,
    2Cambridge University Press1984, p.74.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. P.140.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. P.153; P.Cairo Zen.59037.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    3Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.22.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the EarlyHellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.29.
    1Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the EarlyHellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.34.
    2Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
    3Hellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, p.55.
    4C.C. Edgar, Zenon Papyri,4vols., Cairo,1925-1931,59006,59015,58537.Martin Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the EarlyHellenistic Period, volume I, Fortress Press,1974, pp.43-44.
    1Paul McKechnie and Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, LeidenBoston,2008. p.172.
    23J.P. Peters and H. Thiersch, Painted Tombs in the Necropolis of Marissa, London,1905, p.21.
    4E. Oren and U. Rappaport,“The Necropolis of Maresha-Beit Govrin”, IEJ34(1984), p.149.
    5Amos Kloner,“Hellenistic Painted Tombs at Maresha” Michmanim14(2000), pp.7-16.Paul McKechnie and Philippe Guillaume, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Leiden
    6Boston,2008. p.178.Amos Kloner, Maresha Excavations Final Report I: Subterranean Complexes21,44,70, Jerusalem,2003, pp.
    1Günther H lbl,“Aussagen zur gyptischen Religion in den Zenonpapyri” in Mario Capasso
    2(ed.), Papiri Documentari Greci, Galatina,1993, p.29.
    3P.Cair. Zen. I59034.IG Fayoum II118,11-13.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.156.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, Oxford
    2University Press,1941. p.346.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.394.
    1Roger S. Bagnall and Peter Derow, The Hellenistic Period: Historical Sources in Translation,Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2004, p.52.
    1Donald B. Redford, From Slave to Pharaoh: the Black Experience of Ancient Egypt, Baltimore,2004, pp.38–57.
    1阿加塔尔齐德斯著作的部分内容保存于尼多斯的著作里,见Stanley M. Burstein (ed. andtrans.), Agatharchides of Cnidus: On the Erythraean Sea, London,1989.
    23FHN vol.2, no.78.
    4FHN vol.2, no.84.Stanley M. Burstein, Graeco-Africana: Studies in the History of Greek Relations with Egypt and
    5Nubia, New Rochelle,1995, pp.63–76.Ritner, Robert (trans.),“The Romance of Setna Khaemuas and the Mummies (Setna I)” inWilliam Kelly Simpson, et al., The Literature of Ancient Egypt: an Anthology of Stories,Instructions, Stelea, Autobiographies, and Poetry (third edition, New Haven,2003), pp.453-469.
    1Stanley M. Burstein, Graeco-Africana: Studies in the History of Greek Relations with Egypt andNubia, New Rochelle,1995, pp.97-104.
    23. Lisa Heidorn,“The Horses of Kush”, JNES56(1997), pp.105-115.Stanley M. Burstein (ed. and trans.), Agatharchides of Cnidus: On the Erythraean Sea, London,1989, pp.12-13.
    4FHN no.97.在一份3世纪的纸草断片里提及一个麦罗埃方面曾经袭击过托勒密王朝在阿斯旺附近的地区,这起事件应该发生在托勒密二世出兵努比亚之前。
    1Plin. N.H.vi.183。
    3FGrHist627F2.32; Ellen E. Rice, The Grand Procession of Ptolemy Philadelphus, Oxford,1983, p.98.
    45FHN no.112.Urkunden vol.2,119, line26; Eleonora Kormysheva,“Arkamani’s inscription from Dakke andits historical background”, Warsaw Egyptological Studies I: Essays in honour of Prof. JadwigaLipi’ nska (Warsaw,1997), p.360.
    12Strabo,16.4.7(C770).Stanley M. Burstein (ed. and trans.), Agatharchides of Cnidus: On the Erythraean Sea, London,31989, F57.M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.383.
    4Theocritus, Idyll17.86-87; Stanley M. Burstein, Graeco-Africana: Studies in the History ofGreek Relations with Egypt and Nubia, New Rochelle,1995, p.108; Richard Hunter (ed.),Theocritus: Encomium of Ptolemy Philadelphus, Berkeley,2003, pp.164-165.
    5Gertrud Dietze,“Philae und die Dodekaschoinos in Ptolem ischer Zeit” Ancient Society25
    (1994), pp.63-110.
    1Eleonora Kormysheva,“Arkamani’s inscription from Dakke and its historical background”,Warsaw Egyptological Studies I: Essays in honour of Prof. Jadwiga Lipi’ nska (Warsaw,1997),
    2pp.353-361.Eleni Vassilika, Ptolemaic Philae, Leuven,1989, p.132.
    3H.H. Scullard, The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World, Ithaca,1974, pp.188-189.
    4As preserved by Diodorus3.6; cf. T r k1992,555-561for his philhellenism. Date: Welsby1996,208.
    5Stanley M. Burstein (ed. and trans.), Agatharchides of Cnidus: On the Erythraean Sea (London,1989),8n.1.
    1Lionel Casson,“Ptolemy II and the Hunting of African Elephants”, Transactions of the
    2American Philological Association,(1974-), Vol.123,(1993), pp.247-260..Perdiccas: Diodorus18.33-34; Demetrius: Diodorus19.82-84.
    1M.M. Austin, The Hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman Conquest: A Selection ofAncient Sources, Cambridege University Press,1981, p.294.
    2; H.H. Scullard, The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World, Ithaca,1974, pp.126-137; LionelCasson,“Ptolemy II and the Hunting of African Elephants”, Transactions of the AmericanPhilological Association (1974-), Vol.123(1993), pp.247-260.
    34OGIS54lines11–14.Bion, FGrHist668F5.
    12Strabo,16.4.5(C769).Redmount1995. Carol A. Redmount,“The Wadi Tumilat and the ‘Canal of the Pharaohs’”,JNES54(1995), pp.127-135.
    3André Bernand, Le Paneion d’El Kana s: les inscriptions grecques, Leiden,1972, p.21.English translation: Naville1902-1903,21lines23-24. For a recent German translation seeRoeder1959,125–126. Cf. Bernand1972,9bis, for the graffito of a carpenter named Dorion whoaccompanied Eumedes, the founder of Ptolemais of the Hunts.
    1Steven E. Sidebotham and Willemina Wendrich (eds.), Berenike94-98: Preliminary Report of
    the Excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the Survey of the Eastern Desert (5
    vols., Leiden,1995–2000).
    Steven E. Sidebotham and Ronald E. Zitterkopf,“Routes Through the Eastern Desert of Egypt”,
    Expedition,37(1995), pp.39–52.
    2Fred W. Householder, Jr. and Donald W. Prakken,“A Ptolemaic Graffito in New York”, TAPA76
    (1945), pp.108-116; André Bernand, Le Paneion d’El Kana s: les inscriptions grecques, Leiden,
    1972, pp.13,18,42,44,47.
    3Stanley M. Burstein,“Ivory and Ptolemaic Exploration of the Red Sea: the Missing Factor”, ΤO
    ΠOΙ6(1996), pp.799–807.
    45Apud Porphyry, FGrHist260F42.
    6Appian Preface10.Polybius,5.79.2,82.7.
    1Polybius,5.84.3–7; Sir William Gowers,“African Elephants and Ancient Authors”, AfricanAffairs,47(1948), pp.173-180.
    23Strabo,17.1.5(C789).Huss ‘Die Quellen des Nils’. Werner Huss,“Die Quellen des Nils”, Chrég130(1991),
    4pp.334-343.Stanley M. Burstein,“Exploration and Ethnography in Ptolemaic Egypt” Ancient World,31
    (2000), pp.31-37.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.186.
    1M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Helenistic World, volume I, OxfordUniversity Press,1941. p.187.
    1Roger S. Bagnall and Peter Derow, The Hellenistic Period: Historical Sources in Translation, BlackwellPublishing Ltd,2004, p.42-44. Milet I3139.
    2Milet I3.122-126.
    1M. M. Austin, A Companion to The Hellenistic World, Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2005, pp.69-70; SEG9.1.
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